Twelvetide, Day 12: Join the Community

This is the twelvth part of a twelve-day series on my new year’s resolutions to become a better Mac admin. During these twelve days my book “Packaging for Apple Administrators” is on sale! (Previous Post: “Share and Blog”)

Probably the largest Mac Admin community is the Mac Enterprise mailing list hosted by PSU. This mailing list is mirrored on Google groups if you prefer that interface.

There is also the Freenode IRC # osx-server channel.

However, most of the chat community has moved to the MacAdmins Slack. You can request access to the Slack forum here. You will need the Slack application which is available for Mac and iOS. The Slack forum has several channels for different tools and topics. Slack has a nice help page that’ll introduce to the many options and terms.

My favorite Slack keyboard short cut is “shift-esc” which marks everything as read.

There is also JamfNation. While it obviously focusses on Jamf solutions, it is still a great place to search for generic resources and solutions as well.

Finally, many open source projects have their own mailing lists or forums. For example AutoPkg has a Google group. The Munki project even has two groups: one for general discussion and one for development. Read the project documentation for details. It is often worth searching the group archives for your particular problem before posting and issue against the project.

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author