Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2018-04-06

Lot’s of helpful posts by many admins to help with the 10.13.4 update. Thanks to all who share their experiences and knowledge.

There were two big Apple related news items. First Bloomberg had an article which states that Apple is planning to use the their own chips in Macs starting in 2020 (only two years from now). In an odd juxtapostition we also got an update on the progress of the new Mac Prowhich Apple now says will ship in 2019. (I can think of a few ways how this could work out. Some are good and some are… worrying… I may post on this at a later time.)

James Thomson (developer of PCalc (iOS, Mac and AppleTV!) illustrates this wonderfully in this tweet.

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#! On Scripting OS X

📰News and Opinion

2020 Macs

Mac Pro



🔨Support and HowTos

macOS 10.13.4 posts:

Charles Edge has continued his series of posts on how to replace macOS Server services:

🤖Scripting and Automation

🍏Apple Support

♻️Updates and Releases

🎧To Listen

  • I have been hugely enjoying Brain McCullough’s ‘Techmeme Ride Home’ podcast which gives you a 15–20 minute summary of tech related news for the day for your, well, ride home, or to work, depending on your time zone


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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author