These are the slides and notes to my presentation “Scripting Jamf: Best Practices” from October 1, 2020 at the Virtual JNUC 2020.
You may also want to watch my MacSysAdmin Online 2020 session on “Practical Scripting.”
Shell Environment and Configuration
Note: many of these are articles I wrote a while past. At the time bash was the default shell on macOS. However, since zsh is mostly compatible with bash, many of the examples and suggestions will work as well. I explain the differences from zsh to bash in my post series “Moving to zsh” and (in more detail) in my book of the same name.
- About bash_profile and bashrc on macOS
- On bash Environment Variables
- Configuring bash with aliases and functions
- Minimal Terminal Prompt
- Moving to zsh, part 2: Configuration Files
- Moving to zsh, part 3: Shell Options
- Moving to zsh, part 4: Aliases and Functions
Current User
Scripting root
Managing the Desktop Picture
AppleScript, Privacy, and PPPC
- Avoiding AppleScript Security and Privacy Requests
- Reading TCC Logs in Macos – Carl Ashley (Link goes to an archive pdf, search for the title)
- Coding Signing Scripts for PPPC Whitelisting – Carl Ashley (Link goes to an archive pdf, search for the title)
- Allowing Outset-run scripts to have access to user folders – Alan Siu
Profile Tools
MacAdmins Slack
I hope you enjoyed the session, and if you have any more questions or comments, then I am @scriptingosx on the MacAdmins Slack and Twitter.