Useful AutoPkg bash functions

Note: the version of these functions I posted originally were not safe for paths with spaces in them. I have updated them and now the should be.

I have added these functions to my .bash_profile and thought they might be useful for others as well.

alias reveal="open -R"

function recipe-open() { open "$(autopkg info $@ | grep 'Recipe file path' | cut -c 22-)"; }
function recipe-edit() { bbedit "$(autopkg info $@ | grep 'Recipe file path' | cut -c 22-)"; }
function recipe-reveal() { reveal "$(autopkg info $@ | grep 'Recipe file path' | cut -c 22-)"; }

Use them like this

recipe-open RecipeName.munki

recipe-open will grab the path to the recipe file and use open to open it with its default application. I have PlistEdit Pro assigned to open .recipe file extensions.

recipe-edit will open the recipe file in BBEdit, which doesn’t suck.

recipe-reveal will open the recipe in the Finder. The bash alias reveal for open -R is quite useful independent of autopkg.

Adapt for your own choice of editors.

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author