Update 1.4 for ‘Packaging for Apple Adminstrators’

One of the advantages of digital books is they can be updated like software. This is one of the motivations I had for choosing iBooks as the format for my books.

The latest update (v1.4) for ‘Packaging for Apple Administrators’ is now available in the iBooks Store. If you have already purchased the book, iBooks should notify you that an update is available. If you have not bought the book yet then you can get it now and future updates as well!

This is the largest update I have done on this book so far. It contains a few sections that I had wanted to be in the book, but had to leave out for one reason or another:

  • new appendix with a printable Command Reference List
  • minor layout and design updates
  • added screen shot for ‘Show Files’ in Installer.app
  • added instructions for the productsign tool
  • added section on Bundle Relocation
  • added quickpkg to ‘Other Package Builders’
  • added Jamf Composer to ‘Other Package Builders’

The largest new part is the section on Jamf Composer. Composer is the packaging tool from Jamf, provided as part of the management application suite (or as a standalone). Composer has some strengths and many issues. The new section will walk through the process of creating packages with Composer and discuss the strengths and weaknesses and when other tools may be more appropriate.

Another new section is the new ‘Packaging Command Reference’, which are two pages with the most commonly used commands for working with packages. The pages are also available as a PDF in the book’s resources so you can print them and keep them near your workplace for quick reference.

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author