Weekly News Summary for Admins – 2017-06-16

Late summary this week. I was traveling this week-end.

Also, I have finally caved and signed up for LinkedIn. Please, connect to me there and endorse or poke me or what ever it is you do on LinkedIn… 😉 Thanks!

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To support Scripting OS X, consider buying one (or both) of my books. Thank you!

If you have already bought and read the books, please leave a review on the iBooks Store. Reviews are important to help new potential readers make the purchase decision. Thank you (again)!

Published by


Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author

2 thoughts on “Weekly News Summary for Admins – 2017-06-16”

  1. Thanks for the updates!
    Is there a possibility to purchase your books in another format? I’d rather have them as a .mobi or .pdf as I must admit I’m not a fan of the iPad as a reading device. At all.
    Cheers, Andrei

    1. Thanks for your interest! There are many screenshots, screen capture movies and side boxes for scripts etc. in the books. Those are features that do not work well with other generic formats, so for now it is iBooks only.

      I am planning to experiment with ePub3 for future books, though not sure how well that will work with rich media.

      If you don’t like the iPad, you can open and read the books on iBooks for Mac. Since the books are designed as tutorials this actually makes it very easy to copy/paste commands and code snippets.

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