You may have noticed, I use Terminal a lot. As do many other Apple administrators. Personally, I like the Terminal to be non-flashy and out of the way with as little embellishment as possible.
That does not mean I don’t modify the standard Terminal settings. Over time I have actually modified them quite a lot and I thought it might be useful to share, what, how and why I changed them.
Of course the desire for minimalism is an entirely personal taste, but you can adapt these instructions to fit your tastes as well.
Window Settings
I use the ‘Basic’ window profile setting from Terminal app (Terminal > Preferences > Profiles) with a few minor changes. I use this trick to have randomly rotating light background colors. That way it is easier to find a specific session.
I have also changed the Terminal font to my monospaced favorite: Source Code Pro, 14pt.
The default prompt for macOS is quite elaborate:
Calypso:~ armin$
It shows the computer name, the current working directory name and the user name. As I described in this post on environment variables, you can change the prompt with the PS1
environment variable. I like to have a short prompt:
export PS1="\W \$ "
This will only display the current working directory name \W
and the prompt \$
(usually $
but #
when sudo
ed to root
). I have also added some control codes to color the directory dark gray and bold for some visual contrast. These codes are unfortunately quite illegible:
export PS1="\[\e[1;30m\]\W\[\e[m\] \\$ "
Different Prompt for ssh
This works great when logging in locally. However, I want to be able to tell the difference between shell windows on the local computer and those that are ssh
ed to a remote computer. You can check for that in your .bash_profile
or .bashrc
. The ssh
process sets the SSH_CLIENT
environment variable:
if [[ -z "$SSH_CLIENT" ]]; then
# local connection, change prompt
export PS1="\[\e[1;30m\]\W\[\e[m\] \\$ "
# ssh connection, print hostname and os version
echo "Welcome to $(scutil --get ComputerName) ($(sw_vers -productVersion))"
So if the SSH_CLIENT
variable is _un_set (if [[ -z
) then the prompt is changed to the short, colored prompt. Otherwise the default prompt, which shows the computer name and user as well, remains and I print a welcome message with the computer name (scutil --get ComputerName
) and the macOS version (sw_vers -productVersion
Of course, the .bash_profile
will have be installed on the remote Mac as well for this to work there.
You can test this by using ssh
to connect to localhost
Suppressing the ‘Last Login’
I also suppress the ‘Last Login: …’ message you get on every new session. You can do this by creating the file ~/.hushlogin
. This message can of course serve as a security measure, but only when you actually pay attention it.
The .hushlogin
file will also suppress the display of a ‘Motto of the Day,’ if present. (The contents of the file /etc/motd
If you still want to know when your account last logged in, you can use the last
command for a long list of logins or this command for just your last login:
$ last -1 $(whomai)
I am not new to Unix/Linux, but it’s been a few years. I have recently bought me a Mac and am working with Catalina. I used to do some shell programming, so… can’t help myself. And I found your page.
Not sure what I am7 not doing to get the prompt you show.
export PS1=”\[\e[1;30m\]\W\[\e[m\] \\$ ” gives me a prompt of
\[\e[1;30m\]\W\[\e[m\] \\$
Any hints? Thanks
The default shell in Catalina is now zsh not bash. Zsh uses different syntax to set the prompt.