Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2018-04-13

More ‘Spring Update Fallout’ this week. Users will now get warning when they launch a 32-bit app. Apple is updating older versions of OS X to install the High Sierra Installer app.

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I published the first “Weekly News Summary for Admins” a year ago on this blog. The email newsletter came later in June.

The summary now has a few hundred readers every week. They are split fairly evenly across the weblog and the email newsletter. I have gotten lots of friendly and grateful feedback both from reader and authors.

So, thank you, readers, for your attention, and thank you all the MacAdmin authors who are documenting and sharing their opinions and solutions for everyone!

If you enjoy the news summary, then you can do me a favor by recommending it to another Mac Admin, retweeting it on Twitter or sharing it on your favorite social media. Thank you!

(Now back to the normal program.)

📰News and Opinion

🐞Bugs and Security

🔨Support and HowTos

Krypted Server Migration Posts

Charles Edge is continuing his epic series of posts on how to replace macOS Server.

🤖Scripting and Automation

🍏Apple Support

♻️Updates and Releases

🎧To Listen


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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author