Still more articles (and bugs) from the 10.13.4 release coming in. Otherwise this has been a quieter week.
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#! On Scripting OS X
📰News and Opinion
- Last Week on My Mac: Apple’s calendar – Howard Oakley
- The View-Source Web – Brent Simmons
- Intel, Microsoft to use GPU to scan memory for malware | Ars Technica
🐞Bugs and Security
- Apple offers extended three year repair program for iPad Pro Smart Keyboards w/ sticking keys & other ‘functional’ issues – Jordan Kahn, 9to5Mac
- macOS 10.13.4 Causing Installation Log Failures – Adam Engst, TidBITS
- Helpless Help Menu – Indie Stack
- A Surreptitious Cryptocurrency Miner in the Mac App Store? – Objective-See
- Matthew Green“Guide to iOS estimated passcode cracking times (assumes random decimal passcode + an exploit that breaks SEP throttling): 4 digits: ~13min worst (~6.5avg) 6 digits: ~22.2hrs worst (~11.1avg) 8 digits: ~92.5days worst (~46avg) 10 digits: ~9259days worst (~4629avg)”
🔨Support and HowTos
- Comparing files: FileMerge, opendiff, and BBEdit – Howard Oakley
- Binding Macs to AD using Munki’s Configuration Profile support – Mike Solin
- Sync Cloud Content To Synology – Charles Edge
- Is Apple about to drop QuickTime, DVD and iWork support, and Compressor? – Howard Oakley
- serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps: 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. (great list of open source Mac Apps, this one in not restricted to Admin/IT)
- (beta) – Bryson Tyrell
- Jason Broccardo: “Need to kick it around more, but this might be useful for troubleshooting:
/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ApplePushService.framework/apsctl status | awk '/last full wake incoming push/ {print $6,$7,$8,$9}' | sort
Inspired by” - Keynote – showing off your code in presentations with Magic Move – Neil Martin
🤖Scripting and Automation
- Deploying iShowU Instant with AutoPkg, Munki and outset: Part 1 – Andrew Valentine
- Deploying iShowU Instant with AutoPkg, Munki and outset: Part 2 – Andrew Valentine
- Oracle Java 10 JDK and JRE installation scripts for macOS – Rich Trouton
♻️Updates and Releases
🎧To Listen
- Suffer Not a Jerk – Mac Admins Podcast
- What’s New in iOS 11.3: Podcast Edition with Russ Mohr & Aaron Freimark – Enterprise iOS
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