Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2018-05-25

Some interesting releases this week. Otherwise, you can tell that WWDC is approaching as the macOS/iOS wish lists are appearing.

In other news: I finished the first draft my next book “macOS Installation for Apple Administrators” and have sent it out the test-readers (thank you!). I posted an excerpt on my blog last week: macOS Installation: Strange New World

This topic has proven to be very volatile with Apple changing important parts of the workflows in nearly every update to 10.13. I don’t think this new book completely does the topic justice yet. There are many sections where I’d like to add more detail and depth.

However, I also believe it is already very useful in its current form, especially as ‘deployment season’ is approaching for education administrators, more secure boot Macs are likely to be announced at WWDC and the next macOS (10.14 or whatever) is looming on the horizon.

Like my other books, I plan to regularly update this book at least until the macOS 10.14 (or what ever it ill be called) release. When you purchase the book you will get the updates pushed from the iBooks Store for free.

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author