Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2018-09-07

This week most of the Mac Admin news was about the imminent “AEpocalypse” or the effect of the new privacy and security controls in macOS Mojave on scripts and applications that send Apple Events.

Also Microsoft changed the OS requirements for Office after they got much feedback from the community, including many admins. (So, yes, talking to your reps and filing bugs, does sometimes help!)

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On Scripting OS X

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macOS Mojave

MacAdmins on Twitter

  • Erik Gomez: “Most #macadmins have considered homebrew harmful for many reasons.… ” (Thread)
  • Uluroo: “Mac users: With the release of macOS Mojave on the horizon, let’s talk about the bits of macOS that haven’t changed in a while, that we’re surprised still exist, and that are fun little Easter eggs.” (Thread)
  • Caleb Coy: “#macadmins Slack team just hit the milestone of 20,000 registered members. Some will nit pick and argue that register != active. Frankly, I don’t care. This is pretty amazing.”
  • Jeremy Reichman: “User approval is definitely at the intersection between liberal arts and technology.”

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author