Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2018-11-10

Mac minis are real and being delivered to customers!

Apple sent out some updates for their Apps, Pages can now publish to Apple Books and iMovie on a new iPad pro can power a large external screen.

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MacAdmins on Twitter

  • James F: “Here’s a script illustrating how to use the #Jamf Pro API I made for my #jnuc2018 interactive lab ”Getting Started with the Jamf Pro API“”
  • Erik Gomez: “To help foster community help, effective today, UMAD and nudge have been moved to my personal GitHub and off the pseudo joke org I made when I developed the tools.”
  • mikeymikey: “Take the hint…”
  • Brian Stucki: “The documents for the new Mac mini were just released. Includes the Essentials, the Quick Start and the Info Guide. Also includes this picture of the Retina display that Apple should definitely make and sell.”

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author