Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2018-11-16

One of the promises at this year’s WWDC was that some high profile Mac apps would return to the Mac App Store. This week, part of that promise was fulfilled as Panic’s Transmit re-appeared in the Mac App Store.

For admins this news is bittersweet. Transmit chose subscription pricing for the App Store. Unlike App purchases, which can be managed with VPP, subscriptions and other in-App-Purchases still cannot be managed. Thankfully, Panic still offers the standalone app, for a fixed price, which can be managed by traditional means.

Don’t miss the MacAdmins podcast this week. I actually talk briefly about the process of building this very newsletter every week.

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  • Steve Yuroff: “Noting the steps needed to get a never-booted 10.14.beta for testing DEP and SecureToken behaviors. This isn’t fun anymore.”
  • Tim Perfitt: “When searching for something in Spotlight, if you press command-return when an item is selected, it opens the enclosing folder.”

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author