Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2018-12-21

Welcome to the last news summary of 2018. I will be taking off next week for the holidays. I don’t expect much will happen, but if it does, you will see it the first news summary of the new year, on (or around) January 4, 2019.

This was the first full year of the News Summary. I wrote 49 summaries this year. The number of subscribers more than quadrupled, which is both exciting and humbling. I am too lazy to whip up a script to get an exact count but that adds up to about 1500 links to tweets, articles, updates and posts.

I merely gather all these links. The summary would not be possible without something to summarize. My never-ending gratitude goes out to all the people who generously share their expertise and time in all these posts, on the different fora, and in person.

Thank you for writing, and thank you all for reading!

I hope you all get to enjoy a break for the holidays and New Year.

Happy Holidays and all the best for the New Year!

News and Opinion

MacAdmins on Twitter

  • Arek Dreyer: “macOS Support Essentials 10.14 Supporting and Troubleshooting macOS Mojave Exam Preparation Guide was posted! It’s posted at the bottom of the course description page, but here’s the direct link. https://training.apple.com/content/dam/appletraining/us/en/2018/documents/macOS_Support_Essentials_10_14_Exam_Preparation_Guide.pdf”
  • Carl Ashley: “Dear macOS software devs. If you build apps that trigger user consent prompts – aka TCC, please thoroughly document ALL affected binaries with the file path & what PPPCP payloads are required to make the prompts go away. Make this info readily available. MacAdmins will love you.”

Bugs and Security

Support and HowTos

Scripting and Automation

Updates and Releases

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author