This week we got great posts from MacAdmins on bash, snapshots, bootstrappr, MDS, Fleetsmith, Intune with Munki, AutoPkgr with Jamf Cloud and more.
I am always intrigued at how diverse the MacAdmin community can be. Of course, all our lives rotate around the Apple platforms, but the approaches and tools today are more varied than they have ever been.
Apple may be drastically changing how we deploy Macs, but there are so many tools, both open and commercial, that are being created to fill the gaps or improve on existing tools. It is an exciting time to be a MacAdmin!
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On Scripting OS X
News and Opinion
Support and HowTos
- Convert .pfx to .pem Certificates Using OpenSSL – EdTechChris
- Mounting Time Machine local snapshots as read-only volumes – Rich Trouton
- Entitlements: how apps get back what they’ve given up – Howard Oakley
- MDS Automaton Command Line Interface – Twocanoes Software
- Mac Deploy Stick Automaton – Twocanoes Software
gcloud kms encrypt
and newlines – Tim Sutton- Dealing with iCloud accounts on DEP-enrolled iOS devices – Alan Siu
- Configuring Chrome for Security and Productivity with Fleetsmith – Jon Xavier, Fleetsmith Blog (via Erik Gomez)
- uBlock Origin Admin Settings Deployment – Zack McCauley
- Deploying macOS Apps with Microsoft Intune — François Levaux-Tiffreau
- Using AutoPKGr with a Jamf Cloud Distribution Point – Darren Wallace
- No NetBoot, No problem: installr and bootstrappr – Mat X
- .smbdelete and the Cassandra Paradox – Richard Purves
Scripting and Automation
- Deploying Photo Mechanic 5 with Munki – Kevin M. Cox
- Wake Up Your Mac – Today I Learned (via Tim Perfitt)
- Referencing a PHP variable by using another variable as part of the name – Alan Siu
- Bash Startup Explained – zwischenzugs
- Updating bash and vim – Carl Ashley
Updates and Releases
- Recipe Robot 1.1.2
- BBEdit 12.6 (big changes due to sandboxing as they prepare to return to the Mac App Store)
- MDS 1.3 (formerly known as MacDeployStick)
To Listen
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