Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2019-07-19

Still a lot of fallout from the Zoom invulnerability. It took Apple three updates to MRT (so far) to eradicate all the differently branded varieties of the Zoom client web server. Makes me wonder how many Macs there were or are with multiple of these clients installed.

We also got new betas for 10.14.5 and 10.15 and the respective iOS versions. Some of the worst data-destroying bugs seem to be fixed or at least mitigated but I am still not comfortable moving my production devices to the betas. That’s what test devices are there for. I am getting quite excited about some of the features I have seen, both for end-users and administrators.

One of those features is that zsh will become the default shell for macOS. If you want to know what that means, how to transfer your shell configuration, workflows, and scripts from bash to zsh, and increase your Terminal productivity, we are doing a half-day training in Amsterdam on September 6. You can get more details and sign up on our webpage!

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On Scripting OS X

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Many,many thanks to Erik for his contributions to the Mac Admin community and I wish him all the best for the future!

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  • Timo Perfitt: “So it begins. We just signed up to be an MDM vendor. MDS DEP deployment coming soon.”

Bugs and Security

macOS 10.15 Catalina and iOS 13

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author