I introduced the Installomator script a while back. We have been using the script with our own Jamf Pro server and some of our customers.
Since I built the script, you’d think I’d have pretty good idea on how it should be deployed. But then Mischa van der Bent showed me a better way of using Installomater with Jamf Pro and I asked him to write it up for a blog post. Since he doesn’t have a blog of his own (yet), he has allowed me to post his instructions here.
Note: Installomator is designed so it can work with other management systems, too. If you have implemented Installomator with a different management system, let me know!
Everything that follows is from Mischa:
After you have downloaded or cloned Installomator from Github, you can run Installomator.sh
from the command line or from your management system:
> ./Installomator.sh googlechrome
The script requires a single argument: a label that chooses the application to download and install. (you can find a list of labels of applications in the Labels.txt
file in the repository)
Adding the Installomator Script to Jamf Pro
The first thing we need to do is create a new Script in Jamf by going to Settings > Computer Management > Scripts.
In the General section you can give the Script a Display Name. I called mine Installomator. Assign a category and add the link to the GitHub repository to the notes as a reminder of the source of this script.

In the Script section, paste the entire code from the Installomator.sh

Important: Change the DEBUG
variable from 1
to 0
for using Installomator in procduction, otherwise it will not actually install the new software.
The script requires a single argument and designed to use argument 4 from Jamf when present.
We can set the Parameter Label of parameter 4 to “Application name” in the Options section. This is going to be a reminder that we need to fill in the argument when we are creating a policy. You can leave the labels for the other parameters empty or fill in “DONT-USE” because the script does not use the other arguments.

We are done here and you can save the Script.
To make sure that we are targeting to the right devices with an older release version we need to create a couple of things.
I’m going to use Jamf Patch Management to determine the latest release version of Google Chrome. Jamf will check the version before publishing this into the Patch Management. And if the software title is not in Jamf default Patch Management list you can create your own Patch Management source and add this on to Jamf Pro. You can also join the community patch server.
Go to Patch Management under Computers > Content Management and create a New Software Title. We are going to use Jamf Repository. Scroll down the list and select Google Chrome.
The only thing we need to set here is the Software Title Settings and assign a Category. You can select the Jamf Pro Notification option to get emails when an update is posted..

Jamf Patch Management will query the inventory and list the clients where Google Chrome is installed and their versions. We now have the all the information we need!
Two Smart Computer Groups
Go to Smart Computer Groups and create a new one. I called this “Google Chrome not installed or out of date”
In the ‘Criteria’ section I add two criteria:
- Patch Reporting Software Title: after choosing this select the right report; for our example select “Patch Reporting: Google Chrome”
- change the ‘Operator’ to “Less than” with the ‘Value’ “Latest Version.”
- add a second line and Changed the AND/OR to “or” and for the second criteria I used “Application Title”
- change the ‘Operator’ to “does not have” with the ‘Value’ “Google Chrome.app”
This Smart Group will contain the clients where the application is not installed or is not up to date.

Unfortunately, we cannot use this smart group with a Policy. When you try you will get this error ‘Policy scope cannot be based on a smart computer group that uses the “latest version” criteria.’

But there is a work around:
- create a second Smart Group, I called this one “Member of Google Chrome not installed or out of date”
- in the ‘Criteria’ section add the criteria “Computer Group” changed the ‘Operator’ to “member of” with the ‘Value’ to “Google Chrome not installed or out of date”
The result is the same as the Smart Computer Group “Google Chrome not installed or out of date” but we can use this in a policy.

Let’s put all the bits and pieces together and create one policy that will install or update to the latest release version of Google Chrome. We also want to promote this in Self Service and we want to push this out as a mandatory update with a deferral duration of 7 days.
- go to Policies and create a new one. I called this policy “Google Chrome”
- use “Recurring Check-in as the trigger, and set the custom event value to ”googlechrome.” With the custom trigger name, we can use this policy in a script or can test with the terminal command
sudo jamf policy -event googlechrome -verbose
- set the ‘Execution Frequency’ to On-Going.
- add the Installomator script to the payload
- the Priority doesn’t matter, because there is no package, so leave it default ‘After’

- in the Parameter values you see that the first one is ‘Application name’ (which we set earlier). Set “googlechrome” as value.

I removed the payload “Restart Options” because we don’t need to restart after we install Google Chrome , we can leave it there, but I like to keep my policies clean.
We need to report back to the Jamf Pro Server that we just installed the latest version so we are going to add the payload “Maintenance” and enable “Update Inventory” (this should be enabled by default).
We are done with the payload and need to set the Scope:
- under target we add the Smart Computer Group: “Member of Google Chrome not installed or out of date”

Self Service
- enable “Make the policy available in Self Service”
- leave the Display Name the same as Policy.
- Button Name Before Installation: use “Install”
- Button Name After Installation: use “Update”
- give a Description to display for the policy in Self Service like “Install or Update to the latest release of Google Chrome”
- upload or select the Google Chrome icon for making the Self Service pretty (you can use the macOS Icon Generator app)

- under User Interaction we change the Deferral Type to “Duration” and use 7 days.
- we don’t need to set a Start or Complete Message (Installomator can notify on success)

Now, we can save and test the policy.
I tested this Policy with a couple of scenarios;
The first scenario is: no Google Chrome installed. Second: old version Google Chrome installed, notification for update, end user deferral, and later installation from the Self Service. Third: Google Chrome Beta is installed
The first scenario is easy, after running the policy latest version get installed.
In the second scenario I got prompted with the following message, and I submitted 1 hour.

I can’t install this update before the hour because I got this message in the jamf log “Policy ‘Google Chrome’ will not be executed because it was deferred by the user.”
The last scenario I installed the Google Chrome Beta version 84.0.4147.30, the latest version in Patch Management (for this moment) is 83.0.4103.61. This beta version registers as an “Unknown Version” and it will not fall into scope.
I can use this policy with the Installomator script to install the latest version on a clean machine, and I can push out an update (with a deferral time) to push a mandatory update in a polite way 😉
Because Installomator is checking the Developer Team ID of Google directly, I can be confident that it is the real installer from Google. So, we get security with less effort.
Interesting find, this criterium of ‘Patch reporting less than latest’ !
I noted that the policy as written above will force ALL users to install the software because the policy runs at each check in.
I suggest the following to use installomator in a policy to update only those that have an older version of the app using this method:
Change the smart group to:
Application Title has Firefox.app
AND Patch Reporting Mozilla Firefox less than Latest Version.
Do NOT enable Self service for the policy.
To make the software appear as Self Service Item:
Create policy as written above, but select NO trigger, Frequency ongoing, scope to smart group ‘Application Title has not Firefox.app’, with NO User Interaction.
We ended up setting it up as Maurits suggested and just discovered this post so thats exciting we’re not alone! 😀
Split into 2 policies per application
1) “Install AppName – Latest Version – Self Service + Enrollment / Custom Trigger”
-this can be called during OOB enrollment script, its set to Ongoing, and can only be called by a custom trigger. It’s also set up in Self Service. So it serves 2 functions. Users can self-install, and if we deem it necessary can call it during our DEP enrollment to install then as well.
2) “AppName – Install Current Version”
This is set to Ongoing and Check-In using the smart group “Application – AppName – Installed” as the scope. And then another smart group “Application – AppName – Latest Version” added to excluded.
We did not have deferrals set up properly and that’s why we ended up finding this post. So thank you so much for taking the time to publish we’re excited to remedy the instant patching when new updates drop outside of the designated check once an X time has passed 😀
Thank you all for your contributions!
Thanks a lot Mischa,
VERY useful 🙂