Installomator Updated: v0.3

It’s been more than a month since the last update, and while there has been work on the dev branch, I was quite distracted with other things (like this). The good news is, that there have been quite a few contributions from others! A huge thanks to all who helped make this a better script.

All it took was for me to find some time to put all the contributions together, which I finally found some time for.

What’s new in v0.3:

  • added several new labels for total of 98
  • removed the powershell labels, since the installer is not notarized
  • when run without any arguments, the script now lists all labels
  • changed how zips are expanded because this was broken on Mojave
  • improved logging in some statements
  • several more minor improvements

Get the script and find the instructions on the GitHub repo.

Some of the contributions and requests have not yet been addressed. I believe they will require some more thinking and planning. I would like to approach those in the next version.

If you have any feedback or questions, please join us in the #installomator channel on MacAdmins Slack.

Thanks again to all those who contributed!

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author