Update: Installomator v9.0

We have updated Installomator to version 9.0. This brings Installomator to 404 labels (390 apps). This update also brings with it many changes in behavior:

  • We have moved the root check to the beginning of the script, and improved DEBUG handling with two different modes. DEBUG=0 is still for production, and 1 is still for the DEBUG we previously knew downloading to the directory it is running from, but 2 will download to temporary folder, will detect updates, but will not install anything, but it will notify the user (almost as running the script without root before).
  • Added option to not interrupt Do Not Disturb full screen apps like Keynote or Zoom with INTERRUPT_DND="no". Default is "yes" which is how it has worked until now.
  • pkgName in a label can now be searched for. An example is logitechoptions, where only the name of the pkg is given, and not the exact file path to it.
  • LSMinimumSystemVersion will now be honered, if the Info.plist in the app is specifying this. That means that an app that has this parameter in that file and it shows that the app requires a newer version of the OS than is currently installed, then we will not install it.
  • New variable RETURN_LABEL_NAME. If given the value 1, like RETURN_LABEL_NAME=1 then Installomator only returns the name of the label. It makes for a better user friendly message for displaying in DEPNotify if that is integrated.
  • Changed logic if IGNORE_APP_STORE_APPS=yes. Before this version a label like microsoftonedrive that was installed from App Store, and that we want to replace with the “ordinary” version, Installomator would still use updateTool, even though IGNORE_APP_STORE_APPS=yes. So we would have to have INSTALL=force in order to have the app replaced, as updateTool would be used. But now if IGNORE_APP_STORE_APPS=yes then updateTool will be not set, and the App Store app will be replaced. BUT if the installed software was not from App Store, then updateTool will not be used, and it would be a kind of a forced install (in the example of microsoftonedrive), except if the version is the same (where installation is skipped).
  • Added variable SYSTEMOWNER that is used when copying files when installing. Default 0 is to change owner of the app to the current user on the Mac, like this user was installing this app themselves. When using 1 we will put “root:wheel” on the app, which can be useful for shared machines.
  • Added option curlOptions to the labels. It can be filled with extra headers need for downloading the specific software. It needs to be an array, like curlOptions=( ). See “mocha”-software-labels.


  • Introducing variable LOGGING, that can be either of the logging levels
  • Logging levels:
    0: DEBUG Everything is logged
    1: INFO Normal logging behavior
    2: WARN
    3: ERROR
    4: REQ
  • External logging to Datadog
  • A function to shorten duplicate lines in installation logs or output of longer commands
  • Ability to extract install.log in the time when Installomator was running, if further investigations needs to be done to logs


  • Fixed a problem with pkgs: If they were mounted with .pkg in the name, then we would find the directory and not the pkg file itself.
  • Minor fix for a check for a pkgName on a DMG. We used ls that would throw an error when not found, so the check was corrected.

Many thanks to Søren Theilgaard who did most, if not all, of the heavy lifting for this release. Also many thanks to everyone else who contributed a new label, issue or other help.

You can get Installomator from the GitHub repo.

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author