Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2022-02-25

Apple keeps working towards the “Spring release” of macOS 12.3, iOS 15.4 and siblings with a fourth beta round. Last year’s Big Sur 11.3 “spring release” was in late April while in 2020 Catalina 10.15.4 was released in late March. So, we have one or two months to go.

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As mentioned before (not just by me), the macOS 12.3 update will remove the Python 2 binary. This should not come as a surprise, but apparently there are still some vendors and developers that are not prepared. Test your deployment workflow and all the software on the beta and notify any vendors of failing installations, applications and tools.

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  • Scripting OS X: “Apple remains on track to transition all Mac models to Apple silicon. The “two-year” timeline expires either in June (2y after the announcement at WWDC 20) or in November (2y after the first M1 MacBooks) If you require Intel Macs for testing, VMs, or compatibility, buy them now!” (short thread)

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author