Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2023-04-21

For change, this was a week without an update, security or otherwise. MacAdmins have still been busy doing and sharing their research. Thank you all so very much for all the great articles.

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📰News and Opinion

🦣Social Media

  • Graham Gilbert on Mastodon: “This week my team was discussing ways to make it less painful on users to keep our macOS fleet up to date. They’re rightly fed up with the backlash every time we need to enforce an update. But guess what? macOS is our second largest platform. We do not get any complaints from our Chrome OS or Windows users. The update stories on those platforms simply work. This shouldn’t be on IT professionals to solve. Apple is failing its customers in not providing adequate tools to keep them secure.”
  • MacAdmins Conference: “2023 MacAdmins Conference – Workshops announced! Registration is now OPEN!

🔐Security and Privacy

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♻️Updates and Releases

📺To Watch

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author