Prefs CLI Tools for Mac Admins

Recently I have been working on some… well… “stuff” that uses custom configuration profiles. Very custom, and since I am testing things, they need to be updated a lot.

The issue with defaults

When you are working with defaults/preferences/settings/property lists on macOS, you will be familiar with the defaults command line tool. But, as useful as defaults can be, it has some downsides.

One of the great advantages of macOS’ preference system is that settings can be provided on multiple levels or domains. In my book “Property Lists, Preferences and Profiles for Apple Administrators, I have identified 19 different levels where settings for a single application can originate.

You will be most familiar with plist files in /Library/Preferences (system), ~/Library/Preferences (user), and managed configuration profiles (managed). When an app or tool requests a setting, the preferences system will merge all those levels together and present only the most relevant value. When the developer uses the system APIs (correctly), they do not have to worry about all the underlying levels, domains and mechanisms very much, but automatically gain support for things like separated system and user level settings files and support for management through configuration profiles.

The macOS defaults command line tool can work with settings on different levels or domains, but will only show the settings from one at a time. By default it only works with the user domain settings stored in ~/Library/Preferences/. When you have settings in multiple levels or from configuration profiles, you may be able to point defaults directly at the files. Or in the case of managed settings from profiles, you have to use a different tool. Either way, you have to determine which setting might override another and which final value might be visible to the app or process.

A new prefs tool

Years back, I had built a python script, called, which would not only show the coalesced set of settings but their origin level. When macOS removed Python 2 in macOS 12.3, this tool obviously broke.

While working with preferences and profiles recently, this feature would have been quite useful to debug and verify preferences. I could have adapted the existing tool to work with MacAdmins Python 3, but felt I would learn something from recreating it in Swift. I had already started down that road just a bit for my sample project in this post.

So, you can find the new Swift-based prefs command line tool on GitHub. You can also download a signed and notarized pkg which will install the binary in /usr/local/bin/.

If its most basic form, you run it with a domain or application identifier. It will then list the merged settings for that preference domain, showing the level where the final value came from.

% prefs
moduleDict [host]: {
    moduleName = "Computer Name";
    path = "/System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/PlugIns/Computer Name.appex";
    type = 0;
PrefsVersion [host]: 100
idleTime [host]: 0
lastDelayTime [host]: 1200
tokenRemovalAction [host]: 0
showClock [host]: 0
CleanExit [host]: 1

I find this useful when researching where services and applications store their settings and also to see if a custom configuration profile is set up and applying correctly. There is a bit of documentation in the repo’s ReadMe and you can get a description of the options with prefs --help.


Another tool that would have been useful to my work, but that was also written in python 2 is Tim Sutton’s mcxToProfile. Back in the day, this tool was very useful when transitioning from Workgroup Manager and mcx based management to the new MDM and configuration profile based methods. If you have a long-lived management service, you will probably find some references to mcxToProfile in the custom profiles.

Even after Workgroup Manager and mcx based settings management was retired, Tim’s tool allowed to create a custom configuration profile from a simple property list file. Configuration Profiles require a lot of metadata around the actual settings keys and values, and mcxToProfile was useful in automating that step.

Some management systems, like Jamf Pro, have this feature built in. Many other management systems, however, do not. (Looking at you Jamf School.) But even then creating a custom profile on your admin Mac or as part of an automation, can be useful.

So, you probably guessed it, I also recreated mcxToProfile in Swift. The new tool is called plist2profile and available in the same repo and pkg. I have focused on the features I need right now, so plist2profile is missing several options compared to mcxToProfile. Let me know if this is useful and I might put some more work into it.

That said, I added a new feature. There are two different formats or layouts that configuration profiles can use to provide custom setting. The ‘traditional’ layout goes back all the way to the mcx data format in Workgroup Manager. This is what mcxToProfile would create as well. There is another, flatter format which has less metadata around it. Bob Gendler has a great post about the differences.

From what I can tell, the end effect is the same between the two approaches. plist2profile uses the ‘flatter’, simpler layout by default, but you can make it create the traditional mcx format by adding the --mcx option.

Using it is simple. You just need to give it an identifier and one or more plist files from which it will build a custom configuration profile:

% plist2profile --identifier example.settings com.example.settings.plist

You can find more instructions in the ReadMe and in the commands help with plist2profile --help


As I had anticipated, I learned a lot putting these tools together. Not just about the preferences system, but some new (and old) Swift strategies that will be useful for the actual problems I am trying to solve.

I also learnt more about the ArgumentParser package to parse command line arguments. This is such a useful and powerful package, but their documentation fails in the common way. It describes what you can do, but not why or how. There might be posts about that coming up.

Most of all, these two tools turned out to be useful to my work right now. Hope they will be useful to you!

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author