Tab Completion for autopkg

Tony Williams aka ‘honestpuck’ has built a script to enable tab-completion for autopkg in bash.

This means that you can type

$ autopkg s⇥

(where ⇥ is the tab key) and it will autocomplete to

$ autopkg search 

This will also work for recipe names:

$ autopkg run BBEdit⇥⇥  BBEdit.jss       BBEdit.pkg       
BBEdit.install   BBEdit.munki     

This is really useful. Auto-completion not only saves on typing, but helps to avoid errors.

Installing autocompletion in your profile

Tony has provided instructions on how to install the script with brew. However, it not hard to install this manually in your .bash_profile or .bashrc. First, clone the github repository on to your system (I keep all projects like this in an un-creatively named ‘Projects’ folder):

$ cd ~/Projects
$ git clone

This will download the project to autopkg_create. The file we need is the autopkg file inside that folder.

Then add the following lines to your .bash_profile or .bashrc:

if [[ -r "$HOME/Projects/autopkg_complete/autopkg" ]]; then
    source "$HOME/Projects/autopkg_complete/autopkg"

You will need to adjust the path if you are using a different location. Basically these lines say: if this file exists and is readable, then read and interpret it as bash source. Since you need to define functions in the context of the shell, you need to `source` the file, rather execute it as script. (When you run the the file as a script, the functions will be defined in the context of the script, and then ‘forgotten’ when the script ends.)

Save your new profile and open a new Terminal window or type

$ source ~/.bash_profile

to update an existing shell.

Thanks again to Tony Williams, this is very useful!

Where PATHs come from

In an earlier post we talked about how to append to the PATH variable, so you can add your own directories to bash’s search path.

In macOS the default PATH on a ‘clean’ installation is:

$ echo $PATH

However, if you have installed some tools (such as the macOS, Xquartz or Munki) you will see those in the PATH as well:

$ echo $PATH

Where does this pre-set PATH come from?

Since the PATH is pre-set on a clean new account without a .bashrc or .bash_profile, we have to look in a central location which applies to all users. In another earlier post, we saw that /etc/profile is run for every user shell, even before a .bash_profile is executed. When you look into this file, you see that the very first set of commands look like this:

if [ -x /usr/libexec/path_helper ]; then
    eval `/usr/libexec/path_helper -s`

This looks very promising. The path_helper tool has a man page. This tool does a few things to assemble the PATH. First it reads the file /etc/paths which on macOS looks like this:


So this is where the default ‘clean’ macOS PATH comes from. Then path_helper will read every file from /etc/paths.d and append each line of each file in that directory to the PATH as well. This is where optional and third party applications and tools, like Xquartz or Munki, can install their own additions to the PATH for all users.

(Files in this folder will be read in alpha-numerical order of the filename. Some tools, like Xquartz, attempt to influence the order by preprending a number, e.g. 40-XQuartz.)

Finally, if path_helper runs in an environment where PATH is already set, it will append that PATH value to what it built from the files and then remove duplicates.

path_helper does not change the environment variable directly, but it generates the commands necessary to set the PATH correctly. It will generate the right commands wether it is called from a bourne type shell (on macOS: sh, bash, ksh and zsh) or a csh type shell (on macOS: csh and tcsh). You can see the output of the two styles by running path_helper with the -s or -c options:

$ /usr/libexec/path_helper -s
PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"; export PATH;
$ /usr/libexec/path_helper -c
setenv PATH "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin";

(You have to type the full path to path_helper because, ironically, but intentionally, /usr/libexec is not in the standard PATH.)

To actually execute the commands generated by path_helper you can use the eval command, like the /etc/profile does:

$ eval $(/usr/libexec/path_helper)

Don’t touch my Profile!

Some command line tool installers understandably feel the need to add their tools to the default PATH. Since there is no unified approach among different flavors of UNIX and Linux on how to do this, you will find several different approaches. Some tools will edit /etc/profile and others will look for the various profile files in a user’s home directory and edit those. Usually the installation process will append a line that appends their tools directory to the PATH.

One example for this is the Python 3 installer. It contains a compnent package that will attempt to determine which profile file you are using and appends a line to append to the PATH.

However, this is not only highly intrusive but also quite fragile. Changes to /etc/profile might be overwritten by a future macOS update. Changes to a user’s profile file, might be overwritten by the user. Also the installer will only append their setting to the current user, not other users that may be present or created in the system.

Sample paths.d installer package

On the other hand, dropping a file into /etc/paths.d with a package installer will affect all users on a system. The file in paths.d can be updated for future updates if necessary and is also easily identified and removed by an admin. It will work wether it is installed to the startup volume or another volume. It can be pushed with management tools.

Building an installer for a file in /etc/paths.d is very simple:

$ mkdir CustomToolPathInstaller
$ cd CustomToolPathInstaller
$ mkdir payload
$ echo "/usr/local/customtool" >> payload/customtool
$ pkgbuild --root payload --install-location /private/etc/paths.d --version 1.0  --identifier com.example.customtool.path CustomToolPath.pkg
pkgbuild: Inferring bundle components from contents of payload
pkgbuild: Wrote package to CustomToolPath.pkg

Only five commands, three of which create the folder structure. You can find this sample project (which is slightly more elaborate) on my GitHub.

If you want to learn more about building installer packages for macOS, please read my book “Packaging for Apple Administrators”.

What about MANPATH?

This is usually not used on macOS since the the default settings for the man tool are quite flexibel. (Look at the man page for man and the file /etc/man.conf for details.) However, if a MANPATH environment variable is set when path_helper runs, it will also assemble the command to set the MANPATH built in a similar way to the PATH from the files /etc/manpaths and the directory /etc/manpaths.d.

Usually the MANPATH is not set on macOS so you will not see this. But if you want to manage your MANPATH and want to leverage path_helper all you have to do is set the MANPATH.

$ export MANPATH=/usr/share/man
$ /usr/libexec/path_helper
PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"; export PATH;
MANPATH="/usr/share/man:/usr/local/share/man"; export MANPATH;

Re-order the PATH

We have seen path_helper is extremely useful. There is one caveat, however. path_helper may reorder your PATH. Imagine you are pre-pending ~/bin to your PATH because you want to override some standard tools with your own. (Dangerous, but let’s assume you know what you are doing.) Then some process launches a subshell which can call path_helper again. path_helper will ‘find’ your additions to the defined PATH, but it will append to the list of default paths from /etc/paths and /etc/paths.d, changing your order and thus which tools will be used.

$ export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
$ echo $PATH
$ /usr/libexec/path_helper 
PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Users/armin/bin"; export PATH;

You can see behavior like this when you use Xterm (The X11 based terminal in Xquartz) which does not execute .bash_profile but still picks up the PATHenvironment variable from somewhere…

# in Xquartz Terminal:
bash-3.2$ echo $PATH

A better way to override built-in commands which is not affected by path_helper would be to use bash aliases or functions in your profile.

Third-party installer packages may not be installable by the macOS 10.12.4 OS installer

Rich Trouton has found that a custom NetInstall set with your own packages will not install the custom packages. Only Apple’s own packages will install. Even when you sign your own packages with an Apple Developer certificate they will not install.

This also affects custom packages added to COSXIP (Create OS X Installer Package).

AutoDMG uses a different workflow and can still add third party packages.

It is unclear whether this is unintentional or not. However, Mac Admins will have to make plans for deployment workflows without custom imaging or system installation.

Source: Third-party installer packages may not be installable by the macOS 10.12.4 OS installer | Der Flounder

Magnet – manage windows on your desktop

This blog may focus on client management, but this is the other kind of windows management…

Magnet is a neat app that will help you resize windows to certain fractions of the screen: half, quarter or third size. You just drag a window to the edge of screen and Magnet will suggest a size to resize it to. Very useful if you want to tile multiple terminal windows or split the screen among more than two applications.

It is on sale right now for only US$0.99, 80% off the normal price.

Terminal–Finder Interaction

Mac Admins have to work a lot in Terminal. This seems counter-intuitive for an OS that is famed for its user interaction. I can’t talk for all admins, but for me the strength of macOS/OS X was always in the combination of ‘clicky’ UI and command line. When you know what you are doing, you can get the best of both worlds.

I remember an Apple marketing slogan: “The power of Unix, the simplicity of Mac” This is from OS X Lion, so more than five years old by now. The future will show how long Apple still values the ‘powerful’ Unix underpinnings. But for now, they are still available and I am going to use them.

All of that said, the CLI and the UI are not entirely separate areas in macOS, there is a lot of overlap and there are functions in Finder and Terminal that allow for quick interaction between the two.

Finder to Terminal

You can drag any folder from Finder to the Terminal application icon in the dock and Terminal will open a new window and change the working directory to the folder you dragged.

Movie 1: Drag Folder onto Terminal

You can drag the folder icon from the Finder window title bar, as well.

Movie 2: Drag Folder from Title Bar onto Terminal

When you drag any file into an open Terminal window, it will insert the full path to that file or folder with spaces and other special characters properly escaped.

Movie 3: Drag File onto Terminal

You can drag multiple files and Terminal will insert all of their paths, separated by spaces. For example you can type file[space] in Terminal and then drag multiple files into that window and hit return, to get information on the file type.

Movie 4: Drag Multiple Files onto Terminal

If you prefer, you can get the same effect with copy and paste. Just select the files in Finder, choose ‘Copy’ (⌘C), switch to Terminal and ‘Paste’ (⌘V).

Update: I knew I had forgotten one. Thanks to Elliot Jordan who pointed this one out on Twitter:

Dragging a folder into a Terminal window while holding the command (⌘) key will add cd before the path to a folder. When you command-drag a file it will cd to the enclosing folder of that file.

Movie 5: Command Drag a Folder to Terminal

Getting Finder path from Terminal

If you are already in Terminal and want to get the frontmost Finder window, we have to do some homework first. (I got the idea for this script from this post, though I have modified its solution somewhat.) This command

$ osascript -e 'tell app "Finder" to get posix path of ((target of window 1) as alias)'

will give us the correct path, but it has two downsides: a) it is awfully complex to type repeatedly and b) it fails with an error if no Finder window is open.

To avoid typing this long command every time, we have two options. You can either define the command as a function in your .bash_profile (or the respective profile for your preferred shell) or you can save it as a script in your $PATH.

To define it as a function, add this to the .bash_profile:

# prints the path of the front Finder window. Desktop if no window open
function pwdf () {
    osascript <<EOS
        tell application "Finder"
            if (count of Finder windows) is 0 then
                set dir to (desktop as alias)
                set dir to ((target of Finder window 1) as alias)
            end if
            return POSIX path of dir
        end tell

# changes directory to frontmost Finder window
alias cdf='pwdf; cd "$(pwdf)"'

The pwdf function will just print the path to the frontmost Finder window to stdout.

There is also added an alias to quickly change directories to the frontmost Finder window. cdf will also print the path it is changing to, like the cd - command. (Which changes to the previous working directory.) This has to be defined as an alias, since scripts cannot change a shell’s working directory.

If you prefer to define the pwdf command from a script file use the following code:

Save this as a text file without extension in a folder in your $PATH, and set the executable bit with chmod +x /path/to/pwdf. You also need to remove (or comment) the function from your profile, since that would override the script.

Using the script form of osascript allows us to pass arguments into the AppleScript. (You can do that with function as well, but the syntax gets really messy quickly.) This script will list the paths to all open Finder windows with the -a|--all argument. Also when you provide a string as an argument it will search for a Finder window containing that string:

$ pwdf Pref

The open command

You can also go from Terminal to the Finder. This usually as simple as typing

$ open .

This will open the current working directory ‘.’ in a Finder window.

This is usually where most online ‘hints’ for the open command start and end. However, open has so much more to offer. So much more, in fact, that I will cover the open command in a separate article.

Duet Display adds Touch Bar

I like to use Duet Display to add some screen real estate to my 13" MacBook Pro. When you connect the iPad with a Lightning cable Duet turns it into an external second screen. Depending on your settings there can be a slight lag, so you won’t play action games, but it works wonderfully for normal tasks (such as writing a book.) It will also translate touch input to mouse inputs and if you have an iPad Pro it also works with the Apple Pen.

I have the 2015 MacBook model, so no Touch Bar and I have no urgency to upgrade yet, even though I think the Touch Bar seems to be very interesting.

So, I am very excited to see that Duet Display added an option to add a Touch Bar at the bottom of the iPad screen). Since the iPad will probably be sitting next to your MacBook screen, rather than right above your keyboard, this is not perfect. But a great way to test an application’s support and see how the Touch Bar works without having to shell out for a new MacBook. This will take away a bit of your second screen on the iPad, but you can enable or disable the Touch Bar at whenever you want.

They have also reduced the price for the iOS application by 50% ‘for a limited time.’ Duet Display uses a Mac or Windows application, which is free and an iOS application which usually costs US$19.99 (now $9.99). Full Apple Pen support which turns the iPad Pro into a retina drawing pad for your Mac is an extra in-App purchase.

On hidden Files, especially Library

I published a book: “Packaging for Apple Administrators

While writing on the next book “Automated Packaging for Apple Administrators”, I will keep publishing small side notes and excerpts. There is a nice gem for macOS Sierra in the last section, so keep reading.;)

Mac OS X has always hidden certain folders and files from the user. The more ‘UNIXey’ folders like /usr, /bin, and /etc were considered too confusing or even dangerous for most users and hidden away. Most users noticed this in OS X Lion when Apple started hiding the user’s Library. Messing with files in the Library can cause damage or data loss if a user does not know exactly what they are doing. Here is the summary on hidden and invisible files.

Dot Files

In UNIX, files or directories with a name beginning with ‘.‘ (period or dot) are considered hidden and will not be shown in a normal file list with ls. You can however easily list them with the option ls -a. Usually dot files are configuration files or folders.

When does Finder consider a File hidden?

Like the ls command Finder will not show files beginning with a ‘.‘ (period or dot). However, there is also an extra hidden flag that Finder will check to see wether it should hide a file. You can see this hidden flag in Terminal with the -O (capital o) option for ls

$ ls -lO 
drwx------+ user  staff  -        Downloads
drwx------@ user  staff  hidden   Library
drwx------+ user  staff  -        Movies

(I removed lines and columns to make the output more legible.)

You can also use the find command to show all files with the hidden flag:

$ find ~ -flags +hidden -print

Use the chflags command to set or unset the hiddenflag:

$ chflags nohidden ~/Library
$ chflags hidden ~/Library

Finder will show or hide the file or folder immediately.

Navigating to your hidden Library

When you click on Finder’s ‘Go’ Menu with the option key, Library will appear as an option.

You can also use Finder’s ‘Go to Folder…’ menu and enter ~/Library as the target. This is especially useful since you usually want to go to a subfolder of Library anyway. This panel supports tab-autocompletion like the shell. OS X 10.11 and earlier would autocomplete to the alphabetically first match so ~/Library/Pref would complete to ~/Library/PreferencePanes rather than ~/Library/Preferences. macOS Sierra will show a popup list if the completion is ambiguous. The keyboard shortcut for ‘Go to Folder…’ command-shift-G will also work in open and save panels.

If you are already in a Terminal window you can use the open command:

$ open ~/Library/

Show all hidden Files and Folders

macOS Sierra has added a great Finder keyboard shortcut to quickly show hidden files and folders. Command-Shift-. (dot or period) will quickly show all hidden files and a second time will re-hide them.

This keyboard shortcut has worked in open and save dialogs for a while already.

In older versions of OS X you have to open Terminal and run:

$ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles true
$ killall Finder

Change the true to false to switch it back.