In this week’s news summary for Apple admins on, I muse about the upcoming Spring Updates and we learn one (more) reason to finally updated from macOS Mojave.
Links 2025-01-31
This week’s issue is mostly about the updates to all Apple platforms and how to manage them, but we also learn about poor four digit PINs and how to create shell scripts.
MacAdmins Podcast Listener Survey
I regularly mention the MacAdmins Podcast in my Weekly News Summary. If you are a Mac Admin and not listening to the show then you are missing out on many current news and interesting guests.
They are asking for your opinion in a listener survey. Go fill it out!
Transmit 5 for Mac released
Panic has updated their awesome file transfer application Transmit for Mac to version 5.
(Transmit iOS is still at version 3. Available on the iOS AppStore.)
I just mentioned Transmit in my post on Transferring files with SSH earlier this week (I just updated the links in that post).
Also, this version of Transmit is no longer available in the Mac AppStore, adding to the ever longer list of applications that are leaving the AppStore. Panic’s reason is that they want to give users a free trial option.
RoaringApps for High Sierra
RoaringApps is a crowd sourced web site, that track compatibility of applications with new and old versions of macOS (and iOS and Windows). They’ve been around for a while (since Lion, hence the name) and have now updated their database for High Sierra and iOS 11.
Bash Completion For Munki
Tony Williams is on a self described roll and has now added bash completion for the Munki tools. See his post for details and my previous post on the autopkg completion for instructions on how to install them without brew
Source: Now We Have bash Completion For Munki | The Macintosh Guy
(Bonus scripter points for automating the creation of a script…)
Mac Automation Conference Announced
Sal Soghoian has announced a one-day conference in Santa Clara on Mac Automation. The speaker list looks very interesting.
Source: CMD-D|Masters of Automation
Shell Scripts Matter
Great article on some best practices for writing shell scripts:
Source: Shell Scripts Matter
Creating macOS installer disk images for VMware FusionĀ
AppleScript and Keynote: Playing Documents
This is an interesting new addition to Keynote’s scripting library!