One of the new macOS features in Mojave are “Finder Quick Actions.”
They show as action buttons in the Finder in Column View and the new Gallery View. You can also access Quick Actions in any view from an item’s context menu.
You can configure Quick Actions in the ‘Finder’ section of the ‘Extensions’ Preference Pane. The four sample actions that come with Mojave are ‘Rotate,’ ‘Markup,’ ‘Create PDF,’ and ‘Trim’. While these are certainly useful, they are oriented towards media.
You can, however, build your own Quick Actions with Automator!
When you look at it closely, Quick Actions are re-branded Automator Service Workflows. They are even stored in ~/Library/Services.
Let’s build a useful Quick Action for admins.
Quick Packaging
Recap: You can quickly build an installer package from an application bundle with pkgbuild:
This allows you to build an installer package from a disk image without having to install it.
Note: this method works well with ‘drag to install’ type applications. For many other applications, re-packaging is more elaborate. Learn all the details of packaging in my book: “Packaging for Apple Adminstrators”
To make this simple process even simpler, I wrote a small script a while back called quickpkg, which simplifies this even further:
$ quickpkg "~/Downloads/Firefox 63.0.dmg"
(For help with downloading and installing scripts like quickpkg see this post.)
This seems like a good candidate for a Quick Action.
Bring in the Robot
Open the Automator application and create a new Workflow. Choose “Quick Action” as the type of Workflow.
This will present an empty workflow window with a list of categories and actions on the left and the area where you assemble the workflow on the right. Above the workflow area is a panel where you define the input for our Quick Action. Change the popups to match this image:
Input for our QuickAction
Then add a ‘Run Shell Script’ action from the list on the left. The easiest way to locate the action is with the search box, or you can find the ‘Run Shell Script’ action in the ‘Utilities’ category. Drag it to the workflow area, labelled ‘Drag actions or file here to build your Workflow.’
Make sure that the shell popup is set to /bin/bash and the ‘Pass input’ popup is set to ‘to stdin’. With these settings, the selected file(s) will be passed as a list of paths, one per line to the stdin stream of the bash code we enter in the text area.
Add the following code:
while read -r file; do
/usr/local/bin/quickpkg --output "$destination" "$file"
Your action should look like this:
First, we set a bash variable for the destination folder. You can change this to another path if you want to, but the destination folder has to exist before the workflow runs, otherwise you’ll get an error.
Then we use a while loop with the read command to read the stdin input line by line. Then we run the quickpkg tool once for each line.
You can now save the Workflow (it will be saved in ~/Library/Services/) and then ‘QuickPkg’ (or whatever name you chose) will appear in Finder, for any selected item. Unfortunately, the Automator input controls don’t allow to filter for file types other than the few given ones.
Select a dmg with an application in it, such as the dmg downloaded from the Firefox website and wait a moment. Then check the ~/Documents folder for the result.
(A rotating gear wheel will appear in the menu bar while the action is running. This is all the feedback you can get.)
Revealing the Result
It is annoying that we have to manually open the destination folder to see our result. But the nice thing is that we can let the workflow take care of that. In the action list on the left, search for ‘Reveal Finder Items’ or locate this action in the ‘Files & Folders’ category. You can drag it to the end of your workflow, below the ‘Run Shell Script’ action or just double-click in the list to add to the end of your workflow.
Save and run again from the Finder. It should now reveal the pkg file automatically.
You can add more actions to the workflow. For example, you can add actions to
You may have noticed during testing that in its current form the workflow doesn’t really react well when something goes wrong.
quickpkg can work with .app, .dmg, and .zip files. Unfortunatly, Automator does not let us filter for just those file types in the input setup. The script will report an error when you try to run it against a different file type, but the error is not displayed in Finder.
It is not that difficult to extend our short script to make it a bit more resilient. Change the code in the ‘Run Shell Script’ action to this:
while read -r file; do
result=$(/usr/local/bin/quickpkg --output "$destination" "$file")
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
osascript -e "display alert \"QuickPkg: An error occured: $result\""
echo "$result"
With this code we check result code $? of the quickpkg command for an error. If the code is non-zero we display an alert with osascript. If all went well, we echo the result (the path to the new pkg) to stdout, so that Automator can pass that into the following actions.
This is still a fairly crude error handling, but much better than nothing.
It is quite easy to turn simple shell commands into Automator workflows and Finder Quick Actions. Keep this in mind, when you find yourself performing repetetive tasks in Finder or in Terminal.
Apple has included a tool to build a bootable external installer drive with the macOS Installer application for a while now. Apple actually has documentation for this tool.
The tool is called createinstallmedia and can be found in /Applications/Install macOS [[High ]Sierra | Mojave].app/Contents/Resources/.
When run, the tool requires a path to an external volume or partition, which will be erased and replaced with a bootable installer volume.
Note: Secure Boot Macs with the T2 chip cannot boot from external drives in the default configuration. As of this writing this affects the iMac Pro and the 2018 MacBook Pro. But it is expected that any new Macs released from now on (as in maybe at the Apple Event tomorrow?) will also have Secure Boot.
Nevertheless, having an bootable external installer is still every useful for ‘legacy’ (i.e. non-secure boot) Macs. Also, while it not a good general configuration, it can be very useful to enable external boot on machines that you frequently re-install for testing.
While the support article covers the basics, the tool gained a new feature in Mojave which is not documented in the article.
When you run the Mojave createinstallmedia tool without arguments you get the usage documentation:
$ /Applications/Install\ macOS\
Usage: createinstallmedia --volume <path to volume to convert>
--volume, A path to a volume that can be unmounted and erased to create the install media.
--nointeraction, Erase the disk pointed to by volume without prompting for confirmation.
--downloadassets, Download on-demand assets that may be required for installation.
Example: createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/Untitled
This tool must be run as root.
The new argument in the Mojave is called --downloadassets. The description is a bit sparse, but from what I gather this is download additional assets, like firmware installers and bundle them with the other installer files on the installer drive instead of downloading them on-demand during installation.
This will not remove the requirement for the Mac to be connected to the internet during the installation process but it should speed up the process quite a bit.
If you want to learn more about how to create external installers and how to use the macOS Installer app most effectively in your workflows, you can buy my book ‘macOS Installation for Apple Administrators’
Now only if there was as simple a tool for setting the profile pic!
There is no simple tool, but it is not that hard really.
When an individual user wants to change their login picture, they open the Users & Groups preference pane. But if want to pre-set or change it for multiple Computers or Users, then we need to script.
Update 2019-09-20: Some of this seems to have changed since I wrote this. in 10.14.6 you will need to set the JPEGPhoto attribute as well. Read Alan Siu’s post for details.
Where is it stored?
The data for the user picture is stored in the user record in the directory. If the user is stored locally the directory is just a bunch of property list files in /var/db/dslocal/nodes. However, we do not want to, nor should we manipulate them directly. The tool to interface with directory data is dscl (directory service command line, pronounced diskel)
You can get a user’s record data like this:
$ dscl . read /Users/username
This will dump a lot of data, some of it binary. When you look more closely at the data, you can see that the binary data is in an attribute JPEGPhoto. This is promising, but converting an image file into some binary code and writing it into the attribute does not sound fun.
When you look around the user record some more, you can find another attribute labeled Picture which contains a decent file path (it may be empty on your machine). When JPEGPhoto contains data, Picture will be ignored. But when we delete the JPEGPhoto attribute, then the system will use the file path set in the Picture attribute.
Let’s Change It!
Deleting the JPEGPhoto attribute is easy:
$ dscl . delete /Users/username JPEGPhoto
And so is setting the Picture attribute to a new value:
With this you can create a script that resets all user pictures by looping through all the available pictures in the /Library/User Pictures folder.
(Since you are affecting other users’ records, this script needs to be run as root.)
Custom Images
Of course, you don’t have to use the pre-installed User Picture images, but can install your own.
To demonstrate how this would work, I conceived of a little fun exercise. I wanted to write a script that sets the user picture to an image from the ‘User Pictures’ folder which starts with the same letter as the username.
The set of images in the default cover 19 of the 26 letters in the latin alphabet. I created images for the seven missing letters (A, I, J, K, Q, U, and X).
To run the script at login, I created a LaunchAgent. And finally a script which will set the Picture to the appropriate path.
Since LaunchAgents run as the user, we need to be a bit more careful when changing the attributes. While a user has privileges to modify and delete the JPEGPhoto and Picture attribute, they cannot create the attributes, so our sledgehammer method to overwrite any existing value from the script above will not work.
The dscl . change verb, which modifies an attribute has a weird syntax which requires you to pass the previous value as well as the new value. To get the previous value, which may contain spaces, I use the same PlistBuddy trick from this post.
Finally, I built an installer package which installs all the parts (the additional images, the LaunchAgent plist and the script) in the right places. You can get the project here. Run the script to build an installer package.
Since the LaunchAgent will trigger at a user’s login, you will have to logout and back in, before you can see any changes. You could add a postinstall script that loads the launchagent for the current user (when a user is logged in), but I will leave that as an exercise for the attentive student.
You can get all the pointers on how to build installer packages with postinstall scripts in my book: “Packaging for Apple Administrators”
The consulting team at Pro Warehouse has been working on an application. I mentioned this application in my talk at MacSysAdmin. The application is called ‘EraseInstall’ and provides a user interface which runs the startosinstall --eraseinstall command, which is part of the macOS Installer application.
The startosinstall --eraseinstall command with all its options is fairly accessible for an administrator. There have been some attempts to make the command more accessible to end users.
With Mojave, Apple is enforcing the requirement to have an active internet connection before you start the installation. The startosinstall command will fail if it cannot reach Apple’s servers. Also on Secure Boot Macs, you really want a user to have Find My Mac disabled before a system is wiped.
We chose to build an application with an interface that runs the necessary checks and displays a summary, before the startosinstall --eraseinstall is launched.
This will provide end users, techs and admins easy access to a tool which wipes the system. This will close the lifecycle loop of a Mac, from on-boarding to ‘off-boarding.’
Enter EraseInstall
EraseInstall will show three screens, the first will explain what the application does (wipe everything!) and then you will get a summary of the checks. In this initial version we check whether the system has APFS, if Find My Mac is enabled and if there is an internet connection.
EraseInstall also locates a suitable “Install macOS” application, either “Install macOS High Sierra” for 10.13.4 and higher or “Install macOS Mojave.” It is your responsibility to have the install app on the system before the EraseInstall is run. The app does not have to be installed in /Applications. (EraseInstall uses a spotlight query to locate available installer applications. It may take a few minutes after an installer app has been copied to a system for spotlight to pick it up.)
WARNING: the app as we have posted it is fully functional and will erase and install the system on which it is run. Please only run this on a test machine!
You can watch a video of the installation and workflow here:
Many organisations like to set or pre-set the Desktop Picture of managed Macs. There are a few options for Mac Admins.
One of the commonly used methods may break in macOS Mojave because of the new security and privacy controls for AppleEvents, also known as TCC.
Getting the Image File to the Mac
Unless you want to use one of the default macOS Desktop Picture images, you will first need to get the image file on to the client. The best way of doing that is with an installer package.
Note: installing a single image file to /Library/Desktop Pictures is actually the first exercise/example in my book “Packaging for Apple Administrators.” Get that for a more detailed description.
I will use the same example desktop picture as in the book. You can use your own desktop picture or download BoringBlueDesktop.png from the book’s resources.
Note: Desktop pictures on macOS can be many file formats. PNG and JPEG are most commonly used. The new dynamic desktop pictures of macOS Mojave have the heic file extension.
First create a project folder, with a payload folder inside:
$ mkdir -p BoringDesktop/payload
$ cd BoringDesktop
The resulting pkg file will install the image file in /Library/Desktop Picture.
Note: the pkgbuild command has many options and arguments. If you get one of them slightly wrong it can lead to unexpected behavior or even break the installation. I recommend using a script to run the pkgbuild command to avoid errors. You can find a sample build script here. Read the book for a more detailed explanation of pkgbuild and the build script. If you prefer, you can use munkipkg, which also simplifies and automates the process of building pkg installers.
This will provide the image in a location that the user might look for. However, for better management you want to set the desktop picture as well.
Lock Down the Desktop Picture
Once the image file is in place. You can set the desktop picture with a configuration profile. Many management systems will have an option in the ‘Restrictions’ payload where you can set the path to the desktop picture.
With this configuration profile in place, the desktop picture is locked. The user can still open the Desktop preference pane but the selection will be ignored. You would need to be able to remove the profile to change the desktop picture again.
This is very useful in education and other strictly managed environments.
Suggesting a Desktop Picture
In other, less tightly managed environments, you might prefer to set an initial desktop picture, but allow the user to change it later.
The common means to do this has been to use an AppleScript command:
tell application "Finder" to set desktop picture to POSIX file "/Library/Desktop Pictures/BoringBlueDesktop.png"
If you want to run this from a shell script you would execute it with osascript:
osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to set desktop picture to POSIX file "/Library/Desktop Pictures/Sierra.jpg"'
Note that this sets a user preference so it should be run as the user. See this post for details.
However, with macOS Mojave, Apple is introducing new Privacy and Security measures which require user approval for processes to send AppleEvents. This will put a severe limit on the use of osascript for admin scripts.
One solution would be to whitelist your management system’s agent which allows it to send Apple Events to the Finder. This requires managing the client with a user-approved MDM.
Another solution is to avoid AppleScript and Apple Events entirely.
Here comes the desktoppr!
To do this, I wrote a simple command line tool which can read and set the desktop picture. Neil Martin had the brilliant idea to call it desktoppr.
Since the desktoppr tool also sets user preferences, you still need to pay attention that it runs as the user.
For example, you could run desktoppr from a LaunchAgent (deployed in /Library/LaunchAgents so it affects all users:
This LaunchAgent will reset the Desktop Picture at every login.
If you want to set the Desktop Picture just once from a management or postinstall script (probably running as root) you can use the following to be safe:
When you find yourself building LaunchAgents or LaunchDaemons often (i.e. more than once) you should really consider using outset.
If you wanted to build an installer package that drops both the picture file and the LaunchAgent, you can do the following:
On macOS dscl is a very useful to access data in the local user directory or another directory the Mac is bound to. For example you can read a user’s UID with:
However, dscl is a treacherous. Its output format changes, depending on the contents of an attribute. When an attribute value contains whitespace, the format of the output has two lines:
With attributes like the UID, it is fairly safe safe to assume that there will be no whitespace in the value. With other attributes, such as RealName or NFSHomeDirectory, you cannot make that prediction with certainty. Real names may or may not have been entered with a space. A user (or management script) may have changed their home directory to something starting with /Volumes/User HD/... and your script may fail.
To remove this output ambiguity, dscl has a -plist option which will print the output as a property list:
The resulting property list is a dict containing a key with the native attribute name and an array containing the values, even when there is only one value.
Having a property list is nice, but parsing property lists in a shell script is challenging. I have found two solutions
You can use the xpath tool extract data from the XML output:
Note that the xpath output does not include a final new line character, which makes it look a bit strange.
The xpath argument in detail means:
//string[1]: the first of any string element
/text() the text contents of that stringobject
This syntax makes a lot of assumptions about the property list input. I believe they are safe with the dscl output. (Please test)
If you want to play around with xpath syntax, I recommend using an interactive tool. I used this one from Code Beautify which worked well enough, but frankly I just randomly chose one from the list of search results for ‘xpath tester’. (If you can recommend a great one, let us know in the comments.)
As I said, the xpath solution makes a lot of assumptions about the layout of the property list. A safer way of parsing property lists would be a dedicated tool, such as PlistBuddy. However, PlistBuddy does not read from stdin. At least not voluntarily.
Preferences or defaults on macOS seem easy, but their subtleties can grow complex very quickly.
The main reason for confusion is that preferences can be stored in many places and on many levels. The defaults system composites all of the keys and values from all locations to a process or application.
To add to this confusion, Apple’s documentation keeps mixing up terms like ‘domain’ and ‘identifier’. I use the term ‘domain’ to designate the level or location a setting is stored in, and ‘identifier’ for the name of the preference (i.e.
The defaults command, which is the proper tool to interact with preferences files, does not properly work with different levels or domains. When you run
$ defaults read
The output will be from the User/Application domain only, i.e. the data stored in the file ~/Library/Preferences/
But the ScreenSaver process stores more data in the ByHost domain. You can read this domain or location with defaults as well:
(The ScreenSaver process does not use this domain, so you will get an error saying that it does not exist. However, you won’t know this domain is empty until you try.)
Defaults cannot tell you when a setting is set or overridden by a configuration profile, or what its value is in that case. You cannot get the full composited view of defaults with the defaults command.
Greg Neagle wrote a short python script a while back which could give you the effective result for an identifier and a specific key. His script will also show where the value is coming from.
I have found Greg’s script to be very useful, but I wanted it to do a bit more. My version, Prefs Tool, can now show you all keys set for a specific application identifier, including those managed by configuration profiles.
I love MacAdmins Slack. I am logged in nearly every day. I use it for research, solving problems, camaraderie, and just plain fun. The community there is wonderful.
There are a few things particular to this Slack and some other online forums in general that I noticed, so I thought I’d like to write this guide.
This is, as the title says, highly opionionated and from my personal perspective. I do hope it is useful for everyone.
What is Slack?
Slack is a popular message board application. It’s a cross between between a bulletin board system and a chat room.
The MacAdmins Slack is a particular instance which specializes on topics relevant to Apple Administrators. You can sign up here.
The Lingo
There are a few terms particular with Slack, that might be confusing at first.
An organization can set up a Slack “Workspace.” You can be a member of and logged into multiple workspaces. You will have a different login and username for each workspace.
Within a workspace, Slack is separated into “channels.” Channels can be public or private. When you sign in for the first time, you are added to some public channels by default. You can click on the “Channels” header in the sidebar to browse and search existing channels.
When you are typing and start a word with the # character Slack will treat this as a link to a channel. When you start typing the channel name Slack will suggest auto-completions. If a channel with the name exists, the word will be linked so that users can click to go to that channel.
Frustratingly, Slack’s autocompletion (for channels and users) uses the return key to confirm a selection and the tab key to jump to the next suggestion in the list. This is not how those keys are usually used on macOS and throws me off every time.
Public channels in MacAdmins Slack are either on a particular technology or software (#highsierra or #munki), regions or countries (#thenetherlands, #uk or #anzmac), events (#psumac or #wwdc) or pretty much everything else.
The language on MacAdmins is usually English, though regional channels are often held in that region’s language. Be aware that English is not every user’s main language. While this can make communication frustrating on both sides, be polite, patient and friendly about it.
To be honest, there are way #toomanychannels. The reason for this is that anyone can create a channel. Before you create a new channel, you should browse and search and maybe ask if there is already a channel for that particular purpose or topic. #general is usually a good place to ask if you can’t find something obvious in the channel browser.
In addition there are private channels, which work basically the same, but cannot be searched and only joined on invitation.
Special Channels
There are a few channels that have special roles or uses:
#general: is the “anything” channel, as long as the topic is somewhat MacAdmin related. Questions asked here may are often answered directly or you will be referred to a different channel.
#backroom: This is for ‘off-topic’ discussions. Any topic goes, as long as you follow the CoC.
#ask-about-this-slack: for technical and organizational questions to the admins about the MacAdmins Slack.
Slack is not Email
The MacAdmins Slack can get very busy. You may have the urge to keep up with every message in every channel you follow. This may be possible when you are in just a few channels. However, I have gotten used to just hitting ‘shift-escape’ (Mark all as read) in the morning and maybe again in the afternoon. I try to keep up with discussions and threads I am part of, and have learnt to be ok with missing most others.
You can just insert an Emoji when typing with the standard macOS or iOS emoji picker. You can also type an emoji name or ‘code’ between colon characters:. So :grin: will turn into the grinning smiley. This is usually more convenient than the system pickers.
When you see an emoji, you can hover the mouse over it to learn its name or code.
You can add an emoji to a post with the reaction button. (the smiley with the + symbol). Then the emoji will be shown attached to the post, multiple reactions by different users will be shown next to each other, and they will be counted up.
When you hover your mouse over a reaction, it will show which users added that particular reaction.
Special Emojis
Some Emojis are unique to Slack or have special meaning
:+1: will show as the ‘thumbs up’ emoji. This is commonly used to show approval or support, though some users prefer :plus1 or :heavy_plus_sign:
:protip: is used to highlight a great tip. There is a bot that gathers all post with this reaction in the #protips channel
:this: will show as an animated chevron. Used to approve or emphasize a post.
:raccoon: is used to politely notify that an ongoing discussion might be better suited for another channel (Why is is a raccoon?)
:dolphin: is sometimes used when you leave a channel to state that you are merely leaving to prune your channel list and not because something has upset you
Custom Emojis
You can create your own emojis. Or add new names for existing ones.
You can reply to a post directly in a channel’s timeline or create a ‘thread’ where the replies are collapsed or sorted with the original post. Use the speech bubble icon to create a thread.
In MacAdmins Slack, most users prefer replies in the timeline, however, when you are replying to a post further up in the timeline, then threads can be quite useful. When replying in a thread, you have the option to show the reply in the channel’s main timeline as well.
Use the ‘@’ Wisely
You can ‘mention’ another user with the @ symbol and their username. With Slack’s default setting the user will get notified of a mention. When you use @scriptingosx in a post, it will notify me, even when I am not in the channel.
This can be very useful to ‘summon’ someone into a channel, because they might be interested or able to contribute to a discussion. I use it when I reply to questions or requests that happened a while ago, so that the person gets notified that there is a reply.
Other than that, you should use mentions with care. Remember that you may be ringing all of someone’s devices with it.
Set up Do not Disturb
To avoid excessive notifications, you can set Slack to ‘Do not Disturb’ mode by clicking on the bell icon next to the Workspace name. You can snooze the Slack for a certain and setup a recurring schedule to mute notifications overnight.
A user who mentions you while have the ‘Do not Disturb’ mode enabled will be informed why you may not be reacting.
You can also see a user’s local time in their profile. This might give you an idea of when they might be online or not. You can get to a user’s profile by clicking on their icon.
In addition to be notified when you are mentioned (@ed) you can add certain keywords that may be interesting to you. (e.g., I have keywords for my books’ titles)
If you have trouble remembering the syntax, you can also see the most common formatting options in small text under the message entry field.
Posting Code
Since MacAdmins Slack is a technical forum, posting commands or pieces of code will be fairly common. When you enclose a sequence of words with single backticks it will be shown in monospace font, which others will usually understand to be a command.
When you use triple backticks, Slack will interpret the text in between as a code block. Other special characters and white space (multiple space, tabs, new lines) will be shown as is. This is useful to share short code blocks or log sections.
To share full scripts or longer log files, you should use Slack Snippets. You can create a snippet with the big ‘+’ button next to the text entry or by just dragging a script or text file into the slack window.
Asking questions
We all use Slack to ask for help when we are stuck. The willingness to help each other out it one of the strengths. However, when you do have to ask for help, there are a few common courtesies you should follow. (These hold true for any request for help, like a support incident.)
Be Descriptive and Specific
Don’t just say “Help, XYZ is broken!” Don’t ask if “anyone knows ABC?”
Explain what you are trying to do, in which context. Show what you already tried to fix the problem. (you did try to solve it yourself first, didn’t you?)
I find, that often the act of formulating the question properly helps me figure out the solution myself, or at least get closer to a solution.
People who want to help you will follow-up with those questions, but will be more likely to help when the request is well formulated and has (most of) the necessary context.
My postinstall script does not work! Can anybody help?
I want to show a dialog from a postinstall script which prompts the user for the computer name. I am using osascript, but it is failing and I don’t understand why?
Even better: add the script (or a part of the script) and errors you are seeing
Keep your question relevant
Sometimes a question might just drown in another ongoing conversation. Sometimes, expecially on the less busy channels, no-one will be around to answer. Be patient before you start cross-posting to other channels.
It’s ok to repeat your question, once the ongoing discussion subsides, but don’t spam. Maybe it’s just that no-one really has an answer.
Keep in mind that everyone on the MacAdmins Slack has a job, which is not answering your questions on Slack. Helping each other out on Slack is something we all do on the side, voluntarily.
Don’t @ or DM people just because they have helped you before, unless you want to follow-up on something very specific.
MacAdmins Slack is busiest during North American office hours. Keep that in mind when posting questions as well. (There are a few admins from elsewhere in the world who will help out when they can.)
What do you want to accomplish?
Even when you ask questions properly and with detail, you may ge the the counterquestion: “What is it you actually want to accomplish?” This has turned into a sort of a meme on the MacAdmins Slack.
When you get this question, someone believes that you may be narrowing down on a dead end and a completely different approach may be more appropriate. They want to get your ‘big picture’ to understand the context.
This is the time to step back, explain your goals and let the MacAdmins community help you gain some new perspective. Don’t double down on what you are trying to do. This question has lead to some of the most interesting discussions.
Join the Slack and Enjoy!
Overall I feel the MacAdmins Slack is a great place to share and receive knowledge for MacAdmins. I you still haven’t signed up, go and do it here!
If you already are a member, I hope you learnt something useful here. If you think I missed something important, then let me know! (My user name on the MacAdmins Slack is @scriptingosx.)
I am not shy that BBEdit is my favorite text editor. I don’t remember when exactly I got my first copy, but it must have soon after it came out. I have been using it one form or another since then.
It is usually the first application I install on a new Mac. I don’t bother to add the icon to my dock because it is open all the time. (and it doesn’t hog memory)
Recently, someone asked me why I prefer BBEdit. I was caught a bit off-guard but gave my honest answer: habit.
However, this answer doesn’t really do BBEdit much justice. Now I realize it is a habit formed over two-and-a-half decades. When BBEdit came out I was a student and used it for LaTeX documents, shell scripts and Fortran code on my PowerBook 160.
Back then Mac text files preferred a different line break character (carriage return: \r) than Unix (line feed: \n) and Windows (line feed and carriage return: \r\n). BBEdit was able to read, convert and write all of them.
BBEdit transitioned to PowerPC. It was one of the first applications to have a native Mac OS X version (the Mac/Unix text file compatibility was really valuable then). BBEdit made the Intel transition and is ready for the 64-bit only future of macOS.
All along the way, BBEdit has always stayed true to the Mac environment, however the Mac changed. When you expect native ‘Mac-like’ behavior that’s how BBEdit behaves. It supports AppleScript, but also has powerful command line tools. It will parse a binary property list to XML and it will ask for authorization to read and edit root-owned files.
But, BBEdit also has always been a great way to talk with things outside of the Mac.
When I have to edit files over ssh I will grudgingly use nano or (in desperate situations) vi, but then I remember that BBEdit has direct editing over sftp.
BBEdit has supported three version control systems I have used over the years and (so far) survived two.
I have built web pages in BBEdit, trawled through truly gigantic log files, written code in secveral languages, and documents in LaTeX, Markdown and various other file formats. Some of the files were even just plain text.
If you have read anything I have written on this website, or my books, it very likely started out as a draft in BBEdit.
Right now I am writing a book with the experimental Markua language on LeanPub. In BBEdit, of course.
The advantage of text files is that they can be opened everywhere. Trying out a new text editor has virtually no barrier. Over the years I have used and tried out uncountable different editors and many of them had some features I liked. Right now I have Atom and Sublime Text on my Mac, as well. Those are great tools with some wonderful features. However, they are not native to the Mac and that often adds friction to the workflow.
Now that I have thought about it, habit is only part of the answer. It is not just habit, it is a trust they have built and earned over more than two decades.
When Apple does their next transition, I can expect BBEdit to be right there with me, still not sucking. As long as there is still a need to edit text files on Macintosh/Mac OS/Mac OS X/OS X/macOS or whatever it is going to be called, I am looking forward to the next 25 years of working with BBEdit.
At the same time it was obvious that Apple liked the way MDM was in the center of all management for iOS and wanted to have it play a similar role for macOS. The extent how far Apple would push it was unclear.
While APFS has certainly come with some challenges, mainly for managed FileVault users, it was not the “Macnarök” that we were expecting.
I am not including these links to make fun of the authors – quite the opposite. At the time there was justified anxiety about the future of macOS adminstration and these posts (and many others) put this into words. I believe that because of MacAdmins blogging and presenting about their concerns and anxiety, talking with Apple Reps and filing bugs, as a community, were able to influence the course Apple is taking. It is definitely a slow, frustrating and opaque process, but not entirely fruitless.
However, other new “features” of High Sierra such as UAKEL and, later with 10.13.4, UAMDM provide their own set of hurdles administrators have to clear.
These are the main challenges for macOS deployment:
Imaging is Dead, Long Live the Installer
MDM is Essential
Secure Boot
Let’s look at these challenges and some solutions to them in detail.
Imaging is Dead, Long Live the Installer
Imaging has been the means to quickly and reliably install macOS to clients. It could scale from an external drive for a few clients to a NetBoot infrastructure for large deployments.
In the early days imaging meant building a ‘Golden Master’ image with all configuration and software ‘baked in,’ which then would be deployed to all the Macs. Creating this ‘Golden Master’ image was a lot of work and the result quite fragile and error-prone. Macs would usually be kept on a specific version of ‘the image’ for months or a year without updates.
Since the process of manually building the Golden Master was tedious and error-prone, administrators started to automate the process. Tool chains of packages, scripts and other tools could build the master image (or most of it) automatedly.
InstaDMG was one of the first tools to do this. AutoDMG is a direct successor of this approach and still useful for many tasks today.
The same packages and scripts that automated the configuration of the master image could be used to install and update software on ‘live’ Macs. Management tools, like Munki, Casper (now Jamf Pro) and Filewave, can deploy updates to clients automatically without user interaction. As work was moved from preparing the master image to maintaining the live system, the master image became thinner and thinner.
This resulted in the ‘thin imaging’ approach, where the image only had the minimal ‘base OS’ plus enough configuration to connect it to the management system. Once the Mac booted the management system takes over. Imaging would only be used to wipe a Mac and lay down a ‘base image.’
While this approach is slower than monolithic imaging, it is more flexible and allows to keep the system and software on the client continually updated, without having to re-image.
Some workflows even skipped the imaging entirely. When you get a Mac out of the box it already has macOS installed, all you need is to configure it to connect to your management system, which will take care of the rest.
Some administrators had already moved to ‘thin’ imaging or ‘no-imaging’ workflows before High Sierra and pronouncements that ‘Imaging is Dead!’ have been made years ago. Administrators using thin imaging or no-imaging workflows will find they are better prepared for the High Sierra installation workflows.
Mac administrators now have to build new workflows based on the Apple’s supported installation methods for High Sierra. These all rely on the macOS Installer application in one form or another.
The supported means of installing macOS High Sierra are:
the macOS Installer application
a bootable installer on an external drive
the macOS Recovery System
a NetInstall image built with Apple’s System Image Utility
Using the macOS installer application to upgrade a system from 10.12 is straightforward enough and similar to what was possible with the startosinstall command since OS X El Capitan 10.11.
The main challenge are ‘nuke-n pave’ workflows, where the system on a Mac is erased and overwritten with a new system.
This workflow is easy with traditional imaging. In fact, it was easier and faster to just image over a system, rather than upgrade.
The startosinstall --eraseinstall option added in 10.13.4 makes an installer based ‘nuke’n pave’ workflow possible with the macOS Installer application.
In the new High Sierra world of Mac deployment, we face the same challenge: how do you connect an ‘out-of-the-box’ macOS to your management system.
Apple’s answer to that is clearly DEP.
MDM is Essential
DEP will tell a freshly installed Mac which MDM server is ‘responsible’ for it. The MDM server can then use the InstallApplication MDM command to install and configure a management agent, which together with the mdmclient performs the remaining configuration and software installation.
Up until 10.13 Mac administrators could ignore and not use an MDM for Mac deployment and management. There were a few useful features, but there are also many tasks an MDM cannot do or that a local agent can do better.
With High Sierra MDM became essential to manage and support UAKEL. In the early versions of High Sierra, merely being connected to an MDM would disable UAKEL, starting with 10.13.4 UAKEL can be managed with a configuration profile which has to be pushed from a user approved MDM.
Like supervison for iOS devices, UAMDM adds an extra level of approval and provides an additional level of control over the macOS client device. UAMDM will be required for more and more essential functionality going forward.
However, as the name implies, a ‘user approved’ MDM needs to be interactively approved by a user at some time during deployment which creates an enormous challenge for automated workflows.
Apple claims that DEP enrolled devices are automatically user-approved. However, even the DEP enrollment still requires user interaction in the Setup Assistant.
Also DEP is not available in all regions and it may not be possible for organizations to add all existing Macs to their DEP account. DEP also requires Apple DEP servers to be accessible. So during this transition phase and for some other situations, Mac administrators have to have a non-DEP workflow solution to get a UAMDM enrolled device.
Secure Boot
Finally the iMac Pro introduces a new system controller with secure boot. By default all external means of booting an iMac Pro are disabled.
NetBoot/NetInstall is not supported on the iMac Pro at all. You can enable booting off external drives, but the process to do so is quite convoluted and cannot be automated. So for administrators, the option is fairly useless.
With the startosinstall command administrators can achieve the necessary management steps from within the local system. You can either upgrade the existing system or ‘nuke’n pave’ with the eraseinstall option.
However, the eraseinstall option is limited to systems that are already on 10.13 with an APFS file system. On the iMac Pro you can safely make that assumption, but for ‘older’ Macs and systems you usually cannot.
So administrators need a second workflow for systems and hardware that cannot run the eraseinstall option (yet).
The Recovery system, external installer volume or NetInstall are the Apple Supported means which can ‘nuke’n pave’ a Mac. NetInstall is the only means that can be automated.
However, there are other solutions such as Imagr or a modified DeployStudio workflow which can achieve the same goal using the macOS Installer application and startosinstall.
The New macOS Deployment Workflow
Deployment strategies and workflows are as varied and individual as the organizations that use them. But with the challenges listed above, I believe we can state a few pieces that are necessary for a new deployment workflow for High Sierra and hopefully going forward.
Enrolling a ‘new’ Mac
First, any deployment workflow should be designed to start with a clean ‘out-of-box’ macOS. This way the same workflow can be applied to new Macs and to Macs that were just re-installed.
At the end of the installation workflow the Mac is enrolled and user-approved with your management system, so that it can take over and perform the remaining configuration and installation. All configuration steps should be controlled from the management system and be executed independently of which deployment workflow was used.
DEP is the Apple-preferred means of connecting a new device to your MDM. Even when you require a non-DEP workflow for older Macs you should implement a DEP workflow. It is likely that Apple may make DEP enrollment mandatory in the future.
However, right now in the transition phase, you will need a second workflow for machines that cannot be registered with DEP.
For the non-DEP workflow, you can choose between manual enrollment, which happens after the user has booted and logged in for first time, or some sort of ‘side-loading’ where you add the MDM and management system configuration to a system, before it even boots for the first time.
For sideloading you can boot to Recovery and install software on the system volume. (Bootstrappr)
On Macs that still support NetBoot, you can also use tools like NetInstall, Imagr or DeployStudio. Either way you should do this before first boot of the system.
UAMDM requires user interaction to approve the management in some form or another. This is a change from previous deployment workflows which could be ‘fully automated.’
You will have to plan for this user interaction. In some cases, such as individual-use devices, the approval of the management will be part of standard first setup and will be done by the end user. In other situations such as classroom setups, it will be harder to make this part of the workflow.
Some management systems let you scope software installations and configurations depending on criteria reported from the device. In this case you can set up your workflow so that installations that rely on UAMDM (third party kernel extensions) are deferred until the MDM is approved.
Either way, the end-result of each of these paths should be a Mac that is enrolled (user-approved) with your MDM where the management system is installing, configuring, maintaining the system and software.
Restoring a Mac to ‘new’
You will also need a second set of workflows that bring a Mac from any state (even a broken one) back to the ‘out-of-box’ state so that you can start over (or retire it).
The first option uses the startosinstall --eraseinstall command. This is easiest to automate and works on new hardware like the iMac Pro. However, it will not work on Macs without APFS systems and older versions of macOS.
The Macs that cannot use the eraseinstall option, however, can use NetInstall or a similar NetBoot based tool. You can use the macOS Install application and startosinstall with Imagr and DeployStudio, so this combination will run the installer and can make sure the firmware is up to date as well.
Note that the workflows and tools for restoring a Mac are also used to ‘sideload’ the agent configuration on to a Mac. You can add the MDM/agent configuration to the restore workflow to save some steps here. However, since NetBoot based workflows are transition solutions to support ‘old’ Macs and systems, your deployment workflows need to work with ‘out-of-box’ systems as well as pre-configured systems.
In the transition phase until all hardware supports eraseinstall you will need both workflows available.
You should also have documentation, training, and support articles to instruct administrators, techs, and users to restore a Mac to ‘out-of-box’ state with (Internet) Recovery or an external boot drive. While this should be an option of last resort, it will be necessary in situations where a Mac cannot boot otherwise.
Obviously, these are very high level views of the workflow and the devil is very much in the details of the implementation. Even a book can only skim the surface of any implementation. Nevertheless, once you understand and accept this framework, the necessary detailed steps become obvious, though not necessarily easy.