Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2020-02-28

The most exciting thing that happened this week was, of course, that someone online found out how to re-enable the startup chime on modern Macs!

Other than that, we got another round of beta releases for the Spring Updates.

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📰News and Opinion

🐦MacAdmins on Twitter

  • tlark: “We have successfully POC’d using ChromeOS for our digital signage. I’ll be ripping out every Mac Mini soon and replacing macOS with ChromeOS. I’ll never have to worry about softwareupdate on these devices again.”
  • Bryson Tyrrell: “I foresee an indeterminate period of time where we have Macs running ARM or x86. The iMac Pro and Mac Pro I think need to stay x86. iMac and Mac mini I could see going ARM. Shifting over entirely doesn’t feel right with their “pro” focus in the past year.”
  • Brad Neuberg: “Oh hey Homebrew just completely removed the Python 2.7 cask with a smarmy ”you should have upgraded“ message. Thanks Homebrew!” (via groob)
  • Mr. Macintosh: “The macOS Catalina 10.15.4 Beta 3 (19E242d) Update is now Available Apple also made a Full .app installer available for Beta 3 Updated Beta 3 AppleSeed Notes include changes around the Kernel Extension Incompatibility warning messages that first arrived in Beta 2.”

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author