Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2020-05-22

Update week, part 1! iOS 13.5 and siblings have arrived. macOS Catalina 10.15.5 GM was released to seed and beta testers, so probably next week?

I will be talking at the “Virtuele Macbeheerders bijeenkomst” (Virtual MacAdmins Meeting, which you probably could have guessed) about Installomator next week. Warning: other than mine, all sessions will be in Dutch, but they sound very interesting.

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📰News and Opinion

⚙️macOS Catalina 10.15 and iOS 13 Updates

🦠Coronavirus and Remote Work

🐦MacAdmins on Twitter

  • Mactroll: “A heavily contrived, but still fun, example of using a Managed Apple ID with a Single Sign on Extension. A story in a few parts, but first the video…” (Video, thread)
  • Mactroll: “More SSO Extension fun! This time signing into an O365 application, Powerpoint, and activating the subscription.” (video, thread)
  • William Smith: “MacAdmins, support for Microsoft Office 2016 for Mac ends October 13, 2020 (five months). Plan to move to a Microsoft 365 subscription for your organization or upgrade your volume license to Office 2019. Announcement from December 2019
  • Patrick Fergus: “Support for 27 languages in Outlook for iOS being removed at the end of June 2020. Office 365 Message center MC213632.”
  • Jeff Johnson: “This is an interesting chart. 10.15 adoption seems to be significantly lower than 10.14 or 10.13.” (Chart, thread)

🐞Bugs and Security

🔨Support and HowTos

🤖Scripting and Automation

🍏Apple Support

♻️Updates and Releases

📺To Watch

🎧To Listen

🎈Just for Fun

📚 Support

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author