Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2020-08-28

Some great posts from fellow MacAdmins this week. New betas for iOS 14 and iOS 13.7(!) dropped, but none for macOS so far.

Remember that you can still register for Virtual JNUC 2020 for free. you won’t just get to see my great talk, but there are many other amazing talks from amazing MacAdmins.

If you would rather get the weekly newsletter by email, you can subscribe to the Scripting OS X Weekly Newsletter here!! (Same content, delivered to your Inbox once a week.)

News and Opinion

macOS 11 Big Sur and iOS 14

MacAdmins on Twitter

  • William Smith: “Outlook for Mac 16.38 can let users try New Outlook. MacAdmins can manage this preference: Domain: com.microsoft.Outlook Key: EnableNewOutlook Values (integer): 0 = Switch hidden (default) 1 = Switch displayed, off 2 = Switch displayed, on 3 = Enabled, switch hidden”
  • mikeymikey: “If you’re not a full Screen aficionado – you may have seen that hovering over the zoom control gives you options you don’t care for – but did you know those options change to non-full screen windowed choices if you hold down Option?”
  • tlark: “The thing that kills me the most about TCC/PPPC is there is no real clear documentation on how to properly implement it. You stream logs, run things and play a game of whack-a-mole. I am all about increased security posture, but come on Apple, help us configure it.”

Bugs and Security

Support and HowTos

Scripting and Automation

Updates and Releases

To Listen

Just for Fun


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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author