Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2020-12-18

Last week before christmas, but Apple already had plenty to give. The updates for macOS Big Sur, iOS and siblings dropped on Monday.

As this is the first real update for Big Sur, some flaws in the new software update workflow were exposed. Victor Vrantchan did an excellent write-up.

This is the last News Summary for 2020. I’ll be taking a few weeks off and return in January.

Happy holidays and all the best for 2021!

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News and Opinion

macOS 11 Big Sur and Apple silicon Macs

macOS and iOS Updates

MacAdmins on Twitter

  • Tim Perfitt: “We just tested installing the just released macOS 11.1 installer from a Catalina recovery, and it still fails.” (Note: read the AppleSeed for IT release notes for macOS Big Sur 11.2 beta)
  • Mike Lynn: “When doing keychain code, if you ever get told the generic “you have the wrong parameters” -50: log stream --predicate "subsystem == 'com.apple.securityd'” So very very helpful.”
  • Mr. Macintosh: “Manual downloadable delta and combo updates for Big Sur are no longer available. I will let our resident MacAdmins expert explain: ‘If you have a need for individual downloads for Big Sur delta/combo updaters – please make sure that’s filed in an official capacity with us'”

Bugs and Security

Support and HowTos

Scripting and Automation

Apple Support

Updates and Releases

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author