Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2021-01-15

The year is just starting, but Apple is waking up nearly as fast as an M1 MacBook Air. We got new betas for macOS 11.2 and iOS 14.4. MacAdmins have been busy, too. Thank you for all the great articles!

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News and Opinion

macOS 11 Big Sur and Apple silicon Macs

macOS and iOS Updates

MacAdmins on Twitter

  • Hector Martin: “So I’m working in understanding the Apple Silicon boot/OS provisioning process. This is all subject to change, but here are some takeaways according to my current understanding.” (Thread)
  • Joel Rennich: “While it still needs work, specifically around how Apple gates token access, this is PKINIT on an iPhone using the Single Sign On Extension and a CryptoToken Kit extension at the same time.” (Movie, thread)
  • Patrick Wardle: “The ContentFilterExclusionList list has been removed (in macOS 11.2 beta 2)!! This means socket filter firewalls (such as LuLu) can now comprehensively monitor & block all network traffic)”

Bugs and Security

Support and HowTos

Scripting and Automation

Updates and Releases

To Listen

MacAdmin Pet of the Week

New Section! If you aren’t yet following Tim Perfitt of Twocanoes (MDS, Winclone and many other useful tools) on Twitter, maybe the litter of puppies they are fostering right now will convince you.

(If you have a pet you’d like to share here, ping me on Slack or Twitter.)


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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author