Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2021-03-19

Fairly quiet week. No major news from Apple, except for the fourth beta of macOS 11.3, iOS 14.5 and siblings.

Apple has admitted that the original ‘large’ HomePod is discontinued. You can still buy them while supplies last. This seems like release some bad news before the good news. Apple often releases new products or updates at this time of year.

To support the weekly news summary, please consider:

macOS Terminal and Shell Book Cover

macOS Terminal and Shell:
You have always wanted to ‘learn Terminal,‘ right? This book teaches how (and why) to use the command line on macOS. Get it on Apple Books!

I have a list of upcoming conferences and dates on my website. The list also contains links where you can submit a session proposal and a link to the video archive of the conference, where available (this is new since last week).

PS: Don’t be alarmed. I will be experimenting with the layout of this newsletter over the next few weeks.

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  • Tim Perfitt: “I think I finally figured out how DFU in the M1 works. Apple says to: 1. Plug in to correct USB port to another mac running AC2. 2. hold power, left control option and right shift for 10 seconds 3. the release all but power button for another 10 seconds.” (Thread)

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author