Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2021-04-23

The Spring Loaded Apple Event delivered: we got a new podcast app with subscriptions, a purple iPhone, AirTags (for when we all can go out and lose things again), new Apple silicon iMacs, and a new iPad Pro. And the M1 Mac mini silently got a new option for 10GigE.

The new iMac comes in seven colors, very reminiscent of the colored G3 iMacs. It’s specs mostly match the current M1 Macs, with a few differences. The low-end model has only two USB-C/Thunderbolt ports. The higher model has two USB-C/Thunderbolt ports, two USB-c ports, and an Ethernet port in the power brick.

Overall, I consider this a promising update for the iMac. But now that Apple has transitioned all the entry level Macs, I am very curious to see how the ‘Pro’ Macs will transition and am looking forward to WWDC.

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  • tlark: “So Apple patched the Apache vuln in a Big Sur security patch, but did not list it in the security docs. Apple has not patched it for previous OSes. I only know about this b/c we collect vuln scan data. Anything older than Apache 2.4.46 is vuln” (Thread)

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author