Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2021-04-30


After a beta phase that seemed longer than the initial macOS Big Sur beta (it wasn’t) we finally got macOS 11.3 this week. And iOS 14.5 and siblings. I am sure you are all already unlocking your iPhone with a mask on and tracking the AirTags you ordered.

Lot’s of information about macOS 11.3 for MacAdmins, which I have gathered here.

Oh yes, and Apple had a another blow-out quarter…

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📰News and Opinion

🌅macOS Big Sur 11.3 and iOS 14.5


🐦MacAdmins on Twitter

  • Tim Perfitt: “If you use Terminal, you must use tab completion. Not so you can look fancy or be faster (which is awesome) but because it checks it while you do it and is FAR more accurate.”
  • Tim Perfitt: “Some very interesting findings for installing macOS on an M1 today by @RandomApps. As you may know, we lost the ability to run startosinstall in recovery on an M1. It turns out you can get back almost all the automation with a couple of carefully placed files.” (Thread)

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author