Installomator v0.6

We have posted an update for Installomator, which brings it to v0.6.

The changes are as follows:

  • several new and updated labels, for a total of 302
  • versionKey variable can be used to choose which Info.plist key to get the version from
  • an appCustomVersion() {} function can now be used in a label
  • with INSTALL=force, the script will not be using updateTool, but will reinstall instead
  • added quit and quit_kill options to NOTIFY
  • updated
  • updated to use notarytool (requires Xcode 13)
  • several minor fixes

There have been some other organizational changes as well. We have moved the repo to its own team on GitHub: Installomator/Installomator. This should reflect that I am no longer the sole, or even the main contributor. Many thanks to Søren Theilgaard, Isaac Ordonez, and Adam Codega for helping maintain this!

And many thanks to everyone else who contributed!

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author