Scripting OS X — Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2021-07-09

Summer doldrums are here! This is a good thing, because it gives us MacAdmins more time to test the upcoming betas. You are testing and providing feedback, right?

Since I mentioned betas, macOS 11.5 and iOS 14.7 beta5 came out this week, as well!

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In other news, I got my second Corona vaccination shot today. Hooray for science and technology! You might enjoy imagining this newsletter getting loopier and loopier as I progress into immune reaction stupor… 😉

If you would rather get the weekly newsletter by email, you can subscribe to the Scripting OS X Weekly Newsletter here!! (Same content, delivered to your Inbox once a week.)

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  • mikeymikey: “Take the amount of time it would take to manually install and configure critical apps and tools for an employee role and multiply it out by how much of their payroll you’d be wasting without IT ensuring it’s in self-service”

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author

One thought on “Scripting OS X — Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2021-07-09”

  1. Of course you might drift off from vaccine reaction but we should get your copy faster with the 5G in your veins.

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