MacSysAdmin Online 2021 is live!

The first set of sessions for the MacSysAdmin Online sessions are… well… online!

There is an introduction video from Patrik Jerneheim, a session on Time Machine by Howard Oakley, Rich Trouton demonstrates AutoPkg in the cloud and Charles Edge celebrates Scandinavian contributions to computing. Oh, and I talk about building tools with Swift and SwiftUI.

You can find the links to all the videos from today on the MacSysAdmin website. More sessions will be published every day this week at 09:30 CEST (UTC+2).

You can find the links and resources for my Swift session here.

You can still support MacSysAdmin Online by purchasing a T-Shirt. The store will remain open until Friday.

Many thanks to Patrik Jerneheim and the team for putting this on. Also to all the presenters for building these sessions.

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author