Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2022-10-07

MacAdmin conference season is in full swing with MacSysAdmin Online and Objective-by-the-Sea happening this week.

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That also means we are getting announcements of the dates of conferences for next year. PSU MacAdmins conference has announced the date for their first post-pandemic in-person conference: July 18–21, 2023. JNUC is planned for Austin, TX on September 19–21, 2023 and MacSysAdmin will be back in Gothenburg, Sweden on October 3–6. I have updated my conferences page with the new dates.

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News and Opinion

macOS Ventura and iOS 16

Social Media

  • John C. Welch: “30 years in IT have taught me this: Being cheap and petty over keyboards and mice is the stupidest thing to do. Someone wants a gaming mouse? Let them have it. The happiness that brings will far outweigh the cost “savings” in making them use the “standard” mouse.” (Thread)

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author