Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2019-10-18

Another week, another iOS update. And also another macOS Catalina… Supplemental… Update?

As a Mac admin, I am getting envious of iOS system version numbering.

While I grumble about the nomenclature, the “Supplemental Update” fixed the persisting request to log in to iCloud i had on my MacBook, so it is welcome, whatever it is called.

Note: because of travel and vacation, there will be no Newsletter next week, October 25. The newsletter will be back on November 1!

If you would rather get the weekly newsletter by email, you can subscribe to the Scripting OS X Weekly Newsletter here!! (Same content, delivered to your Inbox once a week.)

On Scripting OS X

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MacAdmins on Twitter

  • mikeymikey: “32-bit Intel Macs: Introduced 13 years ago – stopped shipping that same year. Every since has been 64-bit. 10.7 Lion: Launched 8 years ago in 2011 – required 64-bit. macOS had warnings about 32-bit app launches in 10.13 and 10.14. Why was ANY dev shipping 32-bit -only-?” (Thread)
  • Erik Schwiebert: “It took us /years/ to get rid of the Carbon code in Office and make the switch to 64-bit. And we were done in 2016…”
  • John Goering: “A WWDC slide from a more civilized time in Apple’s history.” (Image)
  • Armin Briegel: “System Image Utility is gone from macOS Catalina. It is not possible to build a NetBoot or NetInstall nbi based on Catalina. (You can probably hack one together, this is not meant as a challenge.) No currently sold Mac model is able to NetBoot. NetBoot is dead.”

macOS Catalina

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author