Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2021-05-07

After the long awaited big updates last week, Apple followed up this week with another, albeit much smaller, update. macOS 11.3.1 et al are security updates for some pretty serious bugs, that may already be exploited.

Less than one month until WWDC!

MacDevOpsYVR has started releasing their speaker list and I am proud to say that I will be doing a 15 minute talk, title ‘The Encyclopedia of Packages.’ You should check out the speaker list, it is very interesting. MacDeployment is now scheduled for June 1-2. I have updated my conference overview page!

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macOS Terminal and Shell:
You have always wanted to ‘learn Terminal,‘ right? This book teaches how (and why) to use the command line on macOS. Get it on Apple Books!

(If you have already bought the book, please leave a review on the Apple Books Store. Thank you!)

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Kandji has commissioned Jason Snell of Six Colors to create an Enterprise Report Card for Apple. This is a chance for Mac Admins to give feedback on how they see Apple.

The deadline to add your score and comments is May 14, 2021. The results will be compiled to run in early June before WWDC. The contact information is for the survey only and you can choose to remain anonymous.

This is a great chance for MacAdmins to provide some feedback!

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🐦MacAdmins on Twitter

  • Maxwell: “Every system library and framework is in the shared cache, and now there are 4 shared caches in system/library/dyld. x64h, arm, rosetta and x86 for that 1 trash can Mac Pro they still haven’t canned. each about a gig but they compress well.”
  • Craig Hockenberry: “One thing I’ve noticed as of late is Apple locking things down without looking at the bigger picture of how sometimes more security actually makes things less secure. Let me explain…” (Thread)

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author