Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2021-08-27

Welcome back! Hope you had a good vacation break.

While the news was slower than usual, a lot of great posts accumulated over five weeks, so this is a long news summary. Settle down for some extended reading.

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(I learned that there is a limit to how many links you can add to a single note in Notes.app, which is where I gather the links for this newsletter. In case you are wondering, the limit is 100 links or “attachments” per note.)

The beta process continues. iOS 14 and siblings are now on beta 7. macOS 12 Monterey has stalled on beta5 for a while now. SharePlay has been pushed to a later update release. iCloud Private Relay will start with as a public beta in the fall. We also got some security updates for Big Sur, 11.5.1 and 11.5.2.

In case you missed it: I published an excerpt of my upcoming book “Scripting macOS” on my weblog as a series of posts over the break. You can catch up by starting at the first part: “First Script” (There will be one more installment next week.)

If you would rather get the weekly newsletter by email, you can subscribe to the Scripting OS X Weekly Newsletter here!! (Same content, delivered to your Inbox once a week.)

News and Opinion

macOS 12 Monterey and iOS 15

macOS and iOS Updates

MacAdmins on Twitter

  • Ryan Moon: “TIL about “Allow full disk access for remote users” and that solved the mystery of why I couldn’t access folders via SSH. A sneaky add to 11.5 that I hadn’t heard about previously.” (Image)
  • Ben Bajarin: “I have long held an Apple Mac in the enterprise growth story. Apple has slowly chipped away at barriers around deploying and managing Macs in the enterprise. With M1 Macs, Apple is better positioned than ever to grow Mac enterprise share.” (Thread)
  • Csaba Fitzl: “The most useful feature I learned this month: CMD+K in Terminal clears everything, including all output, it’s like opening a fresh, new shell.”
  • mikeymikey: “If you’re having RSA SecureID issues, please contact RSA via support contract & let them know their QtCore 5 bundled framework inside stauto32.framework is verifying a signature chain in QtCore.cire that passes through a Symantec CA- they need to update it” (Thread)

Security and Privacy

Support and HowTos

Scripting and Automation

Apple Support

Updates and Releases

To Listen

I will only link to those podcasts that I found most interesting over the past few weeks. Please lookup all missed episodes in your favored podcast application or on their websites.

Just for Fun


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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author