Installomator v10.3 and v11.0beta1

We have released a new minor version of Installomator. Version 10.3 contains several new labels and some very important fixes to existing labels. You can see the details in the v10.3 release notes.

We have also released a first beta for the v11.0 release.

Having a beta parallel to a new minor release is a new approach for us. The way Installomator is built, changes and additions to labels do not (well, should not) affect the hundreds of other labels. This allows us to add and update labels quite easily. (We have added and updated 205 labels since v9.2, and 37 labels since 10.2) The minor updates focus on adding new labels and updating the existing labels, mostly because the names or download URLs change on the vendor side. Since not everyone is comfortable with the intricacies of git and GitHub, frequent minor releases are important to keep Installomator working for everyone that uses it.

However, we want to update the script and functionality in the script, as well. But since any change to behavior of the main script might affect all 500+ applications, we have to tread very carefully here. Last year, we had an extended beta period for v10, which was necessary to identify some problems with the changes. However, we didn’t release new minor updates during that beta phase which means that many labels in the v9.2 release broke over the beta phase.

Because of this, I have studied some new git and GitHub skills. Now, there will be a minor release with new and updated labels, as well as a new beta for v11.0 with some new features, that we are quite excited about. We will keep this up until we deem v11 to be ready for production.

Do not use v11.0beta1 in production! That is what the v10.3 release is for. But please, test the beta in your testing environments and report all issues that you find. This will help us build a better, safe, and stable Installomator v11.0.

As always, many thanks to everyone who is helping to make this project so much better than I could have ever imagined…

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author