Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2023-05-19

Release week! We got the macOS 13.4, iOS 16.5 updates (and the other platforms, too, of course). It wasn’t released until yesterday, with another round of release candidates earlier this week. As usual, you can find all the relevant links in this summary.

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In the run-up to WWDC, Apple has has published information on future accessibility features, a new concert discovery feature in Music and Maps, and an update on fraud in the AppStore.

WWDC is not the only conference coming up. MacAD.uk in Brighton, UK is next week. MacDevOps YVR will be in Vancouver, Canada, later in June and PSU MacAdmins Conference in July. After the summer we will have JamfNation User Conference in Austin, Texas in September and MacSysAdmin in Göteborg, Sweden in October.

The MacAdmins Foundation has established a new grant for conference attendance for those who cannot otherwise attend. The deadline for applications is May 28. You will find details on their page.

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macOS Ventura 13.4 and iOS 16.5


iOS and iPadOS

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  • Craig Hockenberry: “To disable movie, PDF, and other useless previews, but still maintain the image on the icon, use this from Terminal: $ defaults write com.apple.finder QLInlinePreviewMinimumSupportedSize -int 512 Then relaunch the Finder.”

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author