Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2018-10-27

Somewhat delayed summery this week-end again. Quiet week while nearly everybody was at JNUC having fun.

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On Scripting OS X

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  • Julia Evans: “New zine: Oh shit, git! It’s based on ohshitgit.com and it tells you how to get out of git messes. By me and the amazing @ksylor.”

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If you want to support me and this website even further, then consider buying one (or all) of my books. It’s like a subscription fee, but you also get a useful book or two extra!

Changing a User’s Login Picture

Nick asked a question in the comments recently:

Now only if there was as simple a tool for setting the profile pic!

There is no simple tool, but it is not that hard really.

When an individual user wants to change their login picture, they open the Users & Groups preference pane. But if want to pre-set or change it for multiple Computers or Users, then we need to script.

Update 2019-09-20: Some of this seems to have changed since I wrote this. in 10.14.6 you will need to set the JPEGPhoto  attribute as well. Read Alan Siu’s post for details.

Where is it stored?

The data for the user picture is stored in the user record in the directory. If the user is stored locally the directory is just a bunch of property list files in /var/db/dslocal/nodes. However, we do not want to, nor should we manipulate them directly. The tool to interface with directory data is dscl (directory service command line, pronounced diskel)

You can get a user’s record data like this:

$ dscl . read /Users/username

This will dump a lot of data, some of it binary. When you look more closely at the data, you can see that the binary data is in an attribute JPEGPhoto. This is promising, but converting an image file into some binary code and writing it into the attribute does not sound fun.

When you look around the user record some more, you can find another attribute labeled Picture which contains a decent file path (it may be empty on your machine). When JPEGPhoto contains data, Picture will be ignored. But when we delete the JPEGPhoto attribute, then the system will use the file path set in the Picture attribute.

Let’s Change It!

Deleting the JPEGPhoto attribute is easy:

$ dscl . delete /Users/username JPEGPhoto

And so is setting the Picture attribute to a new value:

$ dscl . create /Users/username Picture "/Library/User Pictures/Flowers/Sunflower.tif"

With this you can create a script that resets all user pictures by looping through all the available pictures in the /Library/User Pictures folder.

(Since you are affecting other users’ records, this script needs to be run as root.)

Custom Images

Of course, you don’t have to use the pre-installed User Picture images, but can install your own.

To demonstrate how this would work, I conceived of a little fun exercise. I wanted to write a script that sets the user picture to an image from the ‘User Pictures’ folder which starts with the same letter as the username.

The set of images in the default cover 19 of the 26 letters in the latin alphabet. I created images for the seven missing letters (A, I, J, K, Q, U, and X).

To run the script at login, I created a LaunchAgent. And finally a script which will set the Picture to the appropriate path.

Since LaunchAgents run as the user, we need to be a bit more careful when changing the attributes. While a user has privileges to modify and delete the JPEGPhoto and Picture attribute, they cannot create the attributes, so our sledgehammer method to overwrite any existing value from the script above will not work.

The dscl . change verb, which modifies an attribute has a weird syntax which requires you to pass the previous value as well as the new value. To get the previous value, which may contain spaces, I use the same PlistBuddy trick from this post.

Finally, I built an installer package which installs all the parts (the additional images, the LaunchAgent plist and the script) in the right places. You can get the project here. Run the buildAlphabetUserPkg.sh script to build an installer package.

Since the LaunchAgent will trigger at a user’s login, you will have to logout and back in, before you can see any changes. You could add a postinstall script that loads the launchagent for the current user (when a user is logged in), but I will leave that as an exercise for the attentive student.

You can get all the pointers on how to build installer packages with postinstall scripts in my book: “Packaging for Apple Administrators

Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2018-10-19

We have a date for the next Apple Event: Oct 30! And it happens in Brooklyn and has hundreds of Apple logo designs. (Seriously, keep reloading the event page, it’s awesome.)

Will it be iPad Pro? Macs? Both?

Also, Adobe is showing off the new Photoshop for iPad. Some news on the new Adobe CC 2019 affects the Cloud Packaging tool.

If you would rather get the weekly newsletter by email, you can subscribe to the Scripting OS X Weekly Newsletter here!! (Same content, delivered to your Inbox once a week.)

On Scripting OS X

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Adobe CC 2019

MacAdmins on Twitter

  • Steve Yuroff: “Today I find myself wondering why the MDM is not notified when the user approves UAMDM. I have things for the MDM to do once the approval is made… let’s get on it.”
  • Adam Langley: “Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla today jointly announced a timeline for the removal of TLS 1.0 and 1.1 from their respective browsers.” (Links in tweet)
  • Adam Codega: “@gregneagle built the best way to install/update Mac software @Contains_ENG helps fill Apple’s MDM gaps @rtrouton documents it all and makes some cool utilities @ftiff makes DEP look nice…” (read the thread)
  • Brian Stucki:
    “A happy fourth birthday to this little guy today. Old enough to start preschool. But seriously, can’t wait to meet your younger sibling.” (Happy Birthday, Mac mini!)
  • William Lam: “FYI – @Apple MacOS Mojave (10.14) is now officially supported on vSphere 6.7u1, 6.7, 6.5u1, 6.5u2 & 6.5”
  • Sacrilicious: “In tribute to @Morpheus______ ‘s ‘liberal’ take on pronunciation, I propose we rebrand anything with ctl as a suffix ‘cuddle’, and anything w/suffix ‘util’ as ‘uddle’. e.g. launchctl, ‘launch cuddle’ ‘sysadmin cuddle’ scuddle discuddle fontuddle assetk’shuddle H-duddle”
  • Tim Perfitt: “Filed this bug about feedback for bugs. I get the irony.”

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If you want to support me and this website even further, then consider buying one (or all) of my books. It’s like a subscription fee, but you also get a useful book or two extra!

EraseInstall Application

The consulting team at Pro Warehouse has been working on an application. I mentioned this application in my talk at MacSysAdmin. The application is called ‘EraseInstall’ and provides a user interface which runs the startosinstall --eraseinstall command, which is part of the macOS Installer application.


The startosinstall --eraseinstall command with all its options is fairly accessible for an administrator. There have been some attempts to make the command more accessible to end users.

With Mojave, Apple is enforcing the requirement to have an active internet connection before you start the installation. The startosinstall command will fail if it cannot reach Apple’s servers. Also on Secure Boot Macs, you really want a user to have Find My Mac disabled before a system is wiped.

We chose to build an application with an interface that runs the necessary checks and displays a summary, before the startosinstall --eraseinstall is launched.

This will provide end users, techs and admins easy access to a tool which wipes the system. This will close the lifecycle loop of a Mac, from on-boarding to ‘off-boarding.’

Enter EraseInstall

EraseInstall will show three screens, the first will explain what the application does (wipe everything!) and then you will get a summary of the checks. In this initial version we check whether the system has APFS, if Find My Mac is enabled and if there is an internet connection.

EraseInstall also locates a suitable “Install macOS” application, either “Install macOS High Sierra” for 10.13.4 and higher or “Install macOS Mojave.” It is your responsibility to have the install app on the system before the EraseInstall is run. The app does not have to be installed in /Applications. (EraseInstall uses a spotlight query to locate available installer applications. It may take a few minutes after an installer app has been copied to a system for spotlight to pick it up.)

WARNING: the app as we have posted it is fully functional and will erase and install the system on which it is run. Please only run this on a test machine!

You can watch a video of the installation and workflow here:

How to get it

You can download an installer and the source code for the EraseInstall application here.

The installer will put the EraseInstall.app in /Applications/Utilities/.

You need to install, copy or download the “Install macOS” application (for 10.13.4 or higher) through your management system, VPP or manually.

Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2018-10-12

There seems to be some “conference hangover” this week. Or maybe it was because I was distracted by the Jamf 400 course I attended.

So enjoy the quiet week. If you think I missed anything important, send it to me and I will include it next week!

If you would rather get the weekly newsletter by email, you can subscribe to the Scripting OS X Weekly Newsletter here!! (Same content, delivered to your Inbox once a week.)

News and Opinion


See all the session videos and get the slides on the MacSysAdmin page. (free registration required)

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There are no ads on my webpage or this newsletter. If you are enjoying what you are reading here, please spread the word and recommend it to another Mac Admin!

If you want to support me and this website even further, then consider buying one (or all) of my books. It’s like a subscription fee, but you also get a useful book or two extra!

Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2018-10-06

This newsletter is a bit late. The excuse for this is that I was attending (and speaking at) MacSysAdmin in Gothenburg all week.

Usually I gather the links to the speakers’ notes and slides. But for MacSysAdmin I don’t need to, because the event team has already gathered all those together with the session videos (!) on their website (free registration required, so worth it). The video team would have the session videos on the site within an hour. This puts them at two or three orders of magnitude faster than other conferences.

You can find the link to my session video, slides and links here. But take time to browse and watch the other sessions. MacSysAdmin has a very impressive list of high quality speakers and it is an honor to be among them.

If you would rather get the weekly newsletter by email, you can subscribe to the Scripting OS X Weekly Newsletter here!! (Same content, delivered to your Inbox once a week.)

On Scripting OS X

News and Opinion

MacAdmins on Twitter

  • MacDeployment YYC: “Dates for 2019 #MacAdmins & Consultants Conferences announced so far: @macaduk March 26–29 (London) @acesconf June 4–6 (Kansas City) #MacDeploy June 10–11 (Calgary) @MacDevOpsYVR June 12–14 (Vancouver) @psumacconf July 9–12 (State College) #MacSysAdmin Oct. 1–4 (Göteborg)”
  • Keir Thomas:
    “Mojave trick. Cmd+plus or cmd+minus (the two keys left of the backspace key) will shrink or enlarge icons on the desktop, or in icon, list and gallery views of Finder.”
  • Erik Gomez: “In just three hours, we enrolled more macOS devices than I had at my entire last job. …and they had thousands of macs”
  • Chris Espinosa: “On this day 25 years ago, Apple introduced AppleScript, a system and application automation system and language. It’s still shipping in Mojave and is one of the oldest code bases in continual use in macOS. Happy birthday, AppleScript!”

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There are no ads on my webpage or this newsletter. If you are enjoying what you are reading here, please spread the word and recommend it to another Mac Admin!

If you want to support me and this website even further, then consider buying one (or all) of my books. It’s like a subscription fee, but you also get a useful book or two extra!

Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2018-09-28

TGIF! How have you survived Mojave week?

This one is a bit shorter, because (a) I already posted a summary with Mojave links earlier this week, and (b) I am getting ready to leave for MacSysAdmin in Gothenburg next week!

Looking forward to meeting everybody else there!

If you would rather get the weekly newsletter by email, you can subscribe to the Scripting OS X Weekly Newsletter here!! (Same content, delivered to your Inbox once a week.)

On Scripting OS X

News and Opinion

MacAdmins on Twitter

  • Stephen Hackett:
    “macOS Mojave has been added to the Aqua Screenshot Library. Both Light and Dark Mode have been catalogued, as has every combo of mode and accent color possible.”
  • Carl Ashley:
    “This is why TCC User Consent is rubbish. Launch VMware Fusion Pro 11, get prompted to allow ”osascript“ access. I have NO idea what Fusion wants to do & I don’t know that it’s actually Fusion wanting to do something. Dug into the app, it’s deleting a Login Item.”
  • mikeymikey:
    “Ooooo…. that’s new Neat… ” (screenshot)
  • Scripting OS X:
    “I really like the new screenshot interface in macOS Mojave. I think it is a great improvement. But decades of habit using ⌘⇧3 and ⌘⇧4 are hard to break. Might have to go to the drastic measure of deactivating the old keystrokes.… ”

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There are no ads on my webpage or this newsletter. If you are enjoying what you are reading here, please spread the word and recommend it to another Mac Admin!

If you want to support me and this website even further, then consider buying one (or all) of my books. It’s like a subscription fee, but you also get a useful book or two extra!

Mojave Links

This is the big release week for Mac Admins. I have tried to gather the relevant links from Apple and fellow Mac Admins. I will keep updating this document over the next few days, so book mark this.

If you have found something of interest you think needs to be on this list, let me know!

I will of course keep posting links in my weekly newsletter for Mac Admins. You can follow it here on this weblog or subscribe by email.

Also relevant: iOS Links

Mojave Reviews

There are many reviews out there. These are my favorites.


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Mojave Book Updates

While you are all watching the progress bars downloading macOS Mojave, I have submitted updates to two of my books!

(Remember to archive the macOS Mojave installer app before updating!)

The service-formerly-known-as-iBooks is now called “Apple Books” or just “Books” across all Apple platforms. Whatever the name, my books are available there.

Both “Packaging” and “macOS Installation” have received updates with several new passages regarding macOS Mojave and other fixes and rewrites.

For “Packaging” I have also started the process of re-visiting all the examples. You never stop learning and I have certainly learned a lot in the last two years. Some of the scripting and writing styles I used when I started writing the book nearly three years ago now seem odd to me. This rewrite is a major process and so far I got to chapter 2. This remains a work in progress and expect more updates here soon. (All updates, as usual will remain free for those who have purchased the book.)

“macOS Installation” got less changes and updates than I expected for the Mojave update. We have been testing Mojave internally and the strategies for deploying High Sierra still work for Mojave. With the new APFS support for all drive hardware admins should be able to simplify deployment workflows. Nevertheless, I am sure that much more will be revealed over the next few weeks, now that the NDA is lifted and when the first update(s) drop(s). I will keep updating this book also.

The content of my third book “Property Lists, Preferences and Profiles” (PR3) has not really been affected but the Mojave release. I am also working on an update for this book with some new content added. When it happens you will learn about it here.

Go, get them on Apple Books!

Changes for “Packaging” 1.9:

(You can find a complete version history in the book.)

  • many minor typo fixes and rewrites
  • added note on removed pkgutil options
  • changed the sample script in the Payload-Free Packages section to enable SSH instead of ARD because of changes in macOS Mojave security
  • added a second simple package example to Building Packages
  • expanded the description on how to build the Boring Desktop pkg in Building Packages
  • updated script code across various scripts to match my coding standards which have changed since I started writing this book
  • updated the Github repository to include completed sample code to match the state of the project at the end of each section (so far for Chapter 2, this is ongoing work)
  • added a description for the undocumented –preserve-xattr option in Building Packages (Credit to Greg Neagle and Carl Ashley for finding and documenting)

Changes for “macOS Installation” v3:

  • Mojave updates:
    • added a note on the absence of the –converttoapfs option in the Mojave installer application
    • added new single user mode restrictions to the Secure Boot and Startup Security Utility sections
    • updated the UAMDM section with new Mojave payloads
    • added a description of the new –preservecontainer option for startosinstall in Erase Installation
    • added explanation of InstallEnterpriseApplication to the section about InstallApplication (10.13.6 and Mojave)
    • added a section of the relevant new Mojave features
  • added a description of Hardware Specific Systems and Installers
  • added a description of Configuration Profiles
  • expanded and clarified the Mobile Device Management description
  • added a workaround for the bug in SIU which prevents image creation with custom installer packages in Adding Custom Packages (Thanks to this MacAdmins Slack post.)