Swift Command Line Tools and Argument Parser — Part 1

When building tools in Swift, I usually start with a command line tool. This allows me to ignore the complexity of creating a user interface while figuring out the underlying APIs and data models.

Technically, command line tools have a user interface, as well. They print output to pipes, standard out or standard error for data, progress, status or other information. They should provide information using the exit status. They take input from standard in, pipes, environment variables, or from command line arguments.

While there are many subtleties to consider with all of these, these “interfaces” are still less complex to handle than a full user interface built with AppKit, UIKit or SwiftUI.

Swift provides the functionality to deal with files, outputs, pipes with APIs. This post will not cover those. This post will focus on getting arguments from the command line.

Note: this tutorial was written using Swift 5.10, Xcode 15.4, swift-argument-parser 1.5 on macOS 14.6.1. The details and user interfaces may change with different versions, but the fundamentals should remain.


The built-in way to get the arguments for your process is with CommandLine.arguments which returns an array of String objects. CommandLine.arguments is quite basic, but can be suitable for simple use cases.

Create a project directory named CLArgs and use swift package init to create a swift package to build an executable:

> mkdir CLArgs
> cd CLArgs
> swift package init --type executable

This will create a skeleton project, you will find a basic “Hello, world” code in Sources/main.swift. Replace the print statement there with:

import Foundation
let arguments = CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst()
guard let name = arguments.first
else {
  print("command requires an argument!")
print("Hello, \(name)")

Note: You can use your favorite text editor or IDE to edit SPM projects. You can also use Xcode. When you run xed . in the Swift package directory, Xcode will open the Swift package in a project view. You can edit, build and run the package in Xcode or use Xcode for editing and build and run it from the command line.

In terminal, build and run the project with

> swift run CLArgs Armin

This tells the swift to build the CLArgs target defined in Package.swift and run it with the argument Armin. You should see this output:

> swift run CLArgs Armin
Building for debugging...
[1/1] Write swift-version-39B54973F684ADAB.txt
Build of product 'CLArgs' complete! (0.11s)
Hello, Armin

Let’s look at the code in detail.

let arguments = CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst()

CommandLine.arguments returns an array of strings. By convention, the first argument (arguments[0]) contains the path to the executable. In most situations, you will not be interested in this first argument. One straightforward way to deal with this is to ‘drop’ the first element of the array right away.

guard let name = arguments.first
else {
  print("command requires an argument!")

We get the first element of the arguments array. Additional arguments are simply ignored. When no arguments are provided, this will return nil and guard statement will trigger, where we print an error message and exit the code with a non-zero value, signaling a failure.

print("Hello, \(name)")

The actual point of this sample code: print a greeting with the name.

In this simplest of examples, we spend a majority of the code on preparing the arguments and verifying that they meet our requirements.

CommandLine.arguments will serve you well for simple needs and quick command line tools. However, you will quickly notice that a robust command line tool needs to verify the existence of certain arguments, whether the value matches certain criteria, and print error messages and usage directions when the arguments don’t match the expectations. Many command line tools also have flags and options with short and long forms that need to be processed.

This turns into a lot of code very quickly.

Swift Argument Parser

Enter Swift Argument Parser. A package that provides “straightforward, type-safe argument parsing for Swift.”

You could modify the Package.swift file in our CLArgs project to import Swift Argument Parser but there is an even easier way to start. Back out of the CLArgs project directory and create a new one:

> cd ..
> mkdir SwiftArg
> cd SwiftArg
> swift package init --type tool

When you inspect the Package.swift file in this new project, you will see that it is already linked to the Swift Argument Parser package. Sources/SwiftArgs.swift contains another “Hello, world” template code, but using Swift Argument Parser.

import ArgumentParser
struct SwiftArgs: ParsableCommand {
  mutating func run() throws {
    print("Hello, world!")

The struct here implements the ParsableCommand protocol which allows us to use all the nice functionality from the ArgumentParser library. It is also marked with the @main tag, which tells the compiler to run the main() function in this when the binary is launched. The main() function is implemented by ParsableCommand which, well, parses the arguments and then launches the run() function.

Swift Package Manager vs Xcode projects

You can open and edit Swift Package Manager projects in Xcode with the xed . command. Recent Xcode versions know how to work with SPM projects without needing to create an Xcode project file. Xcode will use the configurations in the Package.swift file. This is useful when you like to work in Xcode, but want the project to remain transferable to other editors or IDEs.

There is a weird quirk. When you build and/or run the project from within Xcode it will use the default Xcode build directory (default is ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/). This is different from the location that the swift build or swift run commands in Terminal use (.build in the package directory). This can lead to longer build times and confusion.

You can also use swift-argument-parser and other packages within Xcode projects. This can be necessary if you are building the command line as a target within a larger Xcode project. Maybe you want to use some of Xcode’s advanced features for managing projects, like build phases and Archives. Or maybe you just prefer working in Xcode.

To create a command line with ArgumentParser in Xcode, create a new Project and select the ‘Command Line Tool’ template for macOS. Once the new project is created, select ‘Add Package Dependencies…’ from the File menu. Locate ‘swift-argument-parser’ in the ‘Apple Swift Packages’ collection or just enter the URL in the search field and click ‘Add Package…’ (twice)

Then, you have to delete the main.swift file from the template and create a new SwiftArgs.swift with this code:

import Foundation
import ArgumentParser
struct SwiftArgs: ParsableCommand {
  mutating func run() throws {
    print("Hello, world!")

This is the same as the template code created with the swift package init --type tool from above.

When testing and running the command line tool in Xcode will will want to pass arguments into the binary. You can do so by editing the scheme. Choose Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme… from the menu or click on the target icon (the one with the command line icon in the center of the menu bar) and select Edit Scheme… Make sure you are on the ‘Run’ section in that dialog and select the ‘Arguments’ tab. Here you can add, remove, enable or disable the arguments that Xcode passes into your tool when you run it from Xcode.

Continually changing the arguments in the scheme editor can be tedious. You can also use ‘Show Build Folder in Finder’ from the ‘Product’ menu, open the Products/Debug folder in Terminal by dragging that folder on to the Terminal icon in the Dock and run the built command from there with ./SwiftArgs

Whichever way you prefer to create and work with your project, the rest of this tutorial will work the same way.

Using Swift Argument Parser

Right now, we are just running print("Hello, world!"), which is quite underwhelming. Let’s step this up just a little bit:

struct SwiftArgs: ParsableCommand
  @Argument var name: String
  func run() {
    print("Hello, \(name)")

First we create a property called name of type Stringwith the @Argument property wrapper. This tells the ArgumentParser library, that we want this variable filled with an argument from the command line. When the run() function is called, we can “just use” the name property, like any other Swift property.

When you run this, something interesting happens: we get an error!

> swift run SwiftArgs
Error: Missing expected argument '<name>'
USAGE: swift-args <name>
  -h, --help              Show help information.

When you check the exit code of the command with echo $? you see it return an error code of 64. This means it was missing arguments or got malformed arguments. As should be good practice for command line tools, our tool did print a help message, describing what it was expecting. Here we see that our SwiftArgs command expects a single argument giving a name.

Run the command again, but with an argument:

> swift run SwiftArgs Armin
Hello, Armin

Now everything works as expected. When our tool launches, ArgumentParser grabs the argument, places it in our name property and executes the run() function in our struct that implements ParsableCommand. Since ArgumentParser errors out with the help message, when an argument is missing or too many arguments are present, we can be certain that the name variable is populated when our code runs.

Command Configuration

There is a small detail that is bugging me, though. The help message generated by ArgumentParser deduced that the name of binary should be swift-args instead of SwiftArgs, but the binary name is SwiftArgs, which is the name of the directory we initialized the project in. This is because of different naming standards for Swift types and command line tools. You can change the name of the executable created in the Package.swift file in line 15 under .executableTarget.

We could change the name to something completely different here, say apdemo for ‘Argument Parser Demo. When you apply that change inPackage.swift` it changes the name of the binary, but the auto-generated help message does not pick that up. It still use the auto-generated name.

> swift run apdemo --help
USAGE: swift-args <name>
  -h, --help              Show help information.

(Isn’t it neat that ArgumentParser automatically implements --help and -h flags?)

We could change the name of our struct, which will work in simple situations. But you will have a situation where the struct name will not match what you want for the executable name. There is a way to tell ArgumentParser exactly what we want, though.

Insert this code below the struct SwiftArgs line and above the @Argument:

  static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
    commandName: "apdemo"

When you now look at the generated help again, the command name matches:

OVERVIEW: apdemo - swift-argument-parser tutorial tool
USAGE: apdemo <name>
  -h, --help              Show help information.

There is more information we can provide in the command configuration. Extend the CommandConfiguration initializer like this:

  static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
    commandName: "apdemo",
    abstract: "apdemo - swift-argument-parser tutorial tool",
    version: "0.1"

and run the command to get the help message again.

OVERVIEW: apdemo - swift-argument-parser tutorial tool
USAGE: apdemo <name>
  --version               Show the version.
  -h, --help              Show help information.

The abstract appears as an ‘overview’ above the help message and we now see a new option --version. When you run the tool with that option, you will not be surprised to see the 0.1 provided in the configuration, but it is useful nonetheless.

There are more fields you can provide in the CommandConfiguration: discussion allows you to provide a long form description of the command. usage allows you to override the auto-generated usage text. There are some more that we will explore later.

More Arguments

You can add more @Arguments and they will be filled in order from the arguments provided at the command line. Add another property with the @Argument wrapper:

  @Argument var name: String
  @Argument var age: Int
  func run() {
    print("Hello, \(name)!")
    print("You are \(age) years old.")

When you run the tool without any arguments, you can inspect the updated help message. The usage and arguments area now shows both expected arguments. When you run the tool with a single argument, you get an abbreviated help, showing only the missing argument. When you provide a name and a number as command line arguments, everything works as expected.

But what if you provide two strings?

> swift run apdemo Armin lalala            
Error: The value 'lalala' is invalid for '<age>'
Help:  <age>  
Usage: apdemo <name> <age>
  See 'apdemo --help' for more information.

We declared the age property as an Int, so ArgumentParser expects an integer number for the second argument. When the second argument cannot be parsed into an integer, it shows the error.

Change the type of the age property to a double and run it again with a decimal for the age.

Some Help, please?

name and age might be enough to tell a user of your command line tool what to enter. But I think we should provide a bit more explanation. You can attach a help message to the argument:

  @Argument(help: "a name")
  var name: String
  @Argument(help: "age (integer number)")
  var age: Int

I have broken the property declarations into two lines each for clarity and changed the age back to an Int for simplicity. The help messages will appear next to the argument names in the long and short help messages.

Off to a good start

We have just started to scratch the surface of what swift-argument-parser can do for us. In the next part, we will cover options and flags.

Building a LaunchD Installer pkg for desktoppr (and other tools)

In my last post introducing desktoppr 0.5, I said that a Mac admin could build a customized pkg with a customized LaunchAgent property list, that would run desktoppr manage at login and every few hours in the background to re-set the wallpaper when the configuration profile is updated.

I admit I glossed over the process of building a package that installs and launches a LaunchAgent (or LaunchDaemon). Since that is not a trivial configuration, I will describe the details in this post.

LaunchAgent? LaunchDaemon? LaunchD?

On macOS, launchd is the system-wide process that controls and launches every other process running on the system. When you look at the hierarchical process list in Activity Monitor, you will always see launchd running with the process ID 1 as the single child process of kernel_task and all other processes are a child of launchd.

More practically, users and admins can use launchd to control processes that need to be available at all times or be launched in certain intervals or at certain events.

launchd has two types of processes: LaunchDaemons and LaunchAgents. Since the terms daemons (or demons) and agents do not have clear definitions outside of launchd, a bit of explanation is required.


LaunchDaemons are processes that run with system privileges (“as root”). Processes that belong to your management system and security suites may need to run periodically or on certain events in the background and require root level access to the system to do their jobs. Other processes or services need to listen for incoming network traffic on privileged ports.

Note that background process are often called ‘agents’ regardless of whether they run with root privileges or as a user. The launchd terminology is more precise here.

Apple has done a lot of work over the past few year to provide Endpoint Security or Network Extension frameworks that mitigate the need for third party root daemons, but there are still relevant use cases, especially when you are a managing Macs.

A LaunchDaemon is configured by providing a property list file in /Library/LaunchDaemons. This configuration plist will be automatically loaded at reboot, or can be loaded using the launchctl command.


LaunchAgents are processes that run with user privileges. Generally, if something needs to read or write to anything in the user home folder, it should be a LaunchAgent. Over the recent years, Apple has put restrictions on what data process can access in user space, which has made LaunchAgents more of a pain to manage, but they still have their use cases.

A LaunchAgent is configured by providing a property list file in /Library/LaunchAgents on the system level or in ~/Library/LaunchAgents in a user’s home folder. Configuration property lists that are in a user home folder, will only run for that user, while LaunchAgents that are configured in the system wide /Library/LaunchAgents will be loaded for all users on the system.

A LaunchAgent configuration plist will be automatically loaded at login, or can be loaded using the launchctl command.

Since desktoppr affects a user setting (the desktop/wallpaper), it has to run as the user, so we need to build and install a LaunchAgent. Creating and installing a LaunchDaemon is pretty much the same process, though.


To build an installation package to install and run a LaunchAgent or LaunchDaemon, you need three ingredients:

  • the binary or script which will be launched
  • a launchd configuration property list
  • installation scripts to unload and load the configuration

For desktoppr, we already have the binary (downloadable as a zip from the project release page) and a sample configuration property list file.

The sample launchd configuration looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

The label is required and is used to uniquely identify the LaunchAgent or Daemon with launchd and the launchctl command. Reverse domain notification is common. The filename of the configuration property list should match the label.

The ProgramArguments key provides an array with the command and arguments that will be launched. The first item in the array should provide the full path to the binary or script. Then you provide arguments, one string item per argument. Since the individual arguments are separated by the string tags, you do not need to escape spaces or other special characters in the arguments.

It is worth noting that launchd will launch the binary or script directly, so syntax and substitutions that are done in shells will not work. This includes variable and command substitution like $HOME, $USER, or $(date) as well as pipes and output redirection. You get a single command with a list of static arguments. (You can use the StandardOutPath and StandardErrorPath keys in the launchd config plist to redirect output.)

For the desktoppr LaunchAgent, that suits us just fine, as we are only passing the manage argument which tells desktoppr to get the details from a configuration profile (sample here).

The next key, RunAtLoad tells launchd, to run the binary with the arguments immediately when the configuration file is loaded. Since configuration files in /Library/LaunchAgents and ~/Library/LaunchAgents are automatically loaded when a user logs in, this generally means desktoppr manage will be run when a user logs in, which suits us well.

The last key StartInterval tells launchd to re-launch the process after a certain time (given in seconds, the 10800 seconds in our sample file translate to three hours). Should the system be sleeping at the time, it will not run the LaunchAgent at that time, or when the system wakes up, but wait until the next interval period comes around.

There are other keys that control when the process gets launched, such as StartCalendarInterval or WatchPath. You can read details in the man page for launchd.plist or on the excellent launchd.info page. There are also apps, like Peter Borg’s Lingon that provide a user interface for creating these plist files.

Move or copy the plist file into the correct folder. The plist files in /Library/LaunchDaemons and /Library/LaunchAgents must be owned by root. They must not be writable by group or other. The file mode 644 (rw-r--r--) is recommended. Similarly, the binary or script needs to be owned by root and cannot be writable by group or other. The file mode 755 (rwxr-xr-x) is recommended. Wrong file privileges will result in a Load/Bootstrap failed: 5: Input/output error.

Make sure that the binary or script does not have a quarantine flag attached. You can check with ls -al@ or xattr -p com.apple.quarantine /path/to/file and remove a quarantine flag with xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /path/to/file. When the binary or script has the quarantine flag, the configuration file will load fine but the actual execution will fail quietly.

Loading the LaunchAgent or LaunchDaemon

The easiest way to load a LaunchDaemon is to restart the Mac. The easiest way to load a LaunchAgent is to log out and login. This is usually not practical.

The launchctl command manages LaunchDaemons and LaunchAgents and we can use this to load LaunchAgents and LaunchDaemons on demand.

To load our desktoppr agent, use

> launchctl load /Library/LaunchAgents/com.scriptingosx.desktopprmanage.plist

People are already readying their pitchforks here. “Hold on,” they say. “Apple has marked load and unload as ‘legacy.’ You shouldn’t use them!”

While it is true that load and unload (and a bunch of other commands) are labeled as ‘legacy’ in the launchctl man page, this does not mean they are deprecated and should be avoided. The difference between the legacy and the ‘new’ commands is that the legacy commands pick up whether a process should be run in user or root context (the ‘target domain’) from the context that launchctl runs in, whereas the new bootstrap and bootout commands need the target domain to be stated explicitly.

This makes the modern commands more precise, but often more wordy to use. You will see that the legacy commands are simpler to use in the interactive terminal, while the ‘modern’ commands are more useful in scripts. The equivalent ‘modern’ command is:

> launchctl bootstrap gui/501 /Library/LaunchAgents/com.scriptingosx.desktopprmanage.plist

where 501 is the user ID for your user account. This is 501 by default for the first user on on a macOS system, but you should verify what your account’s user ID actually is with id -u.

See what I mean with “more wordy to use”? That doesn’t mean they are bad or should be avoided, but that we can be picky about when to use which format. You could argue that using the modern commands throughout would be more consistent, but you still find the ‘legacy’ command is lots of documentation, so I feel a Mac admin needs to be aware of both.

Note: the ‘modern’ commands were introduced in OS X Yosemite 10.10 in 2014.

To load a LaunchDaemon, you need to run launchctl with root privileges. In the interactive shell, that means with sudo:

> sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.example.daemon.plist


> sudo launchctl bootstrap system/ /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.example.daemon.plist

To stop a LaunchAgent from being launched going forward, unload the configuration:

> launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.scriptingosx.desktopprmanage.plist


> launchctl bootout gui/501/com.scriptingosx.desktopprmanage

The bootout command uses the label instead of the file path.

Putting it all together in an installer

Note: I will be showing how to build and installer package for our LaunchAgent using command line tools. These instructions should have all the information you need, even if you prefer using apps such as Whitebox Packages or Composer.

If you are not comfortable with using Terminal on macOS yet, please consider my book “macOS Terminal and Shell.” If you want to learn more about building installation packages, consider my book “Packaging for Apple Administrators.”

Download the zip file for desktoppr from the releases page. Download the sample launchd property list file and modify the launch criteria (StartInterval or StartCalendarInterval) to your requirements.

Open Terminal, change directory to a location where you want to create the project directory and create a project directory:

> mkdir DesktopprManagePkg
> cd DesktopprManagePkg

Then create a payload and a scripts directory in this project folder:

> mkdir payload
> mkdir scripts

Unzip the desktoppr binary from the downloaded zip archive into the right folder hierarchy in the payload folder:

> mkdir -p payload/usr/local/bin/
> ditto -x -k ~/Downloads/desktoppr-0.5-218.zip payload/usr/local/bin/

Remove the quarantine flag from the expanded desktoppr binary and test it by getting the version and the current wallpaper/desktop picture:

> xattr -d com.apple.quarantine payload/usr/local/bin/desktoppr
> payload/usr/local/bin/desktoppr version
> payload/usr/local/bin/desktoppr

Create the /Library/LaunchAgents directory in the payload and copy or move the LaunchAgent configuration plist there:

> mkdir -p payload/Library/LaunchAgents/
> cp ~/Downloads/com.scriptingosx.desktopprmanage.plist payload/Library/LaunchAgents/

When the installation package runs, the files in the payload will be moved to the respective locations on the target drive. The pkgbuild tool will set the owner of the files to root when building the package, but we should verify that the file mode is correct:

> stat -f %Sp payload/usr/local/bin/desktoppr
> stat -f %Sp payload/Library/LaunchAgents/com.scriptingosx.desktopprmanage.plist

If the privileges don’t match the desired mode, set them with chmod

> chmod 755 payload/usr/local/bin/desktoppr
> chmod 644 payload/Library/LaunchAgents/com.scriptingosx.desktopprmanage.plist

and run the stat commands from above again to verify.

If you built the installer package now, it will install the files in the right locations and the LaunchAgent will load and run desktoppr manage on next login. This will set the desktop/wallpaper according to the information in the configuration profile. You should install and update the configuration profile using your management system.

Loading the LaunchAgent or LaunchDaemon

However, as I said earlier, requiring or waiting for a logout or reboot is not ideal, we would like to have the LaunchAgent load immediately when the package is installed. We can achieve this by adding a postinstall script to the installation package. This script will be executed after the payload files have been installed.

With your favored text editor, create a file named postinstall (no file extension) with this content in the scripts sub directory.


export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin


# do not load when target volume ($3) is not current startup volume
if [ "$3" != "/" ]; then
    echo "not installing on startup volume, exiting"
    exit 0

# for LaunchAgent, check if user is logged in
# see https://scriptingosx.com/2019/09/get-current-user-in-shell-scripts-on-macos/

currentUser=$(echo "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | scutil | awk '/Name :/ { print $3 }')

# don't load at loginwindow 
if [ "$currentUser" = "loginwindow" ] || [ "$currentUser" = "_mbsetupuser" ]; then
    echo "no user logged in, exiting"
    exit 0

uid=$(id -u "$currentUser")

echo "loading $label"
launchctl bootstrap "gui/$uid" "$launchdPlist"

Set the proper file privileges on the postinstall file with

> chmod 755 scripts/postinstall

First the script sets the PATH. Then some variables for the label and bath to the label. You can change these to adapt the script to other LaunchAgents or LaunchDaemons.

Then the scripts checks the $3 argument. The installer system passes the target volume to the postinstall script in this argument. While it is a not common in deployment workflows any more, you can still install a pkg on a target volume that is not the current boot volume “/“. We remain safe with our script and check for that possibility, and exit without loading the agent.

LaunchAgents have to be loaded or bootstrapped into the current user’s context. The script gets the current user and checks whether the system might be sitting at the login window. We exit without loading if the system is at the login window or if the current user is _mbsetupuser which means the package is being installed while the system is sitting at Setup Assistant during first setup. Now that the LaunchAgent plist is in place, it will be loaded the first time the user logs in.

When there is a user logged in, we bootstrap the LaunchAgent right away. This is where the modern launchctl syntax shows its advantages. With the legacy commands, this would be:

launchctl asuser "$uid" launchctl load "$launchdPlist"

When you load a LaunchDaemon in a postinstall, the script is much simpler, as you don’t need to check for a current user. You can directly load the daemon into the system target domain:

launchctl bootstrap system/ "$launchdPlist"

Unloading before installation

When you are updating existing software with a package, you have to consider the situation where a LaunchAgent or LaunchDaemon is already running. In this case, we should unload before the installation. We can add a preinstall script (also no file extension) to the scripts folder that will be run before the payload is installed. This closely parallels the postinstall script.


export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin


# do not unload when target volume ($3) is not current startup volume
if [ "$3" != "/" ]; then
    echo "not installing on startup volume, exiting"
    exit 0

if ! launchctl list | grep -q "$label"; then
    echo "$label not loaded, exiting"
    exit 0

# for LaunchAgent, check if user is logged in
# see https://scriptingosx.com/2019/09/get-current-user-in-shell-scripts-on-macos/

currentUser=$(echo "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | scutil | awk '/Name :/ { print $3 }')

# don't unload at loginwindow or Setup Assistant
if [ "$currentUser" = "loginwindow" ] || [ "$currentUser" = "_mbsetupuser" ]; then
    echo "no user logged in, exiting"
    exit 0

uid=$(id -u "$currentUser")

echo "loading $label"
launchctl bootout "gui/$uid" "$launchdPlist"

Again, set the proper file privileges on the preinstall file with

> chmod 755 scripts/preinstall

There is one extra step compared to the postinstall script. The preinstall uses launchctl list to check if the launchd configuration is loaded, before attempting to unload it.

Building the Package Installer

Now we get to put everything together. You can use pkgbuild to build an installer package:

> pkgbuild --root payload/ --scripts scripts/ --version 1 --identifier com.scriptingosx.desktopprmanage --install-location / DesktopprManage-1.pkg   
pkgbuild: Inferring bundle components from contents of payload/
pkgbuild: Adding top-level preinstall script
pkgbuild: Adding top-level postinstall script
pkgbuild: Wrote package to DesktopprManage-1.pkg

This works well, but it is difficult to memorize all the proper arguments for the pkgbuild command. If you forget or misconfigure one of them it will either fail outright or lead to a pkg installer file with unwanted behavior. I prefer to put the command in a script. Create a script file buildDesktopprManages.sh at the top of your project directory with these contents:


export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin


# determine enclosing folder
projectfolder=$(dirname "$0")

# build the component package
pkgbuild --root "${projectfolder}/payload" \
         --identifier "${identifier}" \
         --version "${version}" \
         --ownership recommended \
         --install-location "${install_location}" \
         --scripts "${projectfolder}/scripts" \
         --min-os-version "${minOSVersion}" \
         --compression latest \

This way, you do not have to memorize the pkgbuild command and its arguments and it is easier to modify parameters such as the version. Remember to change the version as you build newer versions of this package going forward!

Some management systems deploy a pkg file using certain MDM commands. Then you need a signed distribution package instead of a simple component pkg file. (You can learn more about the different types of packages in this blog post or this MacDevOps YVR presentation. Building a sign distribution pkg is somewhat more involved. I have a template script for that in the repo.


As I said, building a LaunchAgent for desktoppr manage is not trivial. However, building LaunchAgents and LaunchDaemons and proper installer pkgs to deploy them is an important skill for Mac admins.

There are some other tools available, such as outset, or your management system might have options to run scripts at certain triggers. But in general, I recommend to understand the underlying processes and technologies before using tools, even when the tools are great and a good fit for the task at hand.

You can use this process of building a LaunchAgent and installer pkg for desktoppr as a template for your own scripts and projects. You can find all the files in the desktoppr repo example directory.

desktoppr 0.5 — Managed by profile

Earlier this year, I released a beta version of desktoppr 0.5 which added an option to control the tool using a configuration profile. You can read all the details of how I built out this workflow in this blog post.

I have not received any feedback on it, which can mean two things: either it is working just fine or people simply aren’t aware of the beta. I guess both could be true at the same time here?

The new release is now available in the desktoppr repo. Nothing has changed compared to the 0.5beta except the version number and updated documentation.

Using desktoppr manage

The new manage verb allows a Mac Admin to set the wallpaper using data in a configuration profile. Together with the new option to download an image file for the wallpaper from an URL, this removes the requirement of updating two or more packages when you want to update the wallpaper on managed devices.

To use the new manage option, you need three pieces

desktoppr LaunchAgent

The LaunchAgent plist file controls when desktoppr will run.

The sample LaunchAgent file has both the RunAtLoad key and a StartInterval key. This means that desktoppr will run when the LaunchAgent loads and repeatedly after the time set in the StartInterval (in seconds, the sample file has 10800, so every three hours, as long as the system is awake).

The desktoppr profile provides a setOnlyOnce key which stops desktoppr from re-setting the same wallpaper over and over again. This way we can run desktoppr frequently, but it will only reset the wallpaper when the picture key in the profile has changed.

Build a pkg to install the LaunchAgent with your preferred frequency (or none) in /Library/LaunchAgents and deploy that together with the desktoppr pkg.

Configuration Profile

Since macOS Ventura, managed binaries and scripts launched by a LaunchAgent or Daemon should be pre-approved with a configuration profile from the management system, so that the user gets less dialogs about them and cannot disable them. Since desktoppr is a signed binary, this is quite straightforward and the sample configuration profile already contains the com.apple.servicemanagement section.

The second payload in the sample profile contains the settings. The only one that is required is the picture key which contains either a path to a local image file for the wallpaper, or a URL to an image file. Using a hosted file allows you to provide a custom branded wallpaper and change it without needing to deploy files to the client using more custom pkgs.

When you are not using a local file, you can (and probably should) provide a sha256 key with a checksum of the image file. This should protect from attempt to inject something malicious by hi-jacking the download URL. You can generate a sha256 sum for the image file with shasum -a 256 <path/to/file>.

The setOnlyOnce key controls whether desktoppr manage will re-set the wallpaper every time it runs (when setOnlyOnce is false) or only when the picture key in the profile changed (when setOnlyOnce is true). Configuring setOnlyOnce to true allows a user to change the wallpaper and it will not be overridden until you change the configuration profile. Then the user can change it again. This seemed like a useful compromise between management and user choice to me.

The scale and color keys work just like the options of the command line tool. Note that setting the color option is broken in macOS 14 as of this writing.

You can of course use different combinations of LaunchAgent configuration and other triggers for desktoppr, such as a self service portal to get all kinds of different workflows and levels of ‘lockdown.’ Remember that Apple provides a config profile setting to fully set and lock the wallpaper.


I have found this new managed desktoppr option useful in my deployments. I hope you do, too. Let me know!

Prefs CLI Tools for Mac Admins

Recently I have been working on some… well… “stuff” that uses custom configuration profiles. Very custom, and since I am testing things, they need to be updated a lot.

The issue with defaults

When you are working with defaults/preferences/settings/property lists on macOS, you will be familiar with the defaults command line tool. But, as useful as defaults can be, it has some downsides.

One of the great advantages of macOS’ preference system is that settings can be provided on multiple levels or domains. In my book “Property Lists, Preferences and Profiles for Apple Administrators, I have identified 19 different levels where settings for a single application can originate.

You will be most familiar with plist files in /Library/Preferences (system), ~/Library/Preferences (user), and managed configuration profiles (managed). When an app or tool requests a setting, the preferences system will merge all those levels together and present only the most relevant value. When the developer uses the system APIs (correctly), they do not have to worry about all the underlying levels, domains and mechanisms very much, but automatically gain support for things like separated system and user level settings files and support for management through configuration profiles.

The macOS defaults command line tool can work with settings on different levels or domains, but will only show the settings from one at a time. By default it only works with the user domain settings stored in ~/Library/Preferences/. When you have settings in multiple levels or from configuration profiles, you may be able to point defaults directly at the files. Or in the case of managed settings from profiles, you have to use a different tool. Either way, you have to determine which setting might override another and which final value might be visible to the app or process.

A new prefs tool

Years back, I had built a python script, called prefs.py, which would not only show the coalesced set of settings but their origin level. When macOS removed Python 2 in macOS 12.3, this tool obviously broke.

While working with preferences and profiles recently, this feature would have been quite useful to debug and verify preferences. I could have adapted the existing tool to work with MacAdmins Python 3, but felt I would learn something from recreating it in Swift. I had already started down that road just a bit for my sample project in this post.

So, you can find the new Swift-based prefs command line tool on GitHub. You can also download a signed and notarized pkg which will install the binary in /usr/local/bin/.

If its most basic form, you run it with a domain or application identifier. It will then list the merged settings for that preference domain, showing the level where the final value came from.

% prefs com.apple.screensaver
moduleDict [host]: {
    moduleName = "Computer Name";
    path = "/System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/PlugIns/Computer Name.appex";
    type = 0;
PrefsVersion [host]: 100
idleTime [host]: 0
lastDelayTime [host]: 1200
tokenRemovalAction [host]: 0
showClock [host]: 0
CleanExit [host]: 1

I find this useful when researching where services and applications store their settings and also to see if a custom configuration profile is set up and applying correctly. There is a bit of documentation in the repo’s ReadMe and you can get a description of the options with prefs --help.


Another tool that would have been useful to my work, but that was also written in python 2 is Tim Sutton’s mcxToProfile. Back in the day, this tool was very useful when transitioning from Workgroup Manager and mcx based management to the new MDM and configuration profile based methods. If you have a long-lived management service, you will probably find some references to mcxToProfile in the custom profiles.

Even after Workgroup Manager and mcx based settings management was retired, Tim’s tool allowed to create a custom configuration profile from a simple property list file. Configuration Profiles require a lot of metadata around the actual settings keys and values, and mcxToProfile was useful in automating that step.

Some management systems, like Jamf Pro, have this feature built in. Many other management systems, however, do not. (Looking at you Jamf School.) But even then creating a custom profile on your admin Mac or as part of an automation, can be useful.

So, you probably guessed it, I also recreated mcxToProfile in Swift. The new tool is called plist2profile and available in the same repo and pkg. I have focused on the features I need right now, so plist2profile is missing several options compared to mcxToProfile. Let me know if this is useful and I might put some more work into it.

That said, I added a new feature. There are two different formats or layouts that configuration profiles can use to provide custom setting. The ‘traditional’ layout goes back all the way to the mcx data format in Workgroup Manager. This is what mcxToProfile would create as well. There is another, flatter format which has less metadata around it. Bob Gendler has a great post about the differences.

From what I can tell, the end effect is the same between the two approaches. plist2profile uses the ‘flatter’, simpler layout by default, but you can make it create the traditional mcx format by adding the --mcx option.

Using it is simple. You just need to give it an identifier and one or more plist files from which it will build a custom configuration profile:

% plist2profile --identifier example.settings com.example.settings.plist

You can find more instructions in the ReadMe and in the commands help with plist2profile --help


As I had anticipated, I learned a lot putting these tools together. Not just about the preferences system, but some new (and old) Swift strategies that will be useful for the actual problems I am trying to solve.

I also learnt more about the ArgumentParser package to parse command line arguments. This is such a useful and powerful package, but their documentation fails in the common way. It describes what you can do, but not why or how. There might be posts about that coming up.

Most of all, these two tools turned out to be useful to my work right now. Hope they will be useful to you!

Build a macOS Application to Run a Shell Command with Xcode and SwiftUI – Part 2

A long time ago, I wrote a post on how to build a simple App using SwiftUI that would run a shell command. Amazingly, the tutorial still works!

This is particularly useful for MacAdmins, because we sometimes want to provide a simple UI for some command or script. However, some things have changed since I wrote this tutorial three years. While the code still “works,” there are some things that can be improved. Also, when I wrote the original post, there were some features I didn’t expand upon, because the post was already very long, and, to be honest, back then, I didn’t really know how they worked, myself.

When I re-visited this earlier because of a question in the MacAdmins Slack, I was really surprised that I didn’t need to update code to make it work. That said, there are the matters I didn’t explain last time. Also Swift has changed in some ways. That means it is time for the second part.

You can get the sample code from the first part as a starting point.

Get the output of the command

In the first part, we ran the say command, which doesn’t have a text output. Often times we want to run shell commands to get information from the command’s standard output (or sometimes standard error). To grab the output of commands, we need to prepare the Process object, which means we cannot use the convenience method Process.run() any more.

The say command has an option to change the voice being used. You can list the names of voices available to the say command by running say -v '?' in Terminal. We’d like to get that output and populate a menu with the available voices in our UI.

Note: the output of the say -v '?' command does not show most of the modern voices available in macOS. Most of the voices listed are quite old, funny, and, to be honest, awful. As has been mentioned before, I am using the say command as a convenient example for a shell command. If you want proper speech synthesis in your app, you should not use the say command but the proper speech synthesis API.

We will start out experimenting with code in a macOS Playground in Xcode and later add it to the app from the first part. When you create a new Playground in Xcode (File > New > New Playground), make sure you select ‘macOS’ for the platform above the template picker and then ‘Blank’ as the template.

Start with this code:

let process = Process()
process.launchPath = "/usr/bin/say"
process.arguments = ["-v", "?"]
let outPipe = Pipe()
process.standardOutput = outPipe
process.terminationHandler = { process in
  let outData = outPipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile()
  let output = String(data: outData, encoding: .utf8) ?? ""
try? process.run()

You will recognize some of the code from the first part of this tutorial. We create a Process object and set its launchPath and arguments. Note that the Process.run() convenience method, which we used in the first part, takes a URL to define the executable, but the launchPath is a String containing the path to the executable. We also (this is the new part) create a Pipe and set it as the standardOutput of the process.

The process will run the say command asynchronously. Since we want to work with the output , we have to give the process some code to execute when the command is done. We set this terminationHandler to a closure. The code in this closure grabs the data from pipe we connected to standardOutput of the process, converts it to a String and prints it.

At the end of our code, we tell the process object to run(). The waitUntilExit() is necessary here, because that is all this particular playground code does and we want to be sure that the command and the termination handler get a chance to do their work, before the code ends. In an app, where many things may be happening at the same time, you usually will not use waitUntilExit(). We will see that later when we implement our solution in SwiftUI.

Many outcomes

This code grabs the standard out from the command. Unix commands have different results that can be interesting. Some commands print to standard error instead of (or together with) standard out. All unix commands also have an exit code, which should return 0 for successful runs and a non-zero value for failures. Some commands use different non-zero value to give information for different errors.

All of this is available from Process objects. However, you have to set up the pipes and connections and get the data back in the termination handler, and the code gets quite complicated and tedious to set up. We have the seen the Process type has a convenience method to create and run a command without the pipes. I don’t know why it doesn’t have a convenience method when you are interested in all the data, but the good news is, we can create an extension to build our own.

Replace the code in the playground with the following:

import Foundation

extension Process {
  static func launch(
    path: String,
    arguments: [String] = [],
    terminationHandler: @escaping (Int, Data, Data) -> Void
  ) throws -> Process {
    let process = Process()
    let outPipe = Pipe()
    let errorPipe = Pipe()
    process.standardOutput = outPipe
    process.standardError = errorPipe
    process.arguments = arguments
    process.launchPath = path
    process.terminationHandler = { process in
      let outData = outPipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile()
      let errorData = errorPipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile()
      let exitCode = Int(process.terminationStatus)
      terminationHandler(exitCode, outData, errorData)
    try process.run()
    return process

let process = try? Process.launch(
  path: "/usr/bin/say", 
  arguments: ["-v", "?"]
) { exitCode, outData, errData in
  let output = String(data: outData, encoding: .utf8) ?? ""

You will recognize the code from our first example in the launch function in the extension. But here, we have added the configuration for a second Pipe for standardError, in the closure we get the Data for the standard out, standard error and the exit code and pass them in to the closure passed in a termination handler.

This method simplifies using the Process type. We just have to pass in the path to the command and the arguments array and give a closure that is called when the command completes.


But it still uses a closure for the termination handler. This breaks our code into different fragments that are not executed in the order they appear in. Since macOS Monterey 12 and iOS 15, Swift has had a concurrency feature called async/await. With this, your code appears in a more natural order.

When a function has the await marker, the system knows to suspend the code at that point until the function returns a result. While this code is “on hold” other threads or tasks can run, such as the UI handling, so your process or app isn’t blocked. When the function returns, the code continues after the function, so the code that processes the output of the function comes in the logical order, which makes it easier to read and understand.

For some reason, the Process type has not yet been updated to use this new feature. We can however, add this functionality using an extension. Add this method to the extension:

  static func launch(
    path: String,
    arguments: [String] = []
  ) async throws -> (exitCode: Int, standardOutput: Data, standardError: Data) {
    try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in
      do {
        try launch(path: path, arguments: arguments) { exitCode, outData, errData in
          continuation.resume(returning: (exitCode, outData, errData))
      } catch let error {
        continuation.resume(throwing: error)

If you want to get more detail how async and await work, I recommend the WWDC session “Meet async/await in Swift” from WWDC 2021.

With this, we can change our code to run the say command to:

guard let (exitCode, outData, errData) = try? await Process.launch(
    path: "/usr/bin/say",
    arguments: ["-v", "?"]
) else { exit(0) }

let output = String(data: outData, encoding: .utf8) ?? ""

The code is now in a more sensible order. If you can afford macOS Monterey as a minimum system requirement, you should consider adopting async/await.

Now that we have our output of the command, we have to parse out the names of the voices. This code will turn the output of the say into an Array of names, ignoring the language code and sample text:

func parseVoices(_ output: String) -> [String] {
    .components(separatedBy: "\n")
    .map {
        .components(separatedBy: "#")
        .trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
        .components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.whitespaces)
        .filter { !$0.isEmpty }
        .joined(separator: " ")
      ?? ""
    .filter { !$0.isEmpty }

So we can add these lines to get an Array of `voices:

let voices = parseVoices(output)

You can find the stages of code for the playground in this gist.

Updating the app

Now that we have assembled all the pieces working in a playground, we can move on to putting these pieces in our SwiftUI app. The goal is to have a popup menu with all the voices above the field where you can enter text.

We will be using some features that were introduced in macOS Monterey 12.0. If you have built the project a while ago with an older version of macOS, the project may be set to build with older versions of macOS. To verify and, if necessary, update the deployment target for the project, select the blue project icon at the very top of the item sidebar, then select the gray “SayThis” icon under the “Targets” section. Then select “General” in the tab list. The second section is called “Minimum Deployments” and should show macOS 12.0 or later. When you change this from an older version, Xcode may prompt to update some other settings in the project, you can accept those.

First, we want to use the extension to the Process type we created in the playground earlier. Create a new file in the project (File > New > New File…), select “Swift File” from the templates, and name it ‘Process-launch’. Copy and paste the extension code from the playground (with both methods) to that file. You could have all the code in a single file, but it is cleaner and more maintainable to have one file per type or extension. This also allows you to copy that file to other projects to use it there.

Next we need two more state variables to track the state of the popup-menu that we are going to add. In the ContentView file, add these two lines right under the existing @State variables:

  @State var voices: [String] = []
  @State var selectedVoice: String = "Samantha"

The first is where we are going to store all the available voices that we parse from the output of say -v '?'. The second variable will store the current selection.

Next, we will insert the popup menu for the voices into the UI. In the body, insert this below the title and above the HStack:

      Picker(selection: $selectedVoice, label: Text("Voice:")) {
          ForEach(voices, id: \.self) { Text($0) }

First we create a Picker view, which is not really proper terminology for macOS. But since SwiftUI is designed to share objects across all platforms, a ‘Picker’ will render as a popup menu in macOS. We attach the selectedVoice state variable to the selection of the picker. Then, we loop through all the items in the voices state variable to add them to the picker.

At this point, you should see the popup menu in the preview and when you run the project. You cannot select anything from it, though, which makes sense as the voices array is empty.

We need to populate the voices array before the UI appears. SwiftUI offers a special modifier to do this. You can attach a .task modifier to any view and its closure will be run asynchronously once, before the view appears for the first time. Add this code to the end of the VStack block, right below the line that reads .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity):

    .task {
      guard let (_, outData, _) = try? await Process.launch(
        path: "/usr/bin/say",
        arguments: ["-v", "?"]
      ) else { return }

      let output = String(data: outData, encoding: .utf8) ?? ""
      voices = parseVoices(output)

You also need to copy the parseVoices() function from the test playground and add it to the ContentView struct.

This will populate the popup menu with all the voices. Build and run to test. It will still not actual use the selected voice. We need to update the runCommand() method to:

  func runCommand() {
    let arguments = [message, "-v", selectedVoice]
    let executableURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/usr/bin/say")
    self.isRunning = true
    try! Process.run(executableURL, arguments: arguments) { _ in
      self.isRunning = false

We have achieved what we set out to do. You can find the project with all the code for this point here.


However, there are some refinements and improvements that we can and should still add to the code.

First, the runCommand() function still uses the old convenience handler with a termination handler. We can change it to use our new await Process.launch():

  func runCommand() async {
    let arguments = [message, "-v", selectedVoice]
    self.isRunning = true
    let _ = try? await Process.launch(path: "/usr/bin/say", arguments: arguments)
    self.isRunning = false

This will now generate an error in the Button because we have changed the runCommand() function to be async. Change the code of the Button to

        Button("Say") {
          Task {
            await runCommand()

By wrapping the await runCommand() function in a Task { } we are telling the system that this code should run in the background and not return immediately. This is necessary to run code blocks with async functions from UI elements.

The say command will use the voice set in the system settings when no -v option is given. We want to provide a way to recreate that behavior in our UI. We can add items to the Picker by adding elements before the ForEach:

      Picker(selection: $selectedVoice, label: Text("Voice:")) {
        Text("System Default").tag("System Default")
        ForEach(voices, id: \.self) { Text($0) }

Also change the default value of the selectedVoice variable to "System Default".

Then we have to change the runCommand() method to only use the -v and voice name arguments when their value is not “System Default”

  func runCommand() async {
    var arguments = [message]
    if selectedVoice != "System Default" {
      arguments.append(contentsOf: ["-v", selectedVoice])
    self.isRunning = true
    let _ = try? await Process.launch(path: "/usr/bin/say", arguments: arguments)
    self.isRunning = false

You can find the code for this here.

Out of the Sandbox

The say command provides a fun example to play around with. You will probably already have plenty of ideas that you want to try out. There is one thing that might trip you up here: sandboxed apps do not get access to all available command line tools. If you want to run such ‘prohibited’ commands, you will need to remove the sandbox configuration from the app.

Better Extension

The extension I put together here will work in most situations, but there are conditions where different parts might not work well. Quinn the Eskimo has published this code which goes further and is probably “even more” thread safe.

Launching commands is an “expensive” task. You should always do some research to see if there is some framework that can give you access to the same functionality natively in Swift. Nevertheless, sometimes it might be necessary, and sometimes it might just be easier to call out to an external command.

This tutorial should help you along the way of using these tools effectively.

RAID and macOS

RAIDs are a strange edge case that are rarely useful outside of servers, but when they are useful, they are very important. RAID is an acronym for ‘Redundant Array of Independent/Inexpensive Disks.’ It is a technology where you combine multiple, physical disks into a single virtual drive for redundancy, speed, or both.

Often the RAID system is handled by a dedicated controller in an external enclosure, but sometimes, you want or need to work with drives directly. macOS has some basic RAID functionality built-in and there are good third party options if you want to go further.

RAID Levels

If you are unfamiliar with RAIDs, we need to get some terminology sorted out first. There are different kinds of RAIDs which are called ‘levels.’

In this post, I am going to focus on level 1 or ‘RAID 1.’ With RAID 1, the data is ‘mirrored’ between two or more drives, so that each drive carries a complete copy of the data. This protects from data loss because of drive failure. Note that RAID 1 does not protect from other common reasons for data loss, such as file system or individual file corruption, accidental or malicious file deletion. A RAID is never a replacement for a good backup strategy. Since the data is mirrored on all the devices, a RAID 0 will only have the capacity of the smallest drive in the set. It is generally recommended that drives in any RAID set should be of the same capacity and type, for best performance and efficiency.

A level 0 RAID (or ‘RAID 0’) is not actually redundant. In a RAID 0 the data is ‘striped’ across two or more drives so that writes and reads happen in parallel, which increases the data bandwidth available. Since the data is spread evenly (striped) across all drives in the RAID 0 set, failure of a single drive will result in complete data loss. The capacity of the stripe raid is the capacity of the smallest drive in the set multiplied by the number of drives in the set. Having drives of the same type and capacity is even more relevant for RAID 0 performance.

There are more RAID levels, such as 0+1, 10 and 5 and dedicated disk controllers will have more options (such as combining multiple drives of different sizes more efficiently), but we will focus RAID 1 (mirror).

Here, there be dragons

Warning: many of the commands shown here to setup and experiment with disk drives and RAIDs may or will lead to loss of the data on the drives involved, so be careful. I strongly recommend disconnecting any drives other than those you are experimenting with from the Mac you are working on.

I would also recommend to experiment with a set of drives that contain no relevant data at all. Two USB sticks will do just fine to explore and test the functionality. Drives do not have to be of the same capacity and type for testing, but I do recommend that for actual use.

Apple RAID

macOS has built-in support for software-based mirror and stripe RAID called “AppleRAID.” This also provides a third option to concatenate drives, but concatenation provides neither redundancy, nor performance, so I do not recommend using it.

You can use the Disk Utility app to setup a RAID. It has a nice assistant that you an access from the File menu called RAID Assistant. It will ask you what kind of RAID you want to setup and allow you to select the drives and create a new RAID volume. This will delete the data on the disk drives and there are few features that are not exposed in the Disk Utility UI, so I will focus on how to do it in the command line.

You can keep Disk Utility open to get a visual representation of what is going on, though the Disk Utility app often has problems keeping up with changes done from the command line. You may have to quit and restart the app to force it to update its status. You want to enable “Show all Devices” from the View menu to see the physical drives as well as the file systems and virtual drives.

First, we need to identify the disks that we want to work with. When you run diskutil list it will list all the disk on the system. Usually disk0 will be the built-in drive, and disk3 will be the (synthesized) APFS container inside (with the System and Data volume). But depending on what Mac you are using, what your configuration is, and what devices you had attached to the Mac before you started this, the numbers may be different.

Again, to be safe, unmount and disconnect any drives or file servers with data that you care about at this point, and the connect the two drives you want to use for experimentation. Their data will be erased!

Run diskutil list again and identify the device identifiers for the drives you will be working with. They should look like this:

/dev/disk4 (external, physical):

For me, the two drives where disk4 and disk5, so I will be using those numbers in my examples, but be sure to replace those with the device numbers on your system, other wise you might be working with the wrong disk or volume.

Promoting a drive to mirror RAID

One of the features you can use from the command line is to ‘promote’ an existing drive to a mirror RAID without data loss. Apple RAID promotion works (as far as I can tell) only with HFS+ formatted Volumes, so let us reformat the first disk (disk4) as such:

> diskutil eraseDisk JHFS+ DiskName disk4 
Started erase on disk4
Unmounting disk
Creating the partition map
Waiting for partitions to activate
Formatting disk4s2 as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) with name DiskName
Initialized /dev/rdisk4s2 as a 59 GB case-insensitive HFS Plus volume with a 8192k journal
Mounting disk
Finished erase on disk4

Using the command line, we will be able to promote this HFS+ drive without have to erase it (again), so copy some (un-important) files to it now.

diskutil has a sub-group of commands dedicated to the RAID functions called appleRAID or ar for short. I am going to use the short form. You can run diskutil ar to get a list of the sub-commands for working with Apple Raid. You can read the diskutil man page for details.

Next we have to enable AppleRAID on the drive. Enabling RAID on single drive seems a bit pointless, but this prepares everything on that drive, so that we can add more drives later.

> diskutil ar enable mirror DiskName
Started RAID operation on disk4s2 (DiskName)
Resizing disk
Unmounting disk
Adding a booter for the disk
Creating a RAID set
Bringing the RAID partition online
Waiting for the new RAID to spin up "8D05B6EB-DCFB-426D-885B-ED8C76DC2484"
Finished RAID operation on disk4s2 (DiskName)

The volume and the files you had copied earlier are still there. But the volume is now listed under “RAID Sets” in Disk Utility. You can see the single drive in the RAID Set in the UI there. You can also get this info in command line with

> diskutil ar list   
AppleRAID sets (1 found)
Name:                 DiskName
Unique ID:            8D05B6EB-DCFB-426D-885B-ED8C76DC2484
Type:                 Mirror
Status:               Online
Size:                 63.8 GB (63816400896 Bytes)
Rebuild:              manual
Device Node:          disk6
#  DevNode   UUID                                  Status     Size
0  disk4s2   467826B1-BBA2-4671-99CE-5CBB04E06882  Online     63816400896

To make this a real mirror RAID, we need to add the second drive:

> diskutil ar add member disk5 DiskName                
Started RAID operation on disk6 (DiskName)
Unmounting disk
Repartitioning disk5 so it can be in a RAID set
Unmounting disk
Creating the partition map
Adding disk5s2 to the RAID Set
Finished RAID operation on disk6 (DiskName)

This will add the drive to the RAID. This will delete any data that might be on disk5!

When you look at the RAID in Disk Utility (you might have to restart the app for it to pick up the new status) you will now see both drives, but one of them has the status “Rebuilding” with a percentage. The status of the entire RAID set is now “Degraded.” The RAID system is still in the process of mirroring data to the new member. You can use the volume to read and write data at this time, but it is not redundant yet. If the first drive fails during rebuilding, the data will be gone.

Once the rebuilding is done, the status of the RAID will change to “Online,” which is the “good” status. At this point the data on the RAID will be resilient to the failure or removal of either of the drives.

You can also create the RAID with both drives from the start, but this will erase all the data on both drives (this is what RAID Assistant in Disk Utility does.

Before we can try the other way of creating a mirror RAID set, we need to “break” the mirror we have built so far.

> diskutil ar delete DiskName
Started RAID operation on disk6 (DiskName)
Unmounting volume for RAID set 8D05B6EB-DCFB-426D-885B-ED8C76DC2484
Destroying the RAID set 8D05B6EB-DCFB-426D-885B-ED8C76DC2484
Finished RAID operation on disk6 (DiskName)

If you waited for the rebuilding to be complete, both individual drives will each contain the data of the former mirror RAID. If the rebuilding was not complete yet, only the first drive will contain the data, the second drive will be empty.

Create a new RAID set

Now let’s build a new empty mirror RAID with both drives included from the start:

> diskutil ar create mirror DiskName APFS disk4 disk5
Started RAID operation
Unmounting proposed new member disk4
Unmounting proposed new member disk5
Repartitioning disk4 so it can be in a RAID set
Unmounting disk
Creating the partition map
Using disk4s2 as a data slice
Repartitioning disk5 so it can be in a RAID set
Unmounting disk
Creating the partition map
Using disk5s2 as a data slice
Creating a RAID set
Bringing the RAID partitions online
Waiting for the new RAID to spin up "FE3E7A3F-E4BF-4AEE-BC3C-094A9BFB3251"
Mounting disk
Finished RAID operation

Note that we can build an APFS volume on the RAID set with the command line tool. RAID Assistant in Disk Utility will build a HFS+ volume. In this new empty RAID set both drives will be online immediately.

When you replace the mirror with stripe in this command you will get a striped RAID 0 volume. (performance instead of redundancy)

Drive failure

We can simulate a drive failure by unplugging one of the members. Sadly, macOS does not seem to have a notification for this event. Once you have removed the drive you can run disktutil ar list and see the status is “Degraded” and the which member is “Missing/Damaged.” You can keep using the volume in degraded mode.

Once you plug the drive back in it will appear as ‘failed.’ You can start the process of repairing or rebuilding the mirror with

> diskutil ar repairMirror FE3E7A3F-E4BF-4AEE-BC3C-094A9BFB3251 disk5  
Started RAID operation
Unmounting disk
Repartitioning disk5 so it can be in a RAID set
Unmounting disk
Creating the partition map
Adding disk5s2 to the RAID Set
Finished RAID operation

Note: Syncing data between mirror partitions can take a very long time.
Note: The mirror should now be repairing itself.  You can check its status using 'diskutil appleRAID list'.

The UUID is the UniqueID of the RAID set you see with diskutil ar list. The warning you get at the end is fair. The rebuilding process will take a while. How it takes depends on how full the volume is and how fast the new member drive is.

Downsides of AppleRAID

There are quite a few downsides to the built-in AppleRAID functionality. There is no notification or warning when one of the drives in a mirror goes offline and the RAID is running in degraded state. The RAID will also not automatically rebuild when a missing drive re-appears. (There is an AutoRebuild option mention in man page, but whenever I tried to enable that, the entire disk management stack froze in a way that required a reboot.)

AppleRAID can be useful to quickly stripe some random disks for performance. But generally, if the data was of so much concern that I am considering RAID 1, I would not rely on AppleRAID.


There is a wonderful third party tool for managing software based RAIDs on macOS called SoftRAID (14-day free trial, then a tiered license). And, much to my delight, it also comes with a command line tool. Creating a RAID is not something you do regularly, so I went ahead and did this in the GUI app. Once that was setup, I used the command line tool to get the RAID’s status:

> softraidtool volume DiskName info

Info for "DiskName":

Mountpoint: /Volumes/DiskName
BSD disk: disk4
Total Bytes: 59.6 GB (64,016,478,208)
Free Bytes: 59.6 GB (64,016,478,208)
Volume format: unknown
Volume is DiskName
RAID level: RAID 1
DiskName ID: 09DF05C72BFFAD20
Optimized for: Workstation
Created: Jul 17, 2023 at 3:33:39 PM
Last Validated: never
Volume state: normal, 
Volume Safeguard: enabled
Total I/Os: 5,610
Total I/O Errors: 0
Total number secondary disks (including offline ones): 1

Disks used for this volume:
bsd disk:    SoftRAID ID:         Location and Size:
disk7     09DF053ECE82F980     (USB3 bus 0, id 4 - 59.8 GB)  secondary disk, 
disk6     09DF053D23386500     (USB3 bus 0, id 5 - 59.8 GB)  primary disk, 

The SoftRAID software also comes with a menubar app that shows the status of the RAID.

When you unplug one of the drives, the ‘Volume state’ changes to ‘missing disk.’ When you plug the missing drive back in, SoftRAID will automatically detect it and rebuild the RAID, when necessary. Rebuilding went so quickly that I had a hard time capturing the state from the command line. The more changes you apply to the degraded RAID the longer the rebuild takes.

> softraidtool volume SoftRAID info
SoftRAIDTool status: waiting for disk5 to finish (00:00:01)

Info for "SoftRAID":

Mountpoint: /Volumes/SoftRAID
BSD disk: disk5
Total Bytes: 59.6 GB (64,016,478,208)
Free Bytes: 59.6 GB (64,016,478,208)
Volume format: unknown
Volume is SoftRAID
RAID level: RAID 1
SoftRAID ID: 09DF06D95024CBE0
Optimized for: Workstation
Created: Jul 17, 2023 at 3:53:16 PM
Last Validated: never
Volume state: rebuiding, out of sync, 
Volume Safeguard: enabled
Volume progress: 15%
Current offset: 7,343,685,632
Time remaining: 00:07:24
Total I/Os: 22,752
Total I/O Errors: 0
Total number secondary disks (including offline ones): 1

Disks used for this volume:
bsd disk:    SoftRAID ID:         Location and Size:
disk4     09DF053ECE82F980     (USB3 bus 0, id 4 - 59.8 GB)  primary disk, 
disk7     09DF053D23386500     (USB3 bus 0, id 5 - 59.8 GB)  secondary disk, rebuiding, out of sync, 

You can parse this output using awk to get just the volume state. This is useful for reporting the state to Jamf Pro with an extension attribute:


# reports the SoftRAID status


if [ ! -x "$softraidtool" ]; then
    echo "<result>SoftRAID not installed</result>"

volumestate=$(softraidtool volume SoftRAID info | awk -F ': ' '/Volume state/ {print $2}')

echo "<result>$volumestate</result>"

Keep in mind that Jamf Inventory Updates (aka as recon) may run very infrequently (recommended default is once per day, and it shouldn’t run much more often than that to avoid database bloat), so the data in your Jamf Pro may be hours or sometimes longer out of date. If you want to react to changes in the RAID status more quickly, you should rely on other tools than Jamf Pro.


The best solution for RAIDs will always be a dedicated hardware controller. But there also good reasons (cost) to just put together a “bunch of disks” into a RAID. The built-in AppleRAID functionality works, but has limitations, especially for mirror RAIDs. SoftRAID is a great tool to overcome these limitations. For Mac admins, both can be managed and monitored with command line tools, which allows automation and integration with your management system.

On viewing man pages (Ventura update)

I have written about man pages before. That post references an even older post, which is actually the second oldest post on this blog. Most of the recommendations in the posts still hold true, but there is one change relevant to macOS Ventura and one other thing that is worth adding.

Ventura’s Preview app lost the ability to render postscript or ps files. This breaks the previous, popular shell alias to open a man page in Preview. However, the amazing community in the #scripting channel of the MacAdmins Slack have figured out a replacement. They have asked me to share it.

Add this function to your shell configuration file: (bashzsh

preman() {
    mandoc -T pdf "$(/usr/bin/man -w $@)" | open -fa Preview

Then you can run preman <command> in Terminal and the man page will render beautifully in Preview. If you want to override the man command to actually use this function instead of the built-in command, add this alias:

alias man preman

If you then need to revert to the actual man command for a test of something, just add \ before the command: \man <command>

Update: Pico has expanded this into a full blown script which caches the pdfs.

Myself, I had not noticed this change, because I prefer opening the ‘yellow’ man pages in Terminal app. You can do so by entering a command in the Help menu, or by using the x-man-page URL scheme. In these yellow terminal windows, you can scroll and search in the text with command-F. You can also do a secondary click (right/ctrl/two-finger click) on any word and it will offer to open that man page in the context menu.

If the yellow man page windows annoy you, you can change their appearance by modifying Terminal’s “Man Page” profile. I modify it to use my favorite mono spaced font at a larger size. I like the yellow background because it stands out.

In the previous posts, I had a simple function you could add to your shell configuration files, but I have since refined this to also support man page sections (the number you sometimes see after a command, you can learn what they mean in the man page for the man command).

xmanpage() {
  if [[ -z $2 ]]; then
    open x-man-page://"$1"
    open x-man-page://"$1"/"$2"

With this, you can open the desired section in the ‘yellow’ man window with xman 2 stat. This works already with the preman function. The mandoc command knows how to deal with the extra argument, the URL scheme needs a bit of extra work.

If you want to override the normal man command you can, again, use an alias in your shell configuration file:

alias man xmanpage

This way, I can have both functions in the configuration file and choose or change which function (if any) overrides the normal man by just changing the alias.

When you work in Terminal for a while you may accumulate a lot of yellow man page windows. You can use this AppleScript/osascript one-liner to close all Terminal windows which use the ‘Man Page’ profile at once.

osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to close (every window where name of current settings of every tab contains "Man Page")'

And while this one-liner is succint, it is still easier to wrap this in a function for your shell configuration file:

closeman() {
  osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to close (every window where name of current settings of every tab contains "Man Page")'

If you enjoyed this excursion into macOS Terminal and command line tricks and configuration, you might like one of my books: “macOS Terminal and shell” and “Moving to zsh”.

Launching Scripts #4: AppleScript from Shell Script

In the last post, we discussed how to run shell commands and scripts from an Apple Script environment. In this post, we will look at how we can run AppleScript commands and scripts from the shell environment.

Open Scripting Architecture

The key to running AppleScript from the shell is the osascript command. OSA is short for ‘Open Scripting Architecture’ which is the framework that powers AppleScript. This framework allows AppleScript to have its native language, but also use JavaScript syntax.

The osascript command allows us to run AppleScript commands from Terminal and shell. The most common use is the user interaction commands from AppleScript, like display dialog:

osascript -e 'display dialog "Hello from shell"'

The -e option tells osascript that it will get one or more lines of statements as arguments. The following argument is AppleScript code. You can have multiple -e options which will work like multiple lines of a single AppleScript:

> osascript -e 'display dialog "Hello from shell"' -e 'button returned of result'

osascript prints the value of the last command to stdout. In this case, it is the label of the button clicked in the dialog. (The ‘Cancel’ button actually causes the AppleScript to abort with an error, so no label will be returned for that.)

When you have multiple lines of script, using multiple -e statements will quickly become cumbersome and unreadable. It is easier to use a heredoc instead:

osascript <<EndOfScript
   display dialog "Hello from shell"
   return button returned of result

This also avoids the problem of nested quotation marks and simplifies shell variable substitution.

Shell variables and osascript

There are a few ways to pass data into osascript from the shell.

Since the shell substitutes variables with their value before the command itself is actually executed, this works in a very straightforward manner:

computerName=$(scutil --get ComputerName)

newName=$(osascript -e "text returned of (display dialog \"Enter Computer Name\" default answer \"$computerName\")")

echo "New Name: $newName"

This works well, but because we want to use shell variable substitution for the $computerName, we have to use double quotes for the statement. That means we have to escape the internal AppleScript double quotes and everything starts to look really messy. Using a heredoc, cleans the syntax up:

computerName=$(scutil --get ComputerName)

newName=$(osascript <<EndOfScript
    display dialog "Enter Computer Name" default answer "$computerName"
    return text returned of result

echo "New name: $newName"

I have a detailed post: Advanced Quoting in Shell Scripts.

Environment Variables

Generally, variable substitution works well, but there are some special characters where it might choke. A user can put double quotes in the computer name. In that case, the above code will choke on the substituted string, since AppleScript believes the double quotes in the name end the string.

If you have to expect to deal with text like this, you can pass data into osascript using environment variables, and using the AppleScript system attribute to retrieve it:

computerName=$(scutil --get ComputerName)

newName=$(COMPUTERNAME="$computerName" osascript <<EndOfScript
    set computerName to system attribute "COMPUTERNAME"
    display dialog "Enter Computer Name" default answer computerName
    return text returned of result

echo "New name: $newName"

The shell syntax

VAR="value" command arg1 arg2...

sets the environment variable VAR for the process command and that command only. It is very useful.

Retrieving environment variables in AppleScript using system attribute is generally a good tool to know.

Interpret this!

osascript can also work as a shebang. That means you can write entire scripts in AppleScript and receive arguments from the shell. For example, this script prints the path to the front most Finder window:


tell application "Finder"
    if (count of windows) is 0 then
        set dir to (desktop as alias)
        set dir to ((target of Finder window 1) as alias)
    end if
    return POSIX path of dir
end tell

You can save this as a text file and set the executable bit. I usually use the .applescript extension.

> print_finder_path.applescript

To access arguments passed into a script this way, you need to wrap the main code into a run handler:


on run arguments
    if (count of arguments) is 0 then
        error 2
    end if
    return "Hello, " & (item 1 of arguments)

You can combine this into a longer script:

macOS Privacy and osascript

When you ran the above script, you may have gotten this dialog:

If you didn’t get this dialog, you must have gotten it at an earlier time and already approved the access.

AppleEvents between applications are controlled by the macOS Privacy architecture. Without this, any process could use AppleEvents to gather all kinds of data from any process. These dialogs are easy enough to deal with when running from Terminal. But if you put your AppleScript code (or shell scripts calling AppleScript) into other apps or solutions, it could get messy quite quickly.

Mac Admins generally want their automations to run without any user interactions. You can avoid these dialogs by creating PPPC (Privacy Preferences Policy Control) profiles that are distributed from an MDM server. In this case you have to pre-approve the application that launches the script, which can sometimes also be challenge. The other option is to find solutions that avoid sending AppleEvents altogether.

I have a longer post detailing this: Avoiding AppleScript Security and Privacy Requests

osascript and root

Management scripts often run as a privileged user or root. In this case, certain features of AppleScript may behave strangely, or not at all. I generally recommend to run osascript in the user context, as detailed in this post: Running a Command as another User


AppleScript’s bad reputation may be deserved, because its syntax is strange, and often very inconsistent. Nevertheless, it has features which are hard to match with other scripting languages. You can use the strategies from this and the previous posts to combine AppleScript with Shell Scripting and other languages to get the best of both worlds.

Launching Scripts #3: Shell scripts from AppleScript

In this series of posts, I am exploring the various different ways of launching scripts on macOS. In the first two posts, we explored what happens when you launch scripts from Terminal. We already explored some concepts such as the shell environment and how that affects scripts. In this post we are going to explore a different, but very common way to launch shell commands and scripts: AppleScript’s do shell script command.

do shell script

When AppleScript made the transition from Classic Mac OS 9 and earlier to Mac OS X, it gained one command that allowed AppleScripts to interact with Mac OS X’s Unix environment. The do shell script command executes a command or script in the shell and returns the output as a text to the AppleScript.

We have used this in an earlier post:

do shell script "echo $PATH"
    --> "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"

But you can use this to run any shell command:

do shell script "mdfind 'kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier == org.mozilla.firefox'"
    --> "/Applications/Firefox.app"

Note the use of single quotes inside the double quotes which delineate the AppleScript text. I have a post on the challenges of quoting in these mixed scripting environments.

You can assemble the command you pass into do shell script using AppleScript text operators:

set bundleID to "org.mozilla.firefox"
do shell script "mdfind 'kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier == " & bundleID & "'"
    --> "/Applications/Firefox.app"

Note that the PATH variable for AppleScripts that are run from Script Editor or as an AppleScript applet is different than the PATH in your interactive environment. Most notably, it does not include /usr/local/bin. When you want to use a command or script that is not stored in the four default directories, you will have to use the full path in the do shell script:

do shell script "/usr/local/bin/desktoppr"

(Desktoppr is a small tool I built to work with desktop pictures on macOS, you can get it here.)

When you are unsure what the full path to a command is, you can use the which command in Terminal:

> which desktoppr


Keep in mind that which uses the same logic to lookup a command as the shell does when it looks up a command with no path. So, if you think you can trick AppleScript by using the which command to lookup a non-standard command, it will still fail:

do shell script "which desktoppr"
    --> error "The command exited with a non-zero status." number 1

When the command in do shell script returns a non-zero exit code, you will get an interactive dialog informing the user of the error. The AppleScript will not continue after the error. You can handle the error the same way you would handle any AppleScript error, with a try… on error block:

set filepath to "/unknown/file"

    do shell script "/usr/local/bin/desktoppr" & quoted form of filepath
on error
    display alert "Cannot set desktop picture to '" & filepath & "'"
end try

Files and Paths

AppleScript has its own methods of addressing files and folders. Actually, there are multiple ways, which is one of the confusing things about AppleScript. Neither of the native forms of addressing files and folder in AppleScript use the standard Unix notation with forward slashes separating folders. But there are built-in tools to convert from Unix notation to AppleScript and back.

Use the POSIX path attribute to get a Unix style file path from an AppleScript file or alias. Unix style paths used with commands need spaces and other special characters escaped. You can use the quoted form attribute to escape any AppleScript string. This is usually used directly with POSIX path:

set imagefile to choose file "Select a Desktop"
    --> alias "Macintosh HD:Library:Desktop Pictures:BoringBlueDesktop.png"
set imagepath to quoted form of POSIX path of imagefile
    --> '/Library/Desktop Pictures/BoringBlueDesktop.png'
do shell script "/usr/local/bin/desktoppr " & imagepath

You can convert a Unix style file path into an AppleScript file with the POSIX file type:

set bundleID to "org.mozilla.firefox"
set appPaths to do shell script "mdfind 'kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier == " & bundleID & "'"
    --> "/Applications/Firefox.app"

if (count of paragraphs of appPaths) = 0 then
    display alert "No app found"
    set appPath to first paragraph of appPaths
    -- convert the path to an AppleScript file
    set appFile to POSIX file appPath
        --> file "Macintosh HD:Applications:Firefox.app:"
    tell application "Finder" to reveal appFile
end if

Shell Scripts in AppleScript Bundles

Sometimes you are writing an AppleScript and want to use a script for some functionality which is difficult to achieve in AppleScript. When you have an AppleScript file and a shell script file that work together this way, you want to store them together and also have an easy way for one to get the location of the other.

For this, AppleScript provides the notion of script bundles and AppleScript applets (which are also bundles). A script bundle is not a flat file, but a folder which contains the script itself and other resources, such as script libraries, or shell scripts. The script can easily locate items in its bundle and call them.

For example, we want a script that needs to unzip a file. We can use the unzip command line tool to do that, but in my experience it is better to use ditto. The ditto expansion seems to be closer to how the expansion from Archive Utility works and do better with extended attributes and resource forks and other macOS specific things.

This is the shell script for our example:


# target dir for expansion
targetdir="/Users/Shared/Script Bundle Demo"

# sanity checks for argument 1/filepath
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    exit 2


# is it a file?
if [ ! -f "$filepath" ]; then
    exit 3

# note: ditto seems to work better than unzip
ditto -x -k "$filepath" "$targetdir"

This is simple enough that you could just do it in a one-line do shell script, but I want to keep it simple. You could extend this shell script to use different tools to expand different types of archives, such as xar, tar, aa etc. If you want a more complex script, feel free to build one!

Now we can build the AppleScript/shell script combination. Open Script Editor, create a new script and save it right away. In the save dialog, change the ‘File Format’ to ‘Script bundle’ before saving.

After you have saved the Script as a bundle, you can see the Bundle Info in a pane on the right side of the script window. If you don’t see this pane, choose ‘Show Bundle Contents’ from the ‘View’ menu, or click the right most icon in the tool bar.

In this pane, you can set the name, identifier, version and some other data for the script bundle. You can also see a list of the ‘Resources’ which shows the contents of the Contents/Resources folder in the script’s bundle. When you find the script you save, you will see it has a scptd file extension and when you open the context menu on it in Finder, you can choose ‘Show Package Contents’ and dig into the bundle contents.

Note: AppleScript applications (or applets) work the same way. Their .app bundles have a few more sub folders, but the Resources work the same way. The difference is that AppleScript applets work on double-click, drag’n drop, and some other events that we will get to in later posts. Script bundles have to run from Script Editor.

Save the shell script from above into the script bundle’s Resources sub-directory with the name unarchive.sh. You should see it appear in the ‘Resources’ list in the script window.

This way, the AppleScript bundle can contain all the resources it might need, including shell (or other) scripts.

Now we still need to find a way to access the Resources from the script. To run our shell script, add the following code to the AppleScript in Script Editor:

-- Script Bundle Demo
set theArchive to choose file "Select a zip archive:" of type {"zip"}
set archivePath to quoted form of POSIX path of theArchive

-- assemble command
set scriptPath to quoted form of POSIX path of my (path to resource "unarchive.sh")
set commandString to scriptPath & space & archivePath

-- for debugging 
log (commandString)

do shell script commandString

First we prompt the user to choose a file with a zip extension, and the we convert the result into a quoted Unix path.

Then, we use the path to resource "unarchive.sh" to get the path to our shell script in the Resources folder in the bundle. Then we get the quoted Unix notation, and assemble the command for the do shell script. The log command there will print the commandString to the output in the script window and is useful for debugging. Then we run the command with do shell script.

Environment for do shell script

Our example script expands the archive into a subfolder of /Users/Shared. If you wanted to use a different location, you could use a second argument in the script.

There is a different way of passing data into scripts and that is environment variables.

First of all it is important to note that the shell environment for commands and scripts run with the do shell script command from an AppleScript in Script Editor or an AppleScript application is very different from the shell environment in an interactive shell in the Terminal. We have already seen that the PATH environment variable has a different value, which influences the command lookup behavior.

You can check the environment variable by running the env command. This will list all environment variables. (To be nitpicky, there is more to a shell environment than just the env variables, there are also shell options, but those will be different for each shell, sh, bash or zsh, anyway.)

do shell script "env"
    --> "SHELL=/bin/zsh

Interestingly, we have USER and HOME to use in this environment.

We can also add environment variables to a do shell script command:

do shell script "TARGET_DIR='/Users/Shared/Script Bundle Demo' " & scriptPath & space & filePath

You can use this to set the value of the TARGET_DIR env variable for the next command, which is our script in the script bundle.

Administrator Privileges

No matter which way you use do shell script, it has one big benefit. You can prompt the user to get the command or script to run with administrative privileges:

do shell script "systemsetup -getRemoteLogin" with administrator privileges

This will prompt for the user name and password of an administrator user. This can allow to build some simple workflows that require user interaction and administrative privileges really easily.


Combining Script Bundles and AppleScript Applications with shell scripts can create a powerful combination. You can use the “best of both worlds” with some of AppleScript’s user interaction commands and the shell’s strength in file manipulation and similar workflows. You can also sign AppleScript applications with a valid Apple Developer ID and pre-approve them for privacy exemptions with a PPPC profile.

If this explanation is not detailed enough for you, there is an amazing Tech Note in Apple’s Documentation Archive.

This post covered launching shell scripts from AppleScript. In the next post we will launch AppleScript code from shell scripts.

Launching Scripts #2: Launching Scripts from Finder

In this series of posts, I will explore the many ways that you can launch a script on macOS. In the previous, inaugural post, I described what happens when you launch a script from an interactive terminal shell.

There are several virtual terminal applications available for macOS. iTerm is very popular. Some text editors like Visual Studio Code and Nova, have terminals built-in. Since the actual launching of an executable is done by the shell running inside the virtual terminal, the launch process remains the same.

That said, Terminal app has a useful trick up its sleeves.

command file extension

When you change the file extension of a script to .command, double-clicking the file will open it in a new Terminal window and run it there. Any input or output the script requires will happen in that Terminal window. When the script exits, the shell session in the Terminal window will exit.

Let’s take this simple script:

echo "Enter your name: "
read -r username
echo "Hello, $username"

When you put this this in a .command file and double-click it, you get a new Terminal window with:

/Users/armin/Desktop/hello_name.command ; exit;                                 
~ % /Users/armin/Desktop/hello_name.command ; exit;
Enter your name: 

You can see that Terminal opens a new window with a new, default shell and all your configurations, then launches the script right away. The script prints its output and then waits for the user input (the read command). When you enter the name at the prompt, the script continues.

Hello, Armin

Saving session...completed.

[Process completed]

When the script ends, the shell in the Terminal window exits, as well. No more interactive prompt will be shown.

This script expects user input in the Terminal and then presents output to stdout in the same window. While you could re-write a script to use AppleScript’s display dialog to handle both in the input and the output, it would make the script significantly more complex.

Instead, you can change the file extension to .command and then a double-click will create a new Terminal window where the user interaction (input and output) takes place. For the right kind of user and workflow, this can be a sufficient solution with practically no overhead.

You can also remove the file extension completely. The behavior when you double-click such a file in Finder will be the same. Extension-less executables also get a different the icon. Either way, you need to have the executable bit set for the script.

Note: iTerm can also open .command files, but I have had some trouble with user interaction in these cases. Since I usually don’t use iTerm, maybe I have something setup wrong?

Quarantine and Gatekeeper

A Terminal window is not a user interface that many users will appreciate, but this allows you share scripts with other users in a form they understand. “Double-click this to run” is something that fits with most users’ idea of how macOS works.

Before you start creating dozens of .command scripts and share them, there is a major tripwire that macOS security has set up.

When you share an executable file through a website, email or a chat message, macOS will attach a quarantine flag. With applications, this flag triggers a GateKeeper scan before the app is launched and it will show the standard dialog, even when the app is signed and notarized and a much more “scary” warning when it is not.

When you launch a command or script from Terminal, either directly or indirectly with a double-click, and it still has the quarantine flag set, it will not launch. You will not get one of the standard Gatekeeper dialogs. Just an opaque operation not permitted error in the Terminal output.

You can check if a file has the quarantine flag set with the xattr command:

> xattr hello_name.command

Your list list of extended attributes may be different. The quarantine flag has the label com.apple.quarantine.

The xattr command also can remove the quarantine flag:

> xattr -d com.apple.quarantine hello_name.command

Apple seems to assume that when you are using Terminal, you know what you are doing. That means you can bypass most of the mechanisms that attach a quarantine flag with command line tools. When you download something with curl it won’t get quarantined. You can install an unsigned, unnotarized pkg installer using the installer command. Because this is possible, it doesn’t mean it is always wise. Piping a curl command directly into sh or bash or any interpreter is still poor security.

Most of the time though, a script file shared to another Mac or another user will almost certainly get the quarantine flag. Users who are comfortable with using Terminal should be able to use the xattr command to disable this protection, but this is not something for ‘normal’ users. So quarantine, makes the use of the command file extensions far less effective than it could be. This is probably intentional, since executables that are opened by double-click can be an easy way to sneak malware and other unwanted software onto a system, leveraging a user’s ignorance of what is happening.

This is generally true when you move scripts and executable files between macOS systems. I have also seen the quarantine flag getting set when you store a script in a cloud sync service (especially iCloud) or when you edit an executable with a sandboxed application.

One way around the quarantine, would be to distribute and properly install the scripts with an installer pkg. Then you can properly sign and notarize the installer pkg and the scripts will not be quarantined, as they come from a trusted and verified source. This may be a good solution for some workflows, but generally feels a bit “over-designed.”

Output flashes by so quickly

There is a setting in Terminal’s preferences which determines what happens with windows when the shell exits. You can find it under the ‘Shell’ tab in the ‘Profiles’ area. This setting can be different for each profile. Under ‘When the shell exits’ there is a popup menu with the options ‘Close the window,’ ‘Close if the shell exited cleanly,’ and ‘Don’t close the window.’ The last ‘Don’t close’ is the default.

When you have this option set to ‘Close the window,’ the new Terminal window from a command file might only be active and visible for a short time. This may or may not be a good thing, depending on what you want.


Script files with the command file extension can be a simple, straightforward way to make scripts easily ‘launchable’ from Finder. You can also put them in the Dock or in the Login Items. The user experience is, well, a terminal, so not terribly nice, but it can be useful, and does not require any modification of the script.

When you share executable scripts, whether they have the command file extension or not, Gatekeeper quarantine on macOS can prevent the script from running. You should get familiar with the quarantine flag and the xattr command to manipulate it.

In the next post, we launch shell scripts from AppleScripts.]